FMU Guest Lecture Series | Cholesterol

1) What is cholesterol and why your body makes it
2) All about LDL’s and HDL’s- Some are good and some are not
3) Advanced lipid testing
4) Pharma failures
5) Nutrition and Lifestyle for Healthy Lipids
6) Supplements that WORK!

The Truth About Cholesterol | Cholesterol and Lipid Modification with Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Evidence-based Supplements

Speaker: Jack Wolfson DO, FACC


Abnormal cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but not for the reasons most MD’s think. It is time you learn the truth about cholesterol.

In this presentation, you will learn:

1) What is cholesterol and why your body makes it
2) All about LDL’s and HDL’s- Some are good and some are not
3) Advanced lipid testing
4) Pharma failures
5) Nutrition and Lifestyle for Healthy Lipids
6) Supplements that WORK!

Jack Wolfson D.O., F.A.C.C. Bio

Jack Wolfson D.O., F.A.C.C. is a board certified cardiologist with more than 12 years as a successful physician in Illinois and Arizona. After numerous years of treating patients, dispensing pharmaceuticals, performing medical procedures, implanting pacemakers and conducting nuclear stress tests, Dr. Wolfson became increasingly frustrated that as a medical doctor, he was not preventing disease but rather only treating symptoms.

His new book, The Paleo Cardiologist, contains critical information on the natural way to a healthy heart by cutting out grain, toxins, sugars, and stress, while increasing healthy fats, organic vegetables, physical activity, and evidence-based supplements. The Paleo Cardiologist is no ordinary diet book. It is the comprehensive guide to
ultimate health – not only heart health – but also total body health.

Born 1970 in Cleveland, his father was the first osteopathic resident at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Wolfson received his D.O. degree at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. He went on to a three year internal medicine residency and then a three year cardiology fellowship at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL, serving as Chief Fellow in his final year.

From 2002 to 2012, he was with a large multi-specialty cardiovascular group. Dr. Wolfson served as the Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Paradise Valley Hospital and also as the Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation.

While Dr. Wolfson’s practice continued to grow and expand, he become frustrated that despite all the pharmaceuticals and procedures, many patients were feeling worse. “Patients were discharged from the hospital only to shortly return to the ER because doctors are not healing anyone,” says Dr. Wolfson. “The realization hit me that medical doctors were not preventing disease but only attempting to treat symptoms.”

In 2004, Dr. Wolfson met Heather (now his wife), a chiropractor with a heavy focus on nutrition and healthy, chemical free living. Since then he changed his medical practice style, switching from the sickness paradigm to one of health and wellness. After extensive research and discussion with chiropractors, homeopaths, naturopaths and other healers, Dr. Wolfson immersed himself in the natural lifestyle and reaped the rewards of great health.

Now in his Wolfson Integrative Cardiology practice in Phoenix, AZ, Jack’s motto with every patient he sees is: “The CAUSE is the CURE.” But the best part has been that Dr. Wolfson is seeing a huge improvement in medical conditions by nutritional therapy and informed knowledge.

Toxic Mold Summit

Toxic Mold, awareness may do us all a favor if landlords are made solve the issues. Resolving the issues in the body however can take longer.

The Toxic Mold Summit A lot of familiar faces here, some of the information I’ve heard before for example Brigit Danner has spoken about her journey with mold in the past at the Disaster Recovery summit and it really stuck in my mind that she found coffee enemas better for mold detox than the expensive liposomal glutathione. I know this already from experience but hearing it when so many speakers insist on liposomal!

However, regarding enemas she is speaking from her experience and has her own ideas of how often they should be done, yet it’s original sources like Max Gerson who used them up to 5 times a day with patients who really know how coffee enemas work – so if a modern day speaker or practitioner not well versed in the history of healing or original sources gives you some theory on enemas, you need to ground that in the original therapy and history too – I’ve done thousands of enemas as per Max Gerson’s principles and knowledge.

Detox and Germ Theory?

We have Wendy Myers and Amy Myers coming up as speakers – there is one video I keep showing you on this site as it covers both detox and germ theory and we just can’t get away from it with these speakers because only one summit speaker / doctorpreneur admitted to taking years to finding the correct sequence to detox and the others aren’t there yet, including Wendy. In her favor she is a lot more cautious than Jay and the others used to be, she would never have started someone with a metal detox – the others learned that the hard way with patient and personal casualties. However Wendy’s detox is not the best imo , just perhaps better than some. Some people have reported to me to not have been able to deal with her detox.

Watch David Christopher talk about germ theory and how the body really heals in this decades old video.

On that note, there’s also a video going back many decades where Dr. John R. Christopher founder of the School of Natural Healing says doctors and chiropractors are beginning to attend his lectures! How times have changed when the doctors talk like they invented root cause approahes!

And Amy Myers who moved house 9 times because of even a potential sniff of mould – these speakers remind me of germ theory, yes things are toxic but when we are strong we can deal with them. I have been living with extreme black mold, and other types for over 10 years and yes I did keel over but I’m doing better than the doctors and speakers now without the fancy stuff – yes I’d like to do better than I’m doing, but I know they wouldn’t survive here in Ireland, and that worries me as to how effective their solutions are ultimately.

There’s at least one building biologist in the speaker lineup, prevention and awareness are certainly key positive things to increase in society. However paranoia and confusion we can do without. At the close of last year we had Dave Asprey say it’s the inhaled mold does the damage not the ingested mold, but then he spent the entire hour talking about how to avoid ingesting mold and his mold free coffee?? But he’d just told us ingestion wasn’t such an issue…hm

So this summit will be a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly…it is a conversation within the health niche albeit dominated by positioned marketers who sometimes invite true experts and sometimes don’t, but merely those in the same mastermind group. For the moment the information disseminated at events like this is what your clients will be coming into you with – so you can take a look and get ahead of the game. There often is something worthwhile to learn too.


Check out the Toxic Mold Summit here.



Biofilm Complications in Oral and Systemic Health

1. The goal of this presentation is to the expand participants’ understanding of the formation, composition and life cycle of biofilms, and the role that they play in perpetuating chronic disease states. 2. The goal is also to provide simple and clear steps, using plant-based medicines, to eliminate biofilms and restore health.

“Biofilm Complications in Oral and Systemic Health”

First guest lecture of 2019, Beyond the Microbiome by Dr. Rachel Fresco of BioBotanicals

Exposure to pathogenic organisms and endotoxins originating from biofilms in the GI tract and oral cavity has been implicated in far-reaching health concerns.

Biofilms have been found to contribute directly to inflammatory disorders including autoimmune disorders, heart disease, chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia syndromes, diabetes, gum disease and more.

Biofilms have proven difficult to address with conventional pharmaceuticals alone, but recent research into plant- based approaches to disruption and dismantling of biofilms has demonstrated great success in this area.

-1. The goal of this presentation is to the expand participants’ understanding of the formation, composition and life cycle of biofilms, and the role that they play in perpetuating chronic disease states.
-2. The goal is also to provide simple and clear steps, using plant-based medicines, to eliminate biofilms and restore health.

* Identify the stages of biofilm development
* Recognize the key organisms associated with biofilm formation
* Identify common biofilm-related infections
* Review the mechanisms and research on the use of specific botanicals in addressing biofilm-associated infections such as Autoimmune Diseases, Lyme disease, Periodontal disease,
GI Dysbiosis and other chronic infections.

biocidin biobotanicals for microbiome and oral health

Dr. Fresco’s Bio

Dr. Rachel Fresco, L. Ac., Ph. D. is founder and President of Bio-Botanical Research, Inc. Since it’s inception in 1989, Dr. Fresco has utilized her background in medical Herbology, Naturopathy, Functional and Integrative Medicine to create natural products that have a significant impact on health and wellness.

By addressing concerns relating to infection, as well as the digestive and immune systems, her products such as Biocidin® have helped thousands of people worldwide. Many noted authors, physicians and laboratories recommend the broad-spectrum formulations she has developed.

Dr. Fresco is a speaker at medical conferences internationally, and presents the latest research on dysbiosis, biofilms and microbiome imbalances.

*Dr. Fresco has provided a number of other talks at FMU on how to use botanicals for different health conditions. There are also herbalists from other traditions eg Kevin Spelman whose lectures are archived for download by students.

My Personal Opinion: The Biocidin range is just one of many herbal routes to tackling these issues. I'm familiar with the Master Herbalist tradition which has many other tools for the toolbox. Some fmed practitioners will actually only use Biocidin in conjunction with other botanicals, not finding it quite the standalone that Rachel Fresco the producer tends to believe it is. And in my own experience treating tooth infections I did not find the Biocidin powerful enough on its own. However, it does seem to be a great adjunct and tool to have in the toolbox. Check out my review of Biocidin here.

Date: Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019, 8pm EST

  • The Guest Lecture Series at FMU brings us the latest research and clinical practice by experts in their field only some of which will be known to you on the summit circuit, many more are experts apart from the digital scene.
  • The level of material in these lectures is above what gets aired at the summits.
  • This is a true education in that more than one opinion or route wil be presented.
  • All lectures are available free to students and graduates of FMU with no upsell fees or memberships.
  • And are archived to be downloaded in pdf transcripts, video, audio and powerpoint slides.

Check out the upcoming new guest lectures.

Review of Sleep Matters by Dr Robert Silverman

The Proposed Key Clinical Takeaways are as follows:

  1. Endotoxicity and oxidative stress effect on sleep.
  2. Nutritional protocols for concussion, Alzheimer’s, and brain health.
  3. The emerging area of innovative sleep tools.
  4. Review the physiology and neurobiology of sleep.
  5. A functional approach to improved sleep.
  6. The gut-brain axis effect on sleep.

While there is some very valuable information in this lecture about the importance and centrality of sleep for brain health and whole body health, including Dr Rob’s own whole body protocols and favorite supplements PLUS all the recent research showing which herbs are outperforming sleep meds, at the end of the lecture having spoken about the connection of sleep to detox and brain detox and alzheimer’s prevention he heads into Recode, Dr Dale Bredesen’s new reversing Alzheimer’s protocol and also Ketoflex his ‘anti-alzheimer’s diet. However some points to note on these:

The Problem with ‘Recode’

You don’t need keto or intermittent fasting for BDNF!

And he says keto is intermittent fasting here, used interchangeably, again I’ve seen David Jockers use these words interchangeably last week at his fasting summit but they are really two different things because you can go 12 hours from supper to breakfast like we used to do in the normal Irish way of life when I was growing up and still not be ‘fat adapted’ changing your metabolism over to burning fat instead of carbs is true keto so all this fluffy middle of the road stuff is confusing, at best, but on a deeper note is being just too casual with keto and I’m hearing many deaths and injuries associated with it.

BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factors do NOT require keto

What I’d like to draw your attention to here is that the very reason Dr Silverman gives for using the Bredesen Recode protocol has already been overturned by him in a previous lecture ie the production of BDNF is not exclusive to ketosism, there’s a long list of things will produce BDNF outside of keto!

In one of Silverman’s earlier lectures at FMU, The Impact of Concussion on the Gut-Brain Axis, Silverman gave us a list of 8+ things that will increase BDNF.

8 Things that wil increase BDNF outside of a ketogenic diet

And they include things like:

  • Turmeric
  • Walking/exercise <—not high impact for elderly!
  • Prebiotics
  • Probiotics, he entions Lactobacillus brevis and Bifidobacterium longum
  • DHA is what Silverman suggests but I’d go with Prof Basant Puri and EPA
  • Low level laser
  • Whole coffee extract <—new kid on the block, has it stood the test of time?
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Ketone bodies ie BHB betahydroxybutyrate powder <—only 1 out of 9 and a supplement potentially, not a diet!

In his previous lectures in the brain health series at FMU he mentioned the ketone BHB betahydroxybutyrate as increasing BDNF and that it can be got in powder form as a supplement. In no way is the ketone route to increasing BDNF superior to all the other ways to increase BDNF! So this list eliminates the need for keto altogether!

Keto being used for ‘compliance’ not out of necessity

In addition we have had a guest lecture by Dr. Mary Kay Ross who works with Dr Dale Bredesen and though she likes to put people with cognitive decline or any sort of dementia onto keto she actually admitted it wasn’t necessary but was being used for compliance!?! And yet the title of her lecture was ‘the functional medicine approach to reversing cognitive decline’, however it is not ‘the’ functional medicine route – there are varieties of opinion within functional medicine!

The Dangers of Keto – Not Enough Warnings

I personally object to lumbering people with an extreme keto lifestyle unnecessarily which many doctors and scientists are calling a fad that omits a major food group, puts the body into a survival alternative metabolism which is unnatural to sustain long term and causes all sorts of problems long term.

‘Doing it wrong’ myth, ‘Ancient Fasting’ myth, Deaths and Injury reality

In fact many deaths and injury are being reported with short term exposure to keto including Dr Michael Murray who said at his Healing Power of Food Summit that he had to pull the plug on keto he was losing muscle and all his biomarkers were going the wrong direction – and he was doing it properly. It’s a bit of a backpaddling myth out there at the moment that when things go wrong blame the person for doing it wrong, no, keto and the new type of fasting lifestyle currently trending does go wrong for many people who do it ‘right’. On that note, they do claim this fasting is ancient, but actually when you know the history of healing and original sources you see this ‘Intermittent fasting’ and keto is a completely new take on fasting at the moment that was never done before unless you were in an ancient monastery!

*Note Dr Murray despite dropping a clanger like that against at his summit was not standing up to keto at all, he had way too many keto speakers dominating the summit, with a handful of people against keto thrown in and some of them did not directly say so, you had to join the dots – it’s like people are afraid to speak out and there’s one big ecumenical hug, except for people like Naveen Jain or David Katz who will come straight out and say ‘keto is a fad’.

There is also a long list of people and conditions now beginning to be admitted to as not suitable for a ketogenic diet at all and these range from being on certain types of diabetic meds, any sort of thyroid issue – while last year they were saying huge percentages of people had undiagnosed thyroid issues and it wasn’t being measured properly either, where on earth do you go with that then if David Jockers will ‘occasionally’ say ‘get your thryoid tested first’ and Elle Russ says ‘keto will screw your thyroid if you do it wrong’ – also it’s been known to cause a long list of problems such as hormones, heart, blood sugar, and other things people report to me because they know I speak out against it.

The worst report I heard was from a nurse called by the ENTs to revive a comatose post partum woman who was emulating precisely what David Jockers said his wife did to get back in shape after pregnancy – I saw that coming as soon as I heard him suggest that to the masses – but back to my point that keto is being recommended unnecessarily and with high risk And most practitioners are not being warned about that in enough time.

death of post partum woman on keto

nurse speaks out on keto after death

Medical research student saved by her own studies AFTER being told to go into ketosis!

research shows keto dangerous

Fitness buff one day away from coma after keto fitness challenge

keto fitness challenge nearly killed

This man also explained that his blood normalized and looked great just like everyone is saying but then he was in hospital with an IV in his arm being told he had one more day left before they’d have been trying to revive him from a coma…and they don’t always revive!

**I get a lot of testimonies, this is just a snippet for you to sample.

Irresponsible proponents of keto slow to change

Certainly the main proponents of keto who are gaining extraordinary momentum in the digital marketing groups are NOT doing enough in terms of warning and precautions even right up to the latest summit on fasting last week by David Jockers and Health Talks Online which I refused to promote. I did sign up to it and was bombed with emails telling me I was about to be fast tracked onto keto, not one question as to my history or health, just get in and oh, pay an extra $59 discounted from the regular $97 to be even more fast tracked seeing as I had already ‘bought’ the summit – no, actually I got a refund.

And no, that’s not what functional medicine or healing is about, I’m surprised it has not been shut down by the FDA except to note that even conventional circles are seeing keto as a bit of a money spinner $$$

The Problems with Bredesen’s Ketoflex include the following:

  1. Not distinguishing between a healthy and a healing diet: Note this is an ‘anti-Alzheimer’s’ diet so therefore aimed at healthy people who want to prevent becoming ill – yet much of what is on this diet is what an ill person would be doing, and even then under particular individual needs must scenario only. So he has not differentiatd between a healing and healthy diet. I’ll give you an example of a preventative diet by someone in his 80’s now whose dad died from Alzheimer’s at the end of this paragraph.
  2. He equates keto with intermittent fasting but a 12 hour gap between supper and breakfast is not keto, you are not switching into a fat adapted metabolism away from carbs, you can still eat food without having to measure everything and without being afraid of apples, oats, white potatoes, carbs as this sort of break was natural to us growing up in Ireland and sometimes we’d take toast for supper, and we always had carbs during the day – not keto! Dr John R Christopher and the western Master Herbalist tradition would have done a sort of stint like that, not religiously and often had a fruit breakfast, even orange juice – carbs still being the main fuel and not fat, and not fear and they’ve gotten better healing results than anyone.
  3. Sparing on meat: He promotes Plant Based – well plant-high we can agree on but it’s been proved over and over that some people will only do well with meat in their diet and not pigeon portions either. And we’ve had Patrick Holford of Optimum Nutrition UK say he just had to include salmon in his diet, he couldn’t get his nutritional needs met as a vegan. We also have the Paleo Cardiologist Jack Wolfson in the guest lecture series at FMU for all you meat eaters, to see how he stays heart healthy safe with meat, maybe much higher meat than most peeps!
  4. Lack of Resistant Starch: He promotes non-starchy vegetables but we’ve just had Alan Christianson give an hour lecture at Murray’s HPOF summit on white potatoes being a ‘cure-all’ resistant starch, put some butter on there and you amp up the butyrate and you’ve got a diet we’ve been on in Ireland for hundreds of years and thriving on. Dr Max Gerson MD had white potatotes on his cancer therapy protocol over 100 years ago, to be eaten twice a day! And Dr Michael Murray has just added them to his diet at 60 years of age because ‘the research on them is pretty recent’ lol, what does that tell you about culture, the history of healing, and the ‘research’?! And also what does it suggest to be putting healthy people on it now to avoid Alzheimer’s? Illogical on all fronts! Theory on Bredesen’s part, and Silverman here unfortunately in his attempt to showcase him. Silverman is one of my favorite speakers but he has bought into this more than he needed to.
  5. Glycemic Index vs Glycemic Load : He states foods with a GI under 35 but that falls into the glycemic index vs glycemic load fallacy- it’s the fiber that makes all the difference and ‘glycemic index’ is a total fallacy.
  6. Fear of Fruits, Veggies, Juices: This error then leads them further to not want to eat most fruits and many vegetables and bans fruit juices but this is jumping from one fallacy to another and tying again into the current low carb keto fad currently in fashion out there – a world where you have to be afraid of good real food really raises a red flag immediately as to the philosophy behind the diet, and yes they are philosophically based not nutritionally based eating. And look at the older schools of healing that had entire Incurables Programs based on fruit juices including the so-called ‘sweet’ ones eg Gerson therapy uses carrot and apple juice but with a proper juicer nothing less than a double masticating Greenstar to extract the nutrients and within a healing protocol; the Master Herbalists used all sorts of fruit and veg juicing again with a good juicer nothing less than a Champion single auger; and then Ann Wigmore cured her gangrene with a humongous amount of wheatgrass juice /yes false bio circulating about her out there at the mo, she cured gangrene not cancer. I personally used the latter 3 protocols on my healing journey and beat the odds to survive 14 years and counting, I wouldn’t have managed on keto and that’s why I’m so concerned to expose it and it’s lack of basis in our history of health and healing.
  7.  Dodgy meal replacements: You’d be better off on something like Vitalerbs or Jurassic greens and EPA than a keto shake or MCT powder, these latter things have not stood the test of time. Real food, even a soup blended would be better. There are other ways to make up protein shakes for ill people but remember he is still talking ‘prevention’ in healthy people here and their digestion should be working! And vanilla or chocolate flavored bone broth is not natural, don’t kid yourself, they shouldn’t even appear in the same sentence.

Here is a very interesting testimony from a man now in his 80’s who said when his dad died of Alzheimer’s 30 years back he had wanted to prevent it happening to himself in the future, and given it was in his family and he is now a very fit alert 82 year old travelling the country with his wife and starting a new business online learning websites – he is living proof how simple it is to lead an anti-Alzheimer’s diet with just fish oil! His total monthly supplement bill now in his 80’s and despite Alzheimer’s running in his family is around $12. Now THAT is prevention!

*I’ve learned in my own case and from the research of Prof Basant Puri way back in 2004 that fish oil won’t work for some people with CFS or ME or any active virus they may not even be aware of in the body, the virus prevents the breakdown of omega 3 to EPA so taking EPA directly in the form of a supplement he formulated called VegEPA at 4g a day reverses cognitive decline and that quantity can be reduced after 6 months. It works very fast in some people to halt that decline, it takes longer to restore what was lost. And other people will have more detective work to do for their cognitive decline.

Prof Puri insisted on EPA not DHA because it is more stable! And it converts to DHA in the body, I’ve never taken DHA at all and it worked for me. The American research now in 2019 is way behind that pre-2004 research in the UK and the supplement lines coming out really should focus on EPA!

I’ve Recovered from 3 types of Dementia without Keto

And I can add that I’ve recovered from 3 types of dementia as listed on the Bredesen scale, including the case study mold induced form in the Dr Ross guest lecture. I did so without keto and without Bredesen type protocols and with primarily 4g EPA as in vegEPA for the rapid cognitive decline while doing Gerson style high nutrition and juicing and detox and for the other types one was food sensitivity related and then the extreme prolonged mold exposure and I responded better to wheatgrass, herbs, garlic for that, and Master Herbalist herbs and detox which is Western Herbalism – systems based herbalism which now Jay Davidson is beginning to admit is core to his new detox protocols.

– there are many others getting results with different protocols out there but Bredesen happens to be in the limelight at the moment.

  • Prof Basant Puri of Imperial College London had the product vegEPA on the market at least as early as 2004 and was recommending 4g per day pure EPA without any DHA back then and getting fantastic results with that – that’s what I used to halt rapid cognitive decline and reverse it and I find it worked much faster than even Dr Michael Murray expects his current omega 3 formula to work, currently in the pipeline at his lab. Prof Puri was not functional medicine, if anything fmed should be improving on his results but to date I haven’t seen anything proposed that is better than that 4g EPA in these protocols.
  • There are also two other groups working on reversing dementia in the UK, mentioned by Patrick Holford last year.
  • And there is an ALS group in the US who have rejected keto in favor of AKG and AAKG type supplements and the body’s natural metabolism of protein, carbs and fats.
  • Take a look at what Naveen Jain of Viome has to say on the endothelial lining not doing well with keto. Also David Katz calling it a fad. Alan Christianson spending an hour talking about resistant starch and white potatoes being the new ‘cureall’ as they are so good for immunity and cancer prevention – not possible to eat them on keto! And then people like Joel Fuhrman and the iThrive docuseres reversing diabetes without keto.

Beyond Keto

We have some practitioners promoting keto within FMU, we’ve even had a series by Joe Mercola on how to do keto, but we also have those who do not use it – who use Mediterranean type diets, and then we also have those who go beyond keto, for example a recent guest lecture by Dr Michael Jurgelewicz of Designs for Health showed many other ways to upregulate everything in the body without having to use keto – look out for his lecture in the archives inside. He simply looks at what they are aiming for and knows there are other well known ways to achieve that, as well as new supplements. Natural or supplements or both – the education is there to go whichever route you choose but for sure ‘one’ route like keto is not for all or necessary.

Full Education – Covers ALL Opinions

That is what is missing on the Health Talks Online and other summits and docuseries, they invite their similarly minded friends, the summit is costing in excess fo $30k and they are getting more and more pumped towards selling their own products and creating their own inner membership circles, less actual clinical work with that, but I’m hearing it is just not working out for attendees longterm as regards resolving their health issues.

As you can see Functional Medicine University has ALL the opinions, all the different routes you can choose to take, all the different modalities too. And it’s focused on clinical practice where doctors and practitioners actually practice 😉

Be sure to join Functional Medicine University for the full training in healing modalities and protocols as well as the continuing education and the core CFMP training. Winter enrollment is now open Jan 21st-28th, read all about it here, and there’s an exclusive $250 cashback voucher if you use the link from this site to enroll.

*Sleep Matters guest lecture by Dr Robert Silverman is free to view during winter enrollment week, just remember to come back and use the voucher link here before you enroll in order to qualify for the $250 cashback, this link alone tracks it.


Mindful Parenting

Mindful World Parenting Summit billed as ‘awaken to a new way of parenting’, however on reading deeper we find it’s not so much to do with parenting at all. There are 8 speakers each day, so no way can anyone catch all of that – bordering the fringes of being ‘free’ then because you’d really have to buy the package to hear this summit.

Looking at the line up I see John Assaraf – I’ve taken some of John’s programs and studied subconscious behavior and hypnotherapy myself and find:

a. His team’s attempt to give the ‘neuroscience’ view of all this doesn’t really progress any further than what was going on in the 60s at HMI, the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, and much of the latter’s stuff is free or very reasonably priced and I’d say gets better results. As much as I love John Assaraf there is no doubt he is a marketing machine, using his story to hook you into his sales program – and basically everyone here is doing the same. I’m disillusioned at the whole summit platform.

b. So in Assaraf we have a marketing machine and all this emphasis on ‘online marketing’ that has produced these summits and is driving the way doctors now ‘practice’ has for the most part lost most people’s message and impact no matter how sincere they may have originated and however many dollars are rolling in the door that doesn’t really qualify as success.

I’ve been attending these summits since 2012 and seen a negative spiral the past few years and if you’d like some proof then take a look at this Open Letter to all Conscious Health Care Pracitioners by Evan Alden whom I’ve watched attend the summits, ask questions and employ many of the doctors and speakers at these events only to be led on a very expensive merry-go-round and is a pretty typical example of the actual fruit of these summits from what I see others say too.

So we see a number of people from Assaraf’s marketing platform and mastermind groups here this time round – that’s a bit of a welcome change because the other speakers have appeared ad nauseum on every topic to date, at least Assaraf by comparison only turns up a couple of times a year lol, though it looks like there could be other joint ventures involved with this summit too – yes, that’s marketing speak because that’s what these events are now. That is why no matter what the subject we get the same faces the same speakers as ‘the experts’, though certainly new ones in the line up this time. To be fair, Assaraf usually gives great value and is an excellent role model as to how he changed his life – again, easy to miss it in the heavy marketing that will ensue.

What can I say, mindful is a buzzword, it’s been whacked around a while now but if you are new to it there may be something here for you. Though honestly I’d suggest you go to original sources eg take some basic training which is actually free at or the American Hypnosis Association or employ a good clinical hypnotherapist, not a healthcare pracititoner who has done a course in marketing and now knows how to spin a package and a story.

*Update: I took the Jumpstart 2019 course with Cheryl O’Neill senior tutor at and saw the blueprint for Assaraf’s $1000 course, except Cheryl’s is 100 times better and cost me $29, of course it’s not just about the cost, it’s the sheer power in Cheryl’s course and this is my main point with the new online marketing [actually instigated by ‘Experts Academy Brendon Burchard] whereby they take someone else’s work, never reference them, and then sell you a version claiming to be an ‘expert’ because they are one step ahead of you -whereas if you’d gone to the original course you’d have the real deal’s not just Assaraf, it is almost everyone caught up in this digital marketing model displayed at the summits and certain online courses.

Winter Enrollment Functional Medicine University

The best functional medicine education, entierly onlie and at the best price Functional Medicine University is a complete center for functional medicine education and gives you an array or modaltities and therapie and an array of opinions a true full education to load up your clinical toolbox and give you choices.

Winter Enrollment is open from Mon Jan 21st through one week till the 28th.

There is an exclusive $250 cashback on tuition fees through this site, using this voucher from

Read all about it here also includes access to two sample guest lecture videos on the Opioid Crisis and Sleep by Drs Cindy Howard and Rob Silverman, respectively.

FMU Guest Lecture Series | Biofilms

Dr. Fresco is a speaker at medical conferences internationally, and presents the latest research on dysbiosis, biofilms and microbiome imbalances. By addressing concerns relating to infection, as well as the digestive and immune systems, her products such as Biocidin® have helped thousands of people worldwide.

Botanical Protocols for GI and Systemic Infections

Speaker: Dr. Rachel Fresco L. Ac., Ph. D.


From Lyme to SIBO, botanicals are an important part of a successful treatment program. In this webinar we will discuss challenging clinical presentations such as:

  • Mold and Mycotoxins
  • Recurrent Biofilm related conditions such as sinus infections and UTI
  • As well as GI Dysbiosis and SIBO.
  • As more cases of Lyme are being diagnosed, it is
    important to address Lyme disease and co-infections.

Recent research on these topics sheds light on the effectiveness of broad-spectrum botanicals, and how we might use them for our patients benefit.

Dr. Fresco’s Bio:

Dr. Rachel Fresco, L. Ac., Ph. D. is founder and President of Bio-Botanical Research, Inc.

Since it’s inception in 1989, Dr. Fresco has utilized her background in medical Herbology,  Naturopathy, Functional and Integrative Medicine to create natural products that have a significant impact on health and wellness.

By addressing concerns relating to infection, as well as the digestive and immune systems, her products such as Biocidin® have helped thousands of people worldwide.

Many noted authors, physicians and laboratories recommend the broad-spectrum formulations she has developed.

Dr. Fresco is a speaker at medical conferences internationally, and presents the latest research on dysbiosis, biofilms and microbiome imbalances.

GMOs Revealed

Your food has been poisoned. People and animals that eat genetically modified food crops are consuming high levels of toxic glyphosate herbicide. Our foods are being genetically engineered to tolerate large doses of it. It’s silently poisoning our land, food, and US! And now that Bayer has bought Monsanto Big Pharma is in control of food now too, not a positive development for the planet.

Hosted by Patrick Gentempo, this docuseries airs an episode each night for 9 nights Dec 11th -20th, with an encore w/e. It has aired before but it is good to be reminded in light of recent events.

Bayer has bought Monsanto, a drug and chemical company has bought over another chemical company at a cost of over $60 BILLION – do you think they are going to allow us to have clean pure food going forward after spending that much money? How are they going to make a return on that?

But it’s not just any old chemical company, it’s Big Pharma…as if our problems with all that weren’t big enough already!

Find out all about GMOs and what you need to know about food, things have changed and food is not what it used to be!

Register now for the GMOs Revealed docuseries

EMF Health Summit

Are Cell Phones, Wifi, and Other Common Electronic Devices Poisoning Your Environment, Harming Your children, and Causing a Long List of Serious Diseases Including Cancer? Thousands of Independent Studies Say YES… Here’s What You Can Do About It

Hosted by Lloyd Burrell, registration is free and there are 4 talks available early before the event starts.

Three of these are hard hitters:

  1. Niclaus Pineault is someone I’ve heard talk on this subject before and he is exceptionally well informed.
  2. Then we have Ann Louise Gittlemann on ‘eat to beat emfs’ she is usually excellet.
  3. And the host himself Lloyd Burrell ought to know a thing or two on this topic lol.

However the 4th is an absolute wildcard, imo

4. Keith Scott Mumby – I have not been impressed with him to date, but lets hope he delivers this time.

Speaker LineUp & Practical Objectives

Hitting 36 speakers, some of whom are impressive as actual experts in the area of EMFs, one noteable absence is Michael Neuert of whom I’d like to have seen in this lineup.

And the overall objectives of this summit seem to be very practical, they are promising practical advice as to what we can actually do right now in our homes.

Most Important Summit of the Year?

This one is certainly right up there in the top few of truly important summits that we all need to hear and apply.

Register now for the free streaming of the EMF Health Summit





Superhuman Brain Masterclass

Isaac Jones giving his view of brain health, along with some of his pals. Those who have different views to brain health may not be invited to this ‘masterclass’, you may learn something good and then again you may pick up something destructive, eg David Jockers featured speaker – keto is on the way out now, this is outdated already.

I hesitate to promote this event, unless you are very knowledgeable and experienced you could be led astray here with keto and various personal practices of the host. I can see a number of top experts in this field have not been invited, the speaker and topic selection is quite selective and has David Jockers as featured speaker – however keto is on the way out now, the speakers exposing keto are gaining momentum now eg the iThrive reversing diabetes docuseries, and half the speakers on Michael Murray’s Healing Power of Foods summit.

Also at Functional Medicine University we’ve had a series of talks on the brain and the latest by Michael Jurgelewicz went beyond keto and beyon Bredesen for the brain.

However for those of you interested, I include some links

Free ebooks: clearing toxic brain and ‘upgrade’brain

Register for the event Superhuman Brain Masterclass with Isaac Jones

Buy the package transcripts and videos and MP3s