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CNM Manage Chronic Fatigue Naturally
April 7, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

CNM Manage Your Chronic Fatigue, Naturally
Wednesday, 7th April 2021 7pm – 8:30pm
Lauren Windas has built an impressive practice in the area of CFS having gone that journey herself, her passion really shows and she is well worth tuning in to.
Having had the ME/CFS journey myself [and I believe those are two different things!] one thing to note in the covid era is the presence of a lingering persistent stealth infection that looks like ‘regular’ CFS or ME, and I’m not hearing functional medicine or natural practitioners grasp that particular nettle yet. Fact is and this can be seen in the research and experience of covid research doc Gustavo Aguirre Chang of the National University of San Marcos, Peru, the tests are false negatives a lot of the time on covid, the only way to eradicate any potential infection is act like it may be there with a sars specific protocol. One such protocol was covered by Dr Kevin Spelman NUNM in his 2016 lecture at FMU where he considered one possible cause of CFS/ME/FM to be viral and he happened to select precisely the herbs that hit the cytokine profile of a sars virus particularly well. While the TCM research shows 8 out of 10 of the top herbs for covid will work for sars what happens if you pick the two that don’t! It’s no great mystery, Stephen Harrod Buhner has laid it all out quite clearly as to which herbs will work for sars and how many you really need to take, no monotherapies here. Also other schools of healing have done similarly with western herbs, ayurvedic etc. I will cover this in another post, but just to note Lauren put this talk and her practice together before covid, I do hope she and everyone else out there updates for the anti-viral arm