FMU Guest Lecture | Sleep Matters

Functional Medicine University presents Dr. Robert Silverman on Sleep and its relation to Brain Health. This is part of a series of lectures on Brain Health at FMU where we’ve had Silverman do an exceptional job on BDNF and the many natural ways to increase it without keto, though BHB ketone being one option. Silverman brings more to the table than any of the summit talks on BDNF this year. I expect Sleep to be equally outstanding.

Tues Nov 27th Dr. Robert Silverman is back with another lecture in his brain health series, this time on the relation of Sleep to brain healt:

Sleep Matters: The Missing Link in Functional Medicine



Sleep Matters: The Missing Link in Functional Medicine

Sleep is the missing link in the functional medicine equation. When we talk about sleep, we often focus on quantity as it relates to the body’s ability to recover from concussion, achieve optimum athletic performance levels, or heal from chronic conditions. However, we often neglect the role quality sleep plays in brain health; specifically, its links to poor memory, trouble concentrating, age-related dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Join Dr. Rob Silverman, a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, and functional medicine practitioner—as he shares sleep’s multi-faceted impact on health and why a truly holistic functional medicine approach must prescribe proper sleep.

Key Clinical Takeaways

1. Endotoxicity and oxidative stress effect on sleep.
2. Nutritional protocols for concussion, Alzheimer’s, and brain health.
3. The emerging area of innovative sleep tools.
4. Review the physiology and neuro-biology of sleep.
5. A functional approach to improved sleep.
6. The gut-brain axis effect on sleep.

In his previous lecture on the brain, he really cut through absolutely everything else I’ve heard out there on BDNF and showed a list of almost 10 ways to practically raise our brain derived neurotrophic factors only one of which was a ketone, ie beyond keto for brain health.

Silverman does use keto sometimes himself but he explains things in a way that shows you how to get results without it. Our most recent lecture by Michael Jurgelewicz went beyond keto and beyond Bredesen. It’s important to note this when so much is leaking out now in terms of side effects for keto.

inside out health amazon best seller

Dr. Silverman has also written an Amazon best seller book called Inside Out Health and is in great demand nationally as a speaker.

Health Hacker Fx Summit

If you are not particularly into natural healing or long term health, and have no knowledge of the history of healing but enjoy doing OCD things to get fast results at whatever cost, then this may be for you

Originally called the Biohacking Genetics Summit now ‘health hacker’ hosted by peeps from the paleo community and having a lot in common with the female hormones summit already run through.

There is a worrying philosophy expressed at the hormones summit visible again at this one – that there is more available today – this is a complete ignorance of and disrestpect for the past, while at the same time they’ll claim to have ‘tried everything’ therefore must do xyz now and ‘ain’t we so lucky’, huh, no actually!

Their free reg gift is a book by David Jockers, who tends to share the work of older naturopaths without referencing them hence making himself look good however then when he’s established ‘trust’ he’ll slip in his OCD keto and fasting philosophy, nothing the good naturopaths of the past would have done themselves.

However keto is already so yesterday, the truth about keto is leaking out so fast it’s exploding – people going into afib and staying there, people with scary blood sugar, screwed throids, lost muscle – and that includes some of those who ‘do it right’, though the keto hype doesn’t much care to ensure people are measuring themsevles as they should either.

On top of that we not only have an inner circle of practitioners attending highly marketed events seemingly being pressurised into doing keto with their patients, we also have them admitting that keto isn’t even necessary – it can be used as a compliance tool!

So if you are not particularly into health or natural healing but just want some fast short term results at any price then this may be for you. David Jockers featured speaker, many other speakers from the same digital marketing group have been invited – you’ll see yet again Elle Russ who admit inadvertently keto will screw with your thryoid if you do it wrong, then yet again from the hormone summit Gabrielle Lyons misquoting? the research on mTor saying we need 90g of protein a day while Dr. Joe Mercola quotes the same mTor research to say we need 20g of protein a day! YIKES! If ever you needed told DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME folks, you really need to know your sources when it comes to health info!

One know health hacker at this is Ben Greenfield, the things he has put his body through in his many iron man challenges – note – an interesting question is do you intend to join some elite sports challenge, if not then why eat like someone who is! Again I wish Ben knew some of the older schools of healing and western master herbalism and then he may not need to so many extreme things.

Again I hestiate to lauch this upon an unsuspecting public unless you are aware of all the issues and experienced in health recovery already – !

Rising from the Depths of Diabetes & Obesity

Diabetes & Weight loss solved with whole real foods , not keto or any other fancy extremist diets! Jon worked with Joel Fuhrmann and shot this series before he’d lost the weight or got the results – it was a step of faith that natural options would work, and they did 😉

iThrive, a 9 part series running from Nov 13th – 22nd with a replay day at the end.  The host Jon can be seen in the before and after shots to have lost 108lbs on Joel Fuhrman’s kind of eating which is not keto.

loses 108lbs not keto

FMU Guest Lecture | Brain Support: Cognitive Decline to Nootropics

Objectives: Traditional and functional laboratory assessments for Cognitive Decline and ADRD
Risk factors and prevention strategies for neurological disease
Develop nutrition interventions for Cognitive Decline and ADRD
Nutritional therapeutics to enhance memory, mental function, and prevent age-related memory decline.

Supporting the Brain from Cognitive Decline to Nootropics

Speaker: Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, DACBN, DCBCN

Date: Tuesday, November 6th, 2018

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Cognitive Decline, Alzheimer’s disease & related disorders (ADRD) begin long before symptoms start just like many other conditions. This webinar combines the pathophysiology, laboratory assessment, risk factors, prevention strategies, dietary recommendations and nutraceuticals to support neurological disorders as well as nootropics to enhance cognitive function and prevent age-related memory decline.


  • Traditional and functional laboratory assessments for Cognitive Decline and ADRD
  • Risk factors and prevention strategies for neurological disease
  • Develop nutrition interventions for Cognitive Decline and ADRD
  • Nutritional therapeutics to enhance memory, mental function, and prevent age-related memory decline.

Dr. Jurgelewicz’s Bio:

Dr. Michael Jurgelewicz has a in Health & Wellness, a B.S. degree in Anatomy, and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He is board certified in nutrition by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, and a Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition. He is also a member of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition’s Examination Committee.

Dr. Jurgelewicz is the Director of Product and Clinical Support at Designs for Health as well as a Professor at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. He also maintains a private practice specializing in functional medicine and is the author and contributor to several professional publications. His academic training and clinical experience in functional medicine over the past 11 years position him as an authority in the management of a variety of chronic health conditions.

*FMU have a variety of speakers discussing functional medicine approaches to brain health. Don’t forget to use the search bar on the FMU website to find other related lectures.

Dr. Jurgelewicz is also a graduate of Functional Medicine University 🙂

Exclusive to FMU students:  This webinar is exclusive and optional for all FMU Students

Autoimmune Revolution

Dr. Osborne highlights many of the problems with gluten, however some speakers like Tom O’Bryan tend to extend those problems further than they need to go at times. But if it were you that were undiagnosed and dying because of gluten under the conventional medical model, then you’d be very glad of his crusade. All ill people need to be off gluten.

Peter Osborne back again with another Autoimmune Revolution summit, attend for free here

Autoimmune Revolution summit starting Mon 5th, hosted by Dr. Peter Osborne kicks off and runs for a week with over 30 speakers and related topics covering a wide range of issues:

Lifestyle /Gut infections / Emotional trauma / Heart health & meds / Leaky gut / Dietary choices / Microbiome / Children & food additives / Vaccines / Detox / Autoimmune triggers / Lab tests / Pain / Mind-body / Mold / Diet / Parasites / Lyme / Yeast / Environmental Toxins / Exercise/ Endotoxins / Blood sugar / Thyroid / Brain Inflammation

**Important to note that Peter Osborne on the Healing Power of Foods summit recently said ‘we can no longer claim that wheat is dangerous for everyone’

– this is in keeping with the Harvard based researcher Alessio Fasano, whose research discovered the effects of Zonulin on the tight junctions, and who eats wheat himself because he says those junctions are designed to bounce back after wheat and a number of other things we encounter on a daily basis as long as we are healthy. Some speakers who regularly misquote Fasano are Tom O’Bryan and Mark Hyman, as they say ‘gluten damages the gut’ and ‘humans weren’t designed to eat wheat’, this goes against our history and has created an unnecessary fear of grains including healthy oats, it’s good to see Peter speak out at this point.

**Also important to note is a number of speakers and doctors have now come out against keto eg on the Healing Power of Foods summit recently we had Naveen Jain, David Katz and others directly call Keto a fad diet, we had others state the dangers more subtly like when Michael Murray lost muscle and his biomarkers went the wrong direction and he had to pull the plug on keto, and Alan Christianson promoted the benefits of white potatoes aka resistant starch, and we also had Neal Barnard and Joel Fuhrman do ‘everything that keto can do and do it better’ without keto. Unfortunately David Jockers is high profile at this current summit again, despite having admitted people really need to do a thyroid test before doing keto, it can screw your thyroid, women don’t do well on it, and unless you do it ‘right’ you’ll be in trouble yet many people don’t do it ‘right’ and even those who do, like Michael Murrary, were still in trouble.

Early Talks and Free Gifts

There are 3 early talks with free transcripts available before the summit ends, and two free gifts:

autoimmune summit free gifts

pedram shojai transcript

  • A video and transcript by Jonathan Landsman promotes inexpensive ways to dampen autoimmunity
  • Pedram Shojai shows how to destress in your day easily
  • Jack Wolfson makes an interesting connection between leaky gut and leaky heart

autoimmune matrix gift

  • There’s a book by Peter Osborne on the Autoimmune Matrix
  • and then another gift by Ben Lynch on genetics

Meanwhile when the talks air free during the week, Chris Shade and Jay Davidson will show you expensive ways to do detox and deworming! However, they are the ‘doctor approved’ lab versions of protocols used by naturopaths for centuries, some people will want those expensive protocols, others won’t afford them.

There is always a huge amount to learn at these summits, you do have to be discerning and check with original sources eg Jack Wolfson has some great info on leaky heart and blood vessels yet paleo high meat diet is not for everyone, Jill Carnahan will expose some interesting things on mold, check with her original teacher in that though. Osborne will be showing you some interesting labs to help detect those mystery illnesses too which your docs won’t be running unless you ask.

Register for the autoimmune revolution here

What You Should Know

  • Autoimmunity is on the rise in modern life as chemicals increase and nutrition decreases.
  • People are not getting help with it in conventional medicine.
  • Sometimes horrific conditions are cured by simply removing one trigger people didn’t know was causing their condition – sometimes it’s as simple as removing gluten or some other food the person was sensitive to without realizing.
  • Also there are now tests to determine these things, that your local doctor usually does not know about – they are specialized functional medicine laboratories.
  • There are some dietary fads and unnecessary fear of food going on at the moment

FMU Fall Enrollment

Fully accredited Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP training for licensed professionals and accessible to all healthcare practitioners by a recognized leader in Functional Medicine.
CEUs and certificates of completion are provided by the Southern California University of Health Sciences.
CME category 1, BANT approval and ACBN diplomate hours free with the course

FMU Fall Enrollment for CFMP training Oct 22nd-28th

The CFMP Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner course enrollment week Oct 21st- Oct 28th, 11pm Eastern Time. Enrollment at FMU is quarterly. Training is entirely online and prices start at $2195 for students and non-physicians to approx 2495 for physicians. There is a 30 day trial period to try the course and the opportunity to cancel within 30 days. I also offer a $250 cashback on tuition fees for those who choose to do the course, i.e. for those who register exclusively through the registration link provided on this site. Check out the Functional Medicine University CFMP syllabus, Guest Lecture archive and free sample videos below, but make sure to come back and use the $250 voucher / registration link on this site to get cookied into that $250 cashback!

Two sample FMU Guest Lecture Series videos open during enrollment week for you to view:

Whereas other training centers demand ongoing membership fees per month or per lecture in keeping you up to date with education and trends in functional medicine, but at FMU your initial tuition fee means you are a member for life with no further fees for continuing education.

  1.  Dr. Robert Silverman on recovering the brain after concussion and injury. It is one of the best lectures I’ve ever heard, not only does he list out all the food and lifestyle factors that reduce inflammation in the brain but he says precisely why turmeric works, precisely why any of the popular supplements work. He describes the cascade of events that occur after concussion and how they hit all body systems. And he reveals his protocols both nutritional and physical for recovery that he uses in his own practice where at least 40% of his clients are brain trauma or concussion.
  • He shows a long list of things that increase BDNF, the ketone BHB is just ONE of those, turmeric and exercise are two more – so the ketogenic diet is NEVER necessary!

2. The second video open right now is by Mary Kay Ross on the Bredesen Protocol – they are claiming it is ‘the’ functional approach to reversing cognitive decline but I know there are other approaches more effective. Bredesen is a supplement heavy protocol involving the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting and they are promoting it as ‘the only’ way to reverse Alzheimer’s – however – if you’ve heard Patrick Holford on the Healing Power of Food summit you’ll hear there is more than one way to reverse Alzheimer’s, and keto is never necessary. I’ve halted and reversed rapid cognitive decline myself back in 2004/5 using high dose EPA and without utilizing keto, instead the total opposite – high dose juice therapy, real foods and lots of it on Gerson Therapy, and high dose EPA. Also there is an ALS group going against keto and using AAKG and real food, the Deanna Protocol. And we’re hearing from Patrick Holford about even more ways involving B vitamins.

The Truth About Keto and Disagreeing over ways to REVERSE the ‘irreversible’!

In fact there’s a long list of voices now shouting out how dangerous keto is and how irresponsible it is to promote it. I know the supplements recommended by Ross here are sort of swept under the mat into her last 3 slides but I’ve heard her expound on them for an hour at the Awakening from Alzheimer’s summit and they are not the right or best things or supplements to be taking at all – some of them the wrong form, some of them the wrong dose, some things missing – so it’s a testament to the power of the body to heal when you give it a fraction of what it needs and clear out the junk. However I would not force people to take on a ridiculously expensive protocol and burdensome fad diet for the rest of their lives when there are better options.

But notice that even though I vigorously disagree with Ross and Bredesen, in the end we are arguing about different ways to reverse Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline / dementia, whereas in general society and orthodox medicine they have no way to reverse these things and over 80 million dollars a year goes into researching and failure.

So this is an example of the mix of speakers you’ll get at FMU – all the latest, the good, the bad and in my opinion the downright ugly. You can decide who you want to follow.

Here is a further list of sample speakers, there’s actually a large archive available to students, and all way more detailed than the standards you hear to the general public at summits.

There’s no such thing as ‘board certified CFMP’

*This certification is the exact same CFMP issued by the IFM but at a fraction of the price because it is entirely online and the goal is to make the education available and accessible and affordable to everyone, wherever they live and whatever their budget.

There’s a lot of confusion at the moment regarding functional medication certifications and who the certifying body is, or if indeed there is any official certifying body eg many pop-up inhouse training courses have become available which carry the strong bias of the celebrity ‘founder’, most often made famous by digital marketing not necessarily merit or ‘truth’ or experience or academic achievement.

Funtional Medicine University state they are aligned with Southern California University of Health Sciences and a number of nationally recognized accreditation institutes.

Fully accredited Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP training for licensed professionals and accessible to all healthcare practitioners by a recognized leader in Functional Medicine.

CEUs and certificates of completion are provided by the Southern California University of Health Sciences.

CME category 1, BANT approval and ACBN diplomate hours free with the course

Always check where your cert is coming from, is it merely an empty brand with no meat on it regarding what you learn, is it a narrow or biased fad here today gone tomorrow, or will you get a real education that fills your practitioner toolbox with options going forward for your future to help even the difficult cases.

Can you get access to labs on your current qualification?

AND check if your current qualification allows you to already access labs, that could be a dealbreaker for you. What do you need your cert for? Is it decoration, is it to open doors, is it to access labs, is it to learn something you may not get elsewhere?

All of these are valid depending on your situation. Many licensed professionals and some nutritional practitioners have access to labs on their current qualification, people who need access to labs must either get that through their current qualification, direct labs, or a course that grants them access to labs if they find they can’t do that. One such course is the FDN course, which is one of the few courses that trains health coaches without previous qualifications and allows them access to some labs. If you need that option check out Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, they’ll give you the first 3 lessons free and see if it is for you. It is not a CFMP.

Who is eligible for CFMP acceditation vs certificate of completion?

The CFMP at FMU is open to anyone for enrollment but check with their customer support to see if you can call yourself a CFMP afterwards or if instead you will be recieving a certificate of completion, having taken the course for educational and not accreditation purposes – which actually I’m doing myself as I believe it to be the most educational and broadly diverse opinioned curriculum among all the training courses.

FMU support can be contacted directly at:

Phone: USA 1-877-328-4035

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding being a student at FMU:

Payment Plans

**There are also payment plans which work out at about $200 a month, and this site offers you a $250 cashback voucher on your fees after the 30 day trial period for people who register through this site and stay beyond the trial period. You must use the link from this site to get the cashback.

$250 off the training fees

*This voucher is live now during enrollment week, Oct 21st-28th 11pm Eastern Time, to receive the cashback you must register through this link from this site

National and International Accreditation

  • Fully accredited Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP training for licensed professionals and accessible to all healthcare practitioners by a recognized leader in Functional Medicine.
  • CEUs and certificates of completion are provided by the Southern California University of Health Sciences.
  • CME category 1, BANT approval and ACBN diplomate hours free with the course

    Check out the Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner syllabus and the Guest Lecture Series.

    fall enrollment cfmp training

The Healing Power of Food | Michael Murray

Proponents of all the different diets out there brought together in one place: Joel Fuhrman, Patrick Holford, Ben Lynch, Ocean Robbins,

The Healing Power of Food Oct 13th-21st, hosted by Michael Murray

He has brought approx 33 speakers from conflicting dietary standpoints, including:

  • Joel Furhman who has been on the health scene a very long time and promotes a high nutrition diet, not high fat necessarily.
  • Side by side with David Jockers who will promote high fat keto.
  • There are also Vegans and Vegetarians like Ocean Robbins, whose dad walked away from his family’s multi-million dollar ice cream empire ie his inheritance.
  • And then high meat eating Paleo proponents. Then there are some older people like the British Patrick Holford who has been promoting Optimal Nutrition for decades now.
  • You can also see the anti-grain squad in here with Tom O’Bryan
  • And who knows which way Ben Lynch will swing! 😀

Register for free to catch the free screening of all these talks

FMU Guest Lecture | Dr. Kurt Woeller

Kurt Woeller is an expert in toxins, both identifying them and eliminating them. His work with autism spectrum and similar hard diseases shows he is not afraid of the difficulit cases. This is part of the guest lecture series open to all students and past students of Functional Medicine University. These lectures bring the latest in research and clinical practice and clinical pearls.

FMU Guest Lecture Series | Dr. Kurt Woeller DO

Chemical Toxins, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Microbiome Disruption – Key Factors That Every Health Practitioner Should Know

Description: Mitochondria are the energy producing factories of our cells. Unfortunately, they are susceptible to damage from various toxins such as organophosphates, herbicides and other environmental chemicals. The digestive system microbiome is vulnerable to chemicals too and various toxins produced from within the digestive system are known to adversely affect mitochondrial function.

  • This presentation will explain all of this in detail and show the links to various chronic health issues.

Dr. Kurt Woeller’s Bio:

Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., has been an integrative medicine physician and biomedical autism specialist for over 20+ years. He is an author of several health books including:

  • “Autism –The Road To Recovery”
  • “Methyl-B12 Therapy For Autism”
  • “Methyl-B12 for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia” and
  • “5 Things You MUST Do Right Now To Help With Your Rheumatoid Arthritis.”

He is a lecturer (throughout the United States and International),
educator and experienced clinician offering specialized treatment and testing for individuals with complex medical conditions such as Autism-Spectrum Disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, digestive disorders and other chronic health conditions. His health consulting practice for autism alone is multinational with families from various countries.

Dr. Woeller serves as a lab advisor for BioHealth Laboratory and also the co-founder of Integrative Medicine Academy, an online integrative medicine training program with multiple courses in gastrointestinal disorders, autism, adrenal and hormone problems and environmental toxicity.

*Dr. Woeller has guest lectured before at FMU on the subject of SIBO, in a series of speakers that included also Dr. Siebecker and Dr. Sandberg-Lewis


The Truth About Cancer

See the many alternatives and options and even new developments in cancer treatment outside of chemo and radiation and pharmaceticals. See your options, be inspired at the choice, the quality of life, regain your hope, connect with lifestyle, nutrition, expert advice and health again.

The Truth About Cancer | A Global Quest

Oct 9th-18th with an encore w/e. One episode a night in a docuseries format, like a documentary, giving snapshopts of interviews they’ve compiled with many doctors, clinicians and scientists involved in integrative cancer therapies.

I’ve done Gerson Therapy myself and know it saved my life. It also is completely opposite to what many of the new celebrity doctors and chiropractors are preaching at these summits – 3 large meals a day, snacks, and 6 juices – it is not a whaleblubber diet, which is what I’d nickname the ketogenic diet.

Dr. Max Gerson MD discovered that fats were actually causing cancer to grow, so all the new fads in the health world can be cut in two if you just read Charlotte Gerson’s book on the Gerson Protocol. That said, many people misquote it too, and many people such as Chris Wark cherry pick the bits he wants to do then sets up his own cancer program, that is a VERY dangerous thing to do if you understand the actual original protocol.

In my case I was not dealing with cancer and had to use herbs and wheatgrass, EPA, could have done with more protein, but I did do the protocol 100% properly, with a Gerson supervisor. Functional Medicine in my opinion would help to make these effective therapies even more effective, watching out for specifics for an individual such as nutritional deficiencies.

The science is just beginning to catch up with why Max Gerson insisted on 3-5 coffee enemas a day. You’ll hear many speakers say ‘oh a coffee enema is too aggressive’, or ‘oh it could wipe out flora’, or ‘oh it would make you caffeine high, make you dependent’ etc but notice:

  1. Datis Kharazzian has now measured glutathione being upregulated in the body as a result of coffee enemas. Brigit Danner has gotten better results in her own mold detoxing with coffee enemas than with expensive liposomal glutathione.
  2. Gerson Therapy successfully used high numbers of coffee enemas daily and people got better. In my case not having cancer I started with 3 coffee enemas for the first year and from the very first one I knew it was restoring my ability to stand, within 6 months I could walk 4 miles – because it cleanses the liver!

Register now to catch up with the many cancer therapies on display during this docuseries and be inspired and filled with hope.

Oh, my primary doctor told me I was about to be confined to bed for some years and lose the ability to move, as well as cognitive function, he did not tell me about Gerson Therapy – I told him.

ttac quest cure cancer

Fix for Female Hormones Summit

Bioidenticals to take the place of synthetic or badly sourced HRT, OR herbs to get the body working again – which of these options would you choose if you could – thing is, you may not be told about the herbal route but the functional medicine testing now exists to show what herbalists had been doing actually works.

Attend the Fix for Female Hormones Summit free, free gifts for registering!

There are a number of different approaches to female hormones outside of regular doctors who use some pretty scary sources for those hormones, on top of which they don’t go to the cause of the problem either.

Then there’s the bioidentical hormone replacement therapies with their creams and such and they claim to replace synthetic or badly sourced hormones with ‘more natural’ ones, however that’s debateable.

And finally there are herbalists who use herbs to get the body working again and eliminate the need for hormone replacement entirely. Nowadays there are also functional medicine doctors using this approach with the tests to show herbs can restore hormone function where all of the above approaches assume it can’t be done.

So your choice, want a crutch or a solution – the only place I’ve seen offering tuition on BOTH approaches allowing you to choose which one you want to practice is Functional Medicine University, that’s one of the reasons I promote it as the best education.

I’m not yet sure which direction this summit will take – whether it is actually open minded and researched or whether it just hopped on the bioidentical bandwagon, I will report back soon on that 🙂