This presentation will address: Laboratory testing identifying a Breach of the Blood Brain Barrier; It’s contributing factors; And protocols to address the ‘Leaky Brain’.
Closing the Gates of Brain Deterioration
Speaker: Thomas O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN
Degradation (a Breach) of the Blood Brain Barrier (B4), has been identified as the Gateway in development of brain inflammation.
Practically every clinical presentation of brain dysfunction has inflammation as the initiating and/or propagating mechanism.
Tight Junctions (TJ) are complex and dynamic structures involved in several key functions
of epithelial and endothelial barriers under physiological conditions as well as in pathological circumstances. TJs regulate paracellular trafficking and fluid flow from plasma to extravascular spaces between endothelial cells and epithelial cells. This function is seen in epithelial linings of the gut, lungs and brain.
Intestinal epithelial TJ Proteins have been identified as biomarkers in the development of autoimmune diseases. These same proteins have been identified in epithelial lining of the Blood Brain Barrier.
The expression of zonulin is one of a number of biomarkers correlated to the degradation of the blood-brain barrier. Thus biomarkers of pathogenic intestinal permeability may be indicators of B4.
Food Sensitivities have been identified as contributing to B4, while other food selections
have been shown to reduce B4. How does one know?
This presentation will address:
Laboratory testing identifying a Breach of the Blood Brain
Barrier (B4)
PART I: Updated cancer statistics and why on the rise; Somatic Versus Metabolic Theory; 1-5 of the Terrain Ten: Epigenetics, Glycemic Status, Toxicants, Microbiome, Immune System (and pertinent tests to assess and address each)
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer- Part 1
Speaker: Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO, L.Ac
Description and/or Learning Objectives:
In the era of personalized precision medicine we have the ability to properly test, assess and address each of our patients to help them navigate the often complex and overwhelming journey of a chronic illness such as cancer. No longer a death sentence, though plaguing up to 50% of the population in the coming years, cancer still leaves patients, their loved ones, and their health care providers shaking in their shoes, unsure of where to begin Taking a new appro ach to old ideas around the how and why of cancer, beyond somatic theory into metabolic theory, is proving to be the most impactful in changing cancer statistics and outcomes. Join me as we explore beyond the tumor and tumor cell and take a deep dive into the terrain.
In this two part course you will learn the following:
Updated cancer statistics and why on the rise
Somatic Versus Metabolic Theory
1-5 of the Terrain Ten: Epigenetics, Glycemic Status, Toxicants, Microbiome, Immune System (and pertinent tests to assess and address each)
Dr. Winter’s Bio:
Dr. Nasha Winters is a sought-after luminary and a global healthcare authority in integrative
cancer research and consults with physicians around the world.She bridges ancient therapies with advancements in modern medicine in the digital era. Dr. Nasha consults with some of the most prestigious cancer centers in the US on projects such as developing the clinical protocol for the current FDA-approved clinical trial using intravenous application of Viscum Album Ex tract (mistletoe) to treat advanced cancer, hyperthermia, cannabis, ketogenic diet, IV Vitamin C and more.
She has educated approximately 250 professionals in the clinical use of mistletoe and has created robust educational programs for both healthcare institutions and the public on incorporating vetted integrative therapies in cancer care to enhance outcomes.
Dr. Nasha is bestselling co-author of “The Metabolic Approach to Cancer” which has
received many accolades. She is also completing a 2nd forthcoming book on therapeutic diets for cancer with her co-author Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT and is a contributor and curator of a book on mistletoe highlighting clinical applications around the world. In addition to her publications, Dr. Nasha is an engaging speaker bringing passion, heart, and soul to her audience . She has a variety of interviews and podcasts available on her website,
A personal journey with cancer, overseeing care of tens of thousands of patients orldwide, training practitioners in her methodology, presenting at medical conferences globally, and sharing her wisdom and wit with dozens of podcasters underscores her passion and purpose to be a beacon of hope for thousands.Dr. Nasha is on a mission to educate and empower the nearly fifty percent of the population expected to have
cancer in their lifetime. Prevention is the only cure.
Matt Marturano of the Coherent Method, presenting a thorough exploration of gastroenteritis and treatment options for success
FMU Guest Lecture Series | Gastroenteritis
Tuesday April 30th, 2019 @8pm EST
Speaker: Matt Marturano N.D.
Open to all students of Functional Medicine University, past and current. The lecture will also be archived and available for download in MP3, MP4, transcript and powerpoint slide forms.
Outline of Presentation
Overview of Acute Diarrhea
1.1. Types of diarrhea
1.2. Noninfectious causes
1.3. Herb and supplement causes
1.4. Primary prevention
1.5. Water disinfection
1.6. Secondary prevention
1.7. General approach to management
Viral Gastroenteritis
2.1. Norovirus
2.2. Rotavirus
2.3. Enterovirus
2.4. Additional gut viruses
CFMP certified functional medicine practitioner training fully online best price and best education, open all this week. Check out the two sample presentations from the guest lecture series. This is a center for functional medicine training, CMEs included.
Quarterly enrollment for the Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner course is open this week April 22nd-29th. This is the full certification and provides you with a number of bonus extras, including continuing education credits and opportunities for further certifications. Some sample guest lectures below.
*There is also a $250 cashback on tuition fees if you use the link from this site for registration, more details here.
Sample Presentations
There are two sample presentations for you to view, note students can download these in video and audio form as well as transcripts and slides.
It has been well documented that adipocytes are actually endocrine organs that secrete a large number of proteins that have a variety of functions and act in an autocrine, paracrine, or endocrine fashion to control various metabolic functions.
Adipokines include powerful inflammatory mediators that can create and perpetuate metabolic abnormalities that lead to obesity.
This presentation will focus on how hormones secreted by adipocytes interact and influence with other endocrine components leading to obesity.
These endocrine components will include sex hormones and immune cells. Leptin, adiponectin and various cytokines such as interleukin 6, interleukin 8 and tumor necrosis factor alpha will be discussed.
*Ultimately, we will attempt to answer the question “Does obesity result from endocrine disorders or does obesity create or at least perpetuate them?”
*Various treatment methods for endocrine obesity will be discussed.
2.Recognize the impact of environmental triggers on autoimmune thyroid disease
3.Recognize the value of nutrition in Hashimoto’s
4.Recognize common nutrient deficiencies in Hashimoto’s
5.Recognize top functional medicine and complementary treatments for Hashimoto’s
$250 Cashback on Tuition Fees
If you use the link provided by this site there is a unique offer of a $250 cashback on your tuition fees once you’ve completed payments. There are a number of payment plans available or you can just register with the voucher below.
Endocrine obesity sounds so boring but this is one of the most interesting lectures you’ll ever hear
FMU Guest Lecture Series | Endocrine Obesity
Speaker: William Kleber, D.C., DABCI
Tuesday April 9th, 8pm-9pm EST
It has been well documented that adipocytes are actually endocrine organs that secrete a large number of proteins that have a variety of functions and act in an autocrine, paracrine, or endocrine fashion to control various metabolic functions. Adipokines include powerful inflammatory mediators that can create and perpetuate metabolic abnormalities that lead to obesity.
This presentation will focus on how hormones secreted by adipocytes interact and influence with other endocrine components leading to obesity. These endocrine components will include sex hormones and immune cells. Leptin, adiponectin and various cytokines such as interleukin 6, interleukin 8 and tumor necrosis factor alpha
will be discussed.
Ultimately, we will attempt to answer the question “Does obesity result from endocrine
disorders or does obesity create or at least perpetuate them?” Various treatment methods for endocrine obesity will be discussed.
*This is an excellent lecture as to how things work with a few surprise twists on macrophage activation and infection, as well as autoimmune thyroid.
** Personally I think out of the 14 great treatment facets he gives at the end that he could drop ‘fat burning metabolism’ ie keto entirely and succeed. #fadfreezoneplease
How to spot underlying vestibular dysfunction and literally see something that’s been in front of you the whole time, but in a different light, Mike Gruttadauria provides a missing piece of the jigsaw in this lecture.
FMU Guest Lecture Series | Dizziness, Vertigo & Balance Problems
Speaker: Mike Gruttadauria D.C., D.A.B.C.N.
These issues are among the most common reasons for people to visit their doctors in
the US. Unfortunately, most clinicians do not understand the differences between these
issues and even worse, what to do about them. Understanding more about what is
happening and knowing the causes for these conditions can lead the functional practitioner
to a clear plan of action.
Vestibular dysfunction can lead directly to neck pain as well. You know those patients that don’t hold an adjustment or seem to never respond to chiropractic care? They could have an underlying vestibular dysfunction that you could remediate.
You patients are dealing with this right now and you may not know about it because
they don’t think you are the doc to deal with it!
Come and learn about vestibular system and how to evaluate and treat dysfunction in your office with a board certified chiropractic neurologist!
As colorectal cancer is considered one of the most preventable cancers, develop an understanding of the key aspects of a lifestyle-based prevention approach. And gain familiarity with colorectal cancer integrative management strategies
Colorectal Cancer Integrative Update
Speaker: Lise Alschuler N.D.,FABNO
This presentation will start with a brief review of current screening strategies and the presentation of colorectal cancer.
Additionally, a brief overview of conventional management strategies will be outlined.
The presentation will then outline key integrative principles and strategies for colorectal cancer prevention.
Additionally, key integrative strategies for colon cancer management will be highlighted.
Learning Objectives:
1. Gain an understanding of appropriate colorectal cancer screening.
2. Recognize how colorectal cancer presents and is staged.
3. Be familiar with conventional treatment of colorectal cancer.
4. As colorectal cancer is considered one of the most preventable cancers, develop an understanding of the key aspects of a lifestyle-based prevention approach.
5. Gain familiarity with colorectal cancer integrative management strategies
Lise Alschuler N.D. Bio:
Dr. Alschuler, ND, FABNO is the Executive Director of TAP Integrative, a nonprofit web-based educational resource for integrative practitioners.
Dr. Alschuler is a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Arizona School of Medicine where she is on the faculty of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.
She practices naturopathic oncology out of Naturopathic Specialists, LLC.
Dr. Alschuler co-hosts a radio show, Five To Thrive Live! and is co-founder of the iTHRIVE Plan, a lifestyle app for cancer survivors. She is co-author of Definitive Guide to Cancer, now in its 3rd edition, and Definitive Guide to Thriving After Cancer.
Same old same old in the speaker line up and the topic line up, unfortunately dangerous fad diet keto featuring strongly, along with many of the usual suspects. Needs an injection of some fresh information here imo eg they don’t seem to be aware of alternatives to bioidentical hormones, and they are not a good thing to push on people unnecessarily.
Thyroid Reset Summit March 4th-10th with encore w/e
Same Old Same Old?
Mostly the same line up of speakers here again for the Thyroid Reset Summit, leaning very heavily on keto unfortunately with David Jockers and Elle Russ – haven’t we heard them just about every summit last year already and again this year?!
Then we’ve got the anti-grain brigade out in force too, with Peter Osborne – who remember said ‘we can no longer claim gluten is dangerous to everyone’, which is what the actual research of Alessio Fasano of Harvard actually said in the first place, it is only dangerous a) if you are ill already with leaky gut or thyroid b) celiac. So Peter tends to then forget he admitted that. However in a summit about thyroid then gluten will be an issue folks, not just a fad this time.
FDN Camp Out in Force
We’ve got a strong team from the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition camp at this summit in Evan Brand, Wendy Myers, Brigit Danner, Reed Davis – these guys are more open in approach, they have a set of principles and let practitioners decide which route they want to practice, a little like FMU in that regard.
They often are a lot more practical eg Brigit Danner will say straight up that a coffee enema works better than an expensive $100 bottle of liposomal glutathione in many cases including mold detox!
Wendy Myers [she is offering a free registration gift] though I don’t do her precise detox, at least she has always been more cautious in going gently with detox than some of the others who would launch straight into metal detox or provocation challenges – Jay Davidson learned his lesson on that and now does things the way Dr John R Christopher proposed in Master Herbalism [though Jay ‘forgets’ where he got that detox protocol and wonders if it was Ayurvedic, no Jay, it was The School of Natural Healing as you can see here in this old video on youtube, David Christopher was talking about that precise detox protocol 20-30 years ago here, and Jay Davidson said it is the key to his whole practice now
David Christopher now in his 60s a whitehaired man, finally got invited to talk at a summit last week – the Immune Defense summit with Jonathan Landsman, who invited him to his last immune summit too. What surprises me is that David isn’t at all the summits because the doctorpreneurs and speakers are using his protocols and the supplement companies are basing their products on David’s dad’s work, Dr John R Christopher – and every time a new scientific study proves something they are just catching up with what was being used successfully all along! And inexpensively! Though anyone on meds will benefit from the extra tools and specificity functional medicine offers within integrative medicine and in an ideal world functional lab testing should make any protocol more specific, including herbal and naturopathic particularly for difficult cases.
Evan Brand started with FDN, I find having come up the natural route that it isn’t necessary to ‘test’ all the time, and he agreed with me in a comment last year at a summit where he spoke that it’s best to rather clean stuff up and then see what’s left to do with testing – let’s remember most people can’t afford testing.
Reed Davis offers tuition in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition FDN for patients and practitioners, giving access to testing for those who can’t access doctors.
Hormones getting a whacking at this summit
There’s at least two talks on hormones, but bio-identical hormones are not the only route to go within functional medicine, that is a misconception. There is another more natural route expounded by Ronda Nelson within Functional Medicine University which shows with all the functional lab tests that herbs, specifically the Master Herbalist tradition of Dr Christopher of The School of Natural Healing, work to restore the body’s own production of hormones by fixing things downstream, the causes of the hormone deficiencies. However Nelson favors an Australian company for her herbs -personally I used Wholistic Botanicals wildcrafted herbs in the Christopher Original Brands from the USA, that means you do have a choice. However only Functional Medicine University are offering you the education on BOTH routes, the bioidenticals AND the herbs, so you can choose. And I hear practitioners are getting better results with the herbs. Though of course some people will not want herbs for various reasons so all options available to you.
So you can see that whereas a summit will present some information to you, it will be narrow compared to a real education and you may run with one particular speaker’s belief when that speaker may not yet have the whole picture themselves, that’s the thing about online marketing and positioning, know what you have here.
The Thyroid Reset Summit will still take things further than your conventional doctor, though as practitioners a full education with Functional Medicine University or The School of Natural Healing will serve you better.
Review the 5R Program for reversing gut illness
Understand the triggers of Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Discuss the role of dysfunctional immune response to microbiome in IBD
Review functional medicine treatment options for IBD
A Functional Medicine Approach to Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Speaker: Jill C. Carnahan, MD
Clinical Objectives:
Review the 5R Program for reversing gut illness
Understand the triggers of Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Discuss the role of dysfunctional immune response to microbiome in IBD
Review functional medicine treatment options for IBD
Jill Carnahan M.D. Bio:
Dr. Carnahan completed her residency at the University of Illinois Program in Family Medicine at Methodist Medical Center.
In 2006 she was voted by faculty to receive the
Resident Teacher of the Year award and elected to Central Illinois 40 Leaders Under 40.
She received her medical degree from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago and her Bachelor of Science degree in Bio-Engineering at the University of Illinois
in Champaign-Urbana. She was dually board-certified in Family Medicine (ABFM) from 2006 to 2016 and in Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM) 2015 to present.
Dr. Jill was also part of the first 100+ health-care practitioners to be certified in Functional Medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFMCP). Following residency
Dr. Carnahan’s vision for health and healing resulted in the creation of Methodist Center for Integrative Medicine in Peoria, IL where she served as the Medical Director for 4 years.
In 2010, she founded Flatiron Functional Medicine in Boulder, Colorado where she has a widely sought after medical clinic with a broad range of service including medical and
nutritional consultations, and massage therapy.
Dr. Jill is a 17-year survivor of breast cancer and Crohn’s disease and passionate about teaching patients how to “live well” and thrive in the midst of complex and chronic illness.
She is also committed to teaching other physicians how to address underlying cause of illness rather than just treating symptoms through the principles of functional medicine.
She is a prolific writer, speaker, and loves to infuse others with her passion for health and healing!
One of the good speakers to catch is David Christopher of The School of Natural Healing, but be careful with some of the other speakers here, it’s a mix of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Jonathan Landsman, Feb 18th-24th
A mix of the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to speakers for this event. You will need your discernment hat on! One good speaker to watch out for is David Christopher of The School of Natural Healing, he is the son of Dr. John R Christopher ND, Master Herbalist and Vitalist and one of the greatest legends of all time. Most of what the doctorpreneurs sell these days is based on Dr. John Christopher’s work but they do not reference their sources, I know because I studied the original work AND occasionally someone like Jay Davidson or Christopher Shade will let it slip that they are basing their detox protocols on the older naturopath….though there’s will cost you thousands of dollars more and not be as effective as the original detox herbs out there today.
As far as functional medicine goes, we have the opportunity to work with people on medications who can’t do herbs, and the opportunity to test in hard cases to get better application of the old protocols that work, however it is not a case of reinventing the wheel and should not be a case of belonging to a marketing mastermind group to position you to milk the market for money by whatever means.
Make no mistake, most of the speakers here belong to certain marketing groups and that is why keto and grain-bashing features strongly, not at all because of any truth to them. Key financial partners and investors line up side by side here as you can see from the presence of Ty Bollinger. However kudos to host Landsman for inviting some people not aligned to the big marketing groups like David Christopher, clearly he has an eye on truth somewhere along the way and has invited some of the most popular trending voices out there, despite the wake of death and destruction across the globe from people trying to follow David Jockers & co. RIP the young post partum mother who died emulating David Jocker’s wife, it’s a disgrace keto is still being pounded like it is out there, and that Tom O’Bryan and Peter Osborne are allowed distort the original research by Alessio Fassano – make no mistake, this is a money grab and fad fest for the majority of speakers here with some good old timers turning up for the opportunity to speak the truth.
I’m supposed to sell this event to you as an affiliate marketer, however I urge the greatest caution with all Health Talks Online events now, they are not representative of functional medicine at all, just one particular marketing group with their joint venture partners for $$$
You can sign up and request a refund within 30 days, though it’s impossible to listen to 30 hours of that sort of thing without being influenced. I suggest you catch David Christopher and his Master Herbalist training so you’ll know herbs for yourself rather than be told by someone noob 5 minutes in herbs how to use them, but it’s a mixed bag and be careful of the bad stuff.
The free gifts with this summit include Peter Osborne, again he is a speaker who does not reference his original sources, he admitted last year they can no longer claim gluten harms everyone but unfortunately he has been bashing grains so long that he forgot he said that and has some real twisted ideas on how the gut gets damaged, they are plain wrong and these speakers have too much exposure and publicity and celebrity status now, false authority placed on the ultimately by Brendon Burchard very slimey marketing.