FMU Guest Lecture Mary Kay Ross

Participants should be able to identify patients with cognitive decline and be able to determine where they are on the spectrum. They should be able to select initial and follow up tests to evaluate the disease.

FMU Guest Lecture Series new lecture A Functional Approach to Reverse Cognitive Decline

Speaker: Mary Kay Ross, MD, FACEP

Description: Participants should be able to identify patients with cognitive decline and be able to determine where they are on the spectrum. They should be able to select initial and follow up studies to evaluate the disease.

Date: Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Dr. Ross’s Bio: ”Mary Kay Ross, MD, FACEP is the founder and owner of The Institute for Personalized Medicine with offices in Savannah, GA and Santa Monica, CA. Dr. Ross has witnessed first-hand the overall declining health of Americans. Early on in her career while working in emergency and trauma centers across the country, she quickly realized that many chronic health problems could be prevented. She also understood that only by treating the underlying causes of chronic illnes s, could true healing be achieved. Frustrated with limited options for treating in the ER setting, Dr. Ross chose to become educated in Functional Medicine.

In 2012, Dr. Ross became a patient herself as the result of biotoxin illness resulting from mold exposure. Little did she know that this experience would change her practice. Dr. Ross immersed herself to learn from the brightest and the best to completely understand this often-misunderstood world.

In 2016, Dr. Ross partnered with Dr. Dale Bredesen to apply her knowledge and clinical expertise to patients suffering from cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. She proudly served as the Chief Medical Officer for MPI Cognition until August of 2018. Today, she is actively engaged on enhancing a multimodal approach protocol addressing all aspects of brain health. She firmly believes that this is an exciting time to be practicing medicine.

Dr. Ross is committed to her beliefs and is passionate about the medicine she practices. She is a tireless patient advocate and is relentless in her pursuit for solving complex medical cases.”

*Note: Dr. Mary Kay Ross along with Dr. Dale Bredesen are featured speakers at the Awakening from Alzheimer’s Regain Your Brain event also on this week.

Awakening from Alzheimer’s

Regain Your Brain features never-before-seen interviews with experts on all aspects of brain health, with an emphasis on protecting yourself from Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as regaining the brain you had when you were young – no matter what your age, genetics, or current condition.

Sept 21st-Oct 2nd, this is the premiere of the 2018 Awakening from Alzheimer’s Regain your Brain docuseries, all brand new interviews. And unlike other docuseries you get the full interview with one speaker each night, as all the others tend to take a topic and give you portions of what each speaker has to say but you only get the full interview when you purchase – not with this event – here you will get each full interview and it will stream free for 24 hours with an encore after the event has finished, Oct 5th-7th.

Is this a new series or have I seen this before?

Regain Your Brain is a brand-new video series for 2018. The September 21 broadcast is the World Premiere of this series.

The 2016/2017 Awakening from Alzheimer’s series is a totally different series focusing specifically on Alzheimer’s and dementia. Regain Your Brain features never-before-seen interviews with experts on all aspects of brain health, with an emphasis on protecting yourself from Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as regaining the brain you had when you were young – no matter what your age, genetics, or current condition. The most recent interview was shot just a few months ago, and we’ve been in production since early fall of 2017.

Can I purchase recordings of the event?

We are working on several several affordable options to make this information accessible for everyone, as well as extending a special event-only discount for registered attendees! Because this is a brand-new series, we are still working out final details, but – as with our previous season of Awakening from Alzheimer’s – we are going the extra mile to add supplemental material that supports the valuable content in the video series.

You’ll hear more details as they become available!

How long is each episode?

Most episodes are about an hour long, and feature host Peggy Sarlin interviewing one of the world’s leading experts in brain health, neuroscience, and memory.

Register now to attend this event for free

awakening from alzheimer's regarin your brain

Qigong Global Summit

Medical Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese energetic medicine, and is one of the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), along with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and medical massage.

Qigong Global Summit Sept 18th-20th

Qi Gong, Tai Chi, martial arts for health and healing, the gentle bodywork side of things, as health so often focuses on nutrition we need also to get the body moving and yet vigorous exercise isn’t possible for many people recovering from illness. Register now for the QiGong Global Summit registration is free.

Medical Qigong

Medical Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese energetic medicine, and is one of the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), along with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and medical massage.

Qigong Summit

According to the event organizers:

”…A daily Qigong practice, available to everyone, can immediately lower stress, increase energy, prevent illness, and support you in rejuvenating your body, mind, and spirit.

With Qigong, you can learn to bring healing energy — known as “qi” or ‘chi’— to particular parts of your body to transform anxiety, stress, and disease into self confidence, inner peace, and optimal health.

As your body responds by doing what it’s designed to do — heal and re-balance itself — blockages in your flow of qi disappear and your full life force energy moves smoothly, radiating out into all aspects of your daily life.”

*I’ve actually seen The School of Natural Healing in its Master Herbalist course distinguish between the aims of Chinese medicine and Western Herbalism in that one ‘balances’ while the other ‘cleanses’ and corrects and builds …more on that later 🙂

Stated learning goals with this event:

How to tune in to your body’s subtle distress signals before your health is compromised & becomes a crisis

Simple health exercises from China and Tibet that protect, support and boost your health & immunity

Helpful breathing exercises to relieve PTSD & boost your health

The concepts of energy (qi) flow and how it plays a role in the physical, mental, & emotional systems in the human body

Ways to discover, experience, circulate & build your life force energy

Qi Gong vs Tai Chi

I’d hope we learn the distinctions in this event, as someone who has dabbled in both of these at the ‘shallow end’ I’ve personally found Qi Gong exercises to be more gentle and accessible when having very restricted movement. There used to be some good videos by Christopher Pei on Qi Gong on YouTube but I can only see his Tai Chi one there at the moment, they were also available on DVD.

qigong global summit 2018

FMU Guest Speaker | Kashi Labs DNA Panel

The goal of this presentation is to provide practitioners with a powerful tool to not only help them gain a greater understanding of what is going on inside their patients, but to give them the knowledge of how to craft a valuable treatment plan. 1. The first step in this process is choosing which genes to test for in the long list of options.
2. Secondly practitioners desire to understand the big picture, how does the patient’s genotype fit together.
3. And lastly the most important information that anyone wants to know is how is this to make them feel better.

Functional Medicine Universtity webinar on Tuesday September 11th, Corie Edwards ND from Kashi Labs presenting on their new DNA panel.

There is always an opportunity for students to ask the speaker questions, whether on the webinar or via the student forum at FMU.

Video, audio, slides and transcripts will be archived and available to students afterwards.

Full description of goals and learning objectives on the homepage of this site.

Remedy | Herbal Medicine Docuseries

The focus of this project is to bring ancient plant based herbal wisdom to comtemporary healing while also honoring the lineage from which it comes. In Remedy we explore powerful healing herbs primarily from 3 traditional herbal schools: Western, Chinese, and Ayurvedic

This is a 9 part docuseries on Herbal Medicine kicking off on Sept 5th-13th, with the tagline:  Ancient Medicine for Modern Illnesses. You’ll see 3 traditions represented: Chinese, Ayurvedic, Western herbal medicine.


The list of episodes is as follows:

remedy docuseries episode list

One episode airs each evening, Episode 1 is available all week long but the others are only available for 24 hours on the day they are streamed, with an encore Sept 15th-16th. Packages are available for purchase afterwards.

Our Host for the Event

nick polizzi remedy

Our host is Nick Polizzi, who says he was out of options and turned to herbs himself to heal whatever his own condition was, as such he doesn’t see it as alternative. I’m not familiar with Nick or his story and don’t know what is going to be rolled out in this event but I can concur that herbs did save my life too when docs were out of options and in my case also they were not alternatives.

Speaker Line-Up for Remedy

The line-up includes herbalists, researchers, and integrative and functional medicine doctors:

remedy speakers list1remedy speakers list 2remedy speakers list 3

You’ll see some very interesting inclusions among the speakers:

  • Dr. Lise Alschuler, of TAP Integrative, has guest lectured at FMU
  • Sayer-Ji founder of Green Med Info who archives the science behind natural remedies
  • Stephen Harrod Buhner who has written some classic books called Herbal Antibiotics and Herbal Antivirals
  • David Wolfe and Daniel Vitalis are very charismatic motivational speakers in the general health niche.
  • Rosemary Gladstar is an herbalist who gives several courses on herbs online now.

And an interesting exclusion or omission in my opinion is Master Herbalist David Christopher, son of Dr. Christopher the legendary herbalist and founder of The School of Natural Healing, which is going strong to this day and which in my opinion are the originators of proper organ detox and herbal formulas somewhat ‘copied’ out there today. That is the school of Western herbs which I used myself, and I do notice one speaker in episode 1 said she is a ‘vitalist’, which is the same line of thought, which means not using herbs instead of medicines in the sense of a pill for an ill – definitely not using a herb for an ill but working with the body and detox and nutrition.

As with any event, there will be both good and bad speakers. Having just listened to episode 1 myself I certainly have my favorites and those who infuriate me too. Episode 1 is pretty slow moving on the history of medicine, you can choose from the menu list above which episodes appeal to you are short on time. But it’s great to see herbs acknowledged, and the coversation is wide open in the comments. Register now for Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness

IBS and SIBO Summit

”Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) impact more than 400 million people. Symptoms can be painful, embarrassing and isolating, but you’re not alone and there ARE solutions!” Join the summit to hear them!

The IBS & SIBO Summit kicks off Monday September 3rd-9th, each day’s talks streaming free for 24 hours, with an encore after the summit. Hosted by Shivan Sarna, whose career path has swung from TV presenter to SIBO educator having had it herself and working closely with Dr. Allison Siebecker on her own SIBO. Dr Siebecker has helped organize this summit and is one of the big names in SIBO /IBS treatment, working closely with Dr. Sandberg-Lewis and Dr. Pimenthal, also big names in the SIBO space and also at this summit.

”Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) impact more than 400 million people. Symptoms can be painful, embarrassing and isolating, but you’re not alone and there ARE solutions!”

Attend the IBS & SIBO Summit for free, and free gifts on registration.

Free Registration Gifts:

3 Early Talks

You have access to 3 talks and transcripts to download just for registering free for the event. These are available free till the end of the summit so download them as soon as you can.

  1. Dr. Allison Siebecker: A dedicated SIBO expert who brings the latest in research and testing and a variety of treatments for SIBO.
  2. Dr. Partha Nandi: You’ll see Dr. Nandi lean towards the ‘medication side’ of integrative medicine, so while he says he treats SIBO with 2 weeks antibiotics you’ll see Dr. Siebecker has two options, she will use antibiotics for some people but offers the choice to use antimicrobial herbs and notes they are just as effective and bring other benefits but will take a little longer, maybe 4-6 weeks to work instead of 2 weeks with antibiotics.
  3. Dr. Tom O’Bryan: The title of this talk is misleading on a couple of fronts, his talk is actually much broader than gluten this time, and it’s one of his better talks imo, however strictly speaking the title should read What one bite of bread can do to someone who is gluten sensitive or ill”!

ibs sibo summit free gifts

SIBO Recipe Book

ibs and sibo cookbook sarnaWhile this cookbook looks very pretty, I’d be interested to hear from people with SIBO who have tried the recipes. When I had SIBO I could not have eaten many of these foods, and I wonder to what extent it has also been influenced by paleo and keto diet fads floating around the past couple of years in its avoidance of what are known to be SIBO friendly foods eg white rice, milk!

Speaker Gifts

Allison Siebecker has two gifts in here definitely worth accessing.

allison siebecker differential diagnosis eguide

There are also gifts by Michael Murray [he can be pretty good], Mama Z and Niki Gratix – though I’m a little alarmed to hear Niki talk about foods ‘that improve intuition’! As much as I respect intuition, surely by any definition it cannot be influenced by foods. But we’ve already had Dr. Nandi redefine ‘spirituality’ as ’emotionality’ so who knows where she is going with this!

speaker bonuses1

speaker bonuses 2

*Summit Survival Tips*

  1. Note the speaker gifts are in exchange for your email address, you may want to unsubscribe soon after you download your gift or you could get bombed with emails from some of the speakers as some speakers have very aggressive ’email campaigns’, a subject dear to my heart which I’d better not get into on this post, but I do wish some of them would remember we are here to learn, not make them rich.
  2. You’ll be getting a lot of emails from the summit itself, it’s a good idea to create a folder in your email specially for that so as not to clog up your inbox – some of those emails you will want to receive during the week.

Speaker Schedule

sibo speakers 1*Note you have the transcripts from Tom O’Bryan’s talk and Allison Siebecker’s talk free to download till the end of the summit!

sibo speakers 2*Note: you’ve got access to Partha Nandi’s talk and can download his transcripts free till the end of the summit!

sibo speakers 3

You can see some diverse dietary opinion represented in the line-up: David Jockers is keto to the core, whereas Michael Murray is not. However we have been bombarded unnecessarily by keto so heavily in summits at the moment that it would be easy to miss the fact that not everyone is keto, keto is last in the door and will be the first out it again 😉

sibo speakers 4You can see the diversity in approach with this set of speakers: mindset, candida, types of diet including low FODMAPs, and microbiome.

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I see Mona Morstein’s talk lists gallbladder as a topic, Dr. Morstein is a great speaker, very practical and very generous with her time even popping in to offer advice to the SIBO facebook group, however I’ve heard her in the past recommend a liver flush which is something you should never try for liver gallbladder, let’s hope it does not come up in this talk. I’m one of the people had that flush drink shoot out a stone too big for the bile ducts, if I hadn’t studied and practiced using herbs for a long time I’d not have got out of that situation with a gallbladder intact! *I had tried it before hearing Dr. Morstein.

sibo speakers 9Aristo Vojdani has actually developed some of the most sophisticated tests for immune reactivity, and founded Immunosciences lab at one point.

sibo speakers 10sibo speakers 11

In addition to the free gifts and summit which streams for free, anyone wishing to access the speakers talks in their own time or the transcripts can purchase the summit, it’s available totally online or as a flash drive posted to your home address, or flashdrive and physical product posted out to you.

Prices start at $59 for early birds online access only, and go up accordingly after that.

For those who purchase the event a large number of other purchase gifts are included include Michael Murray’s entire Digestive Summit! So you are getting two summits for one right there!

10 Sibo Summit Bonus Purchase Gifts, including an entire other summit!

michael murray's digestive health summit free with sibo summit

*Be careful with David Jocker’s advice on diet, he is always pushing ketogenic diet and if you heard how his wife in the third trimester of pregnancy was allowing herself a piece of sweet potato, carrot, handful of berries, your alarm bells and red flags really should be sounding at this stage.

sibo purchase bonuses

sibo purchase bonuss 5 and 6

sibo purchase bonuses 7 and 8sibo purchase bonuses 9 and 10

Active SIBO FaceBook Group

Host Shivan Sarna also kept an open facebook group all year which has been very active where people with SIBO share their journey, successes and failures, and ask for help from each other from various experiences on similar protocols. The group was actively monitored by Shivan, and at times speakers from the previous SIBO summit dropped in with advice.

Just yesterday the subject of adhesions after surgery as an underlying cause of SIBO came up and I remembered there had been a speaker on last year’s summit talking about sorting those out naturally for people, one comment later and Shivan had posted the link to people providing that service Clear Passage Physical Therapy The reason I had remembered Larry Wurn was because I met someone after that summit who’d had SIBO after surgery and was in a terrible state unable to eat anything and his doctors were not able to do anything for him! He had multiple other illnesses so that SIBO ‘cherry on top’ was even more serious to sort out. All the more reason for solutions to become part of mainstream medicine and the options we all get offered routinely going forward. It’s been over 25 years since docs did not treat my SIBO / IBS properly and I’m seeing that is still happening to people I meet globally today.

CFMP Functional Medicine Training in SIBO

There’s been a number of lectures by various guest speakers at Functional Medicine University on the subjects of SIBO, IBS, IBD, the Gut Brain Connection, Digestive disorders, and GERD. These are very highly focused on testing and solutions by the big names in the subject area / experts as well as clinicians who have to solve this for their patients every day.

Some speakers who’ve given continuing education lessons in functional medicine at FMU who also occur at this summit include:

  • Keesha Ewers
  • Mona Morstein
  • Steven Sandberg-Lewis
  • Allison Siebecker
  • Rachel Fresco

However there are more speakers on the subject, and in a practitioner level continuing education class you will get more details than you get at a summit.

In this SIBO summit once you purchase the event you are then offered fro a further $39 3 more in-depth lectures, so even if you got the summit at early bird prices digital download only, you are now hitting $100 to get more info! This type of upselling is Brendon Burchard marketing 101 and is a new development in the summits this year and not a good trend in my opinion. I keep saying it, but we are not cash cows.

While summits are great on many levels, even the bad ones lol, you will get more on a pracitioner level course and I’d recommend FMU because right away you are saving $100 on every subject that comes up as all the continuing education is free for students of Functional Medicine University, and there have been many modules on SIBO featuring global experts. Next enrollment is the week of October 22nd 2018 and fees for the entirely online course come in around $2500, and this website offers you a voucher for $250 cashback, basically 10% off. Check out the payment plans page.

Addiction Summit

A much needed event in the modern age when addictions of many sorts actually dominate society and yet get swept under the carpet, while causing huge disruption to all at some level – help and treatment protocols much needed, Dr. Thomas aims to provide many options from his great personal experience.

The Addiction Summit kicks off August 13th for one week, with an encore the following w/e. It is hosted by Dr. Paul Thomas, MD. He has used the 12 Step Process himself for his own alcohol addiction and his wife has used another of the speakers Julie Valenti’s brain rewiring plan for her addiction post surgery to opiates. Dr. Thomas runs a clinic helping heroin addicts get clean, as well as being a pediatric doctor who featured in the Vaccines series and has written the book The Child Friendly Vaccine Schedule published 2016, and has another book The Addiction Spectrum coming out in Sept 2018.

Free Early Talks

There are 3 talks available to view immediately complete with transcripts, just for registering for the summit [which airs free all week but has packages for sale if you need to catch it later].

They are 3 approaches to recovering from addiction, so will suit different personalities.

free early talks deanna minich and valerie on brain rewiring

Two recovered addicts praising the 12 Steps programs and both now MDs totally clean.addiction summit free early talks

  1. Deanna Minich: Is into a form of color therapy and visualization blend, this will suit some personalities more than others.
  2. Julie Valenti: Is into ‘brain rewiring’ and the neuroscience, similar to what you’d hear John Assaraf’s team talk about though while they talk about the latest scientific research I’m aware the Hypnosis Motivation Institute has been doing this work under the realm of hypotherapy since the 60’s, as with many things science can come along much later after the fact, it would be good to give credit where it is due though to the work that already exists. I’ve taken their Master Hypnotist training and it’s the missing link in all of the above approaches!
  3. Marvin Seppalla, over the half way mark this talk gets into methadone and some other substitutes and the difficulties getting finally off, as well as the effectiveness of 12 step programs which are free compared to some online cons charging a fortune for tailored programs and not delivering. Perhaps the biggest takeaway is the inspiration that Doc Marvin himself was a ‘hopeless’ addict from age 17 but managed to get off and get clean despite the odds and stay clean and turn his life around.

7 Day Recipe Book

There is a 7 day recipe book provided by the host that focuses on whole real food, against the current hype and trends today for keto or paleo or vegan, actually a healthy Irish person going back 5 generations may recognize this type of eating. He also gives the example of the Japanese who are among the healthiest and longest living yet eat ‘processed grains’ i.e. white rice up to 3 times a day.

You are going to see meat, fish and dairy in here, but note it is not for someone with autoimmune disease, it is to build strength in healthy people in their recovery from addiction and get stable meals in place. There’s no junk food in there though.

7 day meals and recipes

Speaker Bonuses

Four free gifts here too, in exchange for your email address, but remember you can unsubscribe after you download the gifts if you have too many emails in your inbox.

speaker bonuses addiction summit

speaker bonuses at addiction summit 1 and 2

These summits usually have a bunch of other gifts for you when you purchase the event, note you can register as an affiliate and use your own link if you clear your cache prior to purchase.

  1. Alcohol & Addiction: a Proven Nutritional Approach ebook for 5x Health, by Andrew Saul, of Orthomolecular and Vitamin C fame.
  2. 21stC Solutions to Depression Report by GreenMedInfo, Sayer-Ji, who has a site dedicated to research and natural solutions – always amazing nuggets with him.
  3. Eliminate Cancer’s Favorite Building Block from your Diet, by Ty Bolinger of The Truth About Cancer. Well what a title for a book on guess what – sugar! Really drives that point home already!
  4. Focus on Addiction ebook by David Perlmutter. Well it should be interesting to see Paul Thomas interviewing Perlmutter because they seem polar ends of the grains spectrum already! 😀


Update: As it turns out the 7 Day Eating Plan that he offered as a free gift for attending the summit includes fish and meat and wholefoods as we know them but most of the speakers are keto, which was very unfortunate, as it seems Dr. Thomas is on a learning curve with his own functional medicine education and came under the influence of what’s popular online at the moment – bearing in mind that many fmed practitioners tend to meet up at conferences organized by marketing groups or friends who invite other friends of similar dietary beliefs. I spent a lot of time at the summit in the commenst showing that for every one claim made for the ketone BHB betahydroxybutyrate there were often up to 10 other ways of achieving the same thing without engaging an extreme diet like the ketogenic diet.

Daily Speaker Schedule

You can choose your favorite speakers from this line up, I find I have my faves, then I usually pick up a nugget or two from those I thought would be hopeless 😀

However no doubt about it, it’s a mixed line up and for those who don’t have much time then either get the transcripts or watch out for those speaking at the level you like, for example I usually like the science of Sayer-Ji or Ben Lynch compared to the slow easy conversation of Erin Elizabeth, James Maskell or even Deanna Minich, but when you see the comments under each speaker there’s a whole bunch of people would prefer the less detailed talks and different modalities.

Update: As predicted there were some surprises in the lineup:

Having listened to Sayer-Ji his talk was very disappointing and it was more about bashing wheat and grains and he even said he was going ‘to take a stand on his belief about wheat’, this selectivity and bias was offputting and unfortunate, he’s usually better than that.

I’ve put an update on the facebook page and will do a full report later on the key takeaways and serious points that need challenged at this conference eg keto.

**The best talks to catch are Ben Lynch, Zen Honeycutt, Joel Fuhrmann.

day 1 addiction summit

Sayer-Ji is definitely one to watch out for on day 2, if you like detail. Perhaps Perlmutter too, though as we saw from the recipe book this summit is not anti-grain.

*Update: as it turned out Sayer did not bring his A-game to this summit after and if you are time poor then this talk is no priority imo. Perlmutter had some nuggets but is biased and selective on ketogenic diet, he stated things keto was good for but omitted that many other things achieve the same results without the need for an extreme and potentially very dangerous diet.

You can see we have a headstart on Day 3 with Julie Valenti’s early talk – that is one to get, at the end she flies through her 20 step program, there’s a free transcript and she has some very useful stuff could be applied to much needed but mostly non-existent ‘anger management’ programs.

We’ve also had a headstart on Day 4 as Marvin Seppala’s talk is available as a free early talk with transcript. Another interesting speaker would be Joel Fuhrman here, though it’s odd to see him side by side with Jockers who is a Keto guy.

**Update: Joel Furhman’s talk is one of the best at the summit and explains the mechanics of withdrawal and strengthening the body, his approach is nutrition and not starvation or extreme diets, i.e. the opposite of keto.

day 5 speakers addiction summit

Day 5 and here we have Ben Lynch hitting the science – though as you can see from the ‘what you’ll learn’ panel for his talk he is talking liposomal glutathione and that’s a big myth out there as regards ‘bioavailability’, I hope Sayer-Ji brings this point out some time as he is good at dispelling trends and myths, but it is known and reported that upregulating glutathione with something like a coffee enema can be even more effective that a $100 bottle of LSF glutathione!

Ben Lynch is often misquoted regarding methylation supplementation too and I’ve had it out with him in the comments at these summits at times – he has admitted folate can be got from greens, the problem is some fmed doctors misquote him on that and insist all the time on expensive supplements unnecessarily, he’d say a tiny percentage need more than can be got from food….

**Ben Lynch’s talk was one of the best at this summit on many levels, and he did clarify that it is not necessary to supplement with methylfolate, that ‘regular folate’ was actually greens and we should be eating them over supplementation. But folic acid supplementation is the one not to do.

I’d be interested in the Ray Lozano talk here as to how to speak to people with addictions, and people who need to solve problems do tend to benefit from hearing the success stories of others.

Day 6 Chris Meletis is the one I’d like to hear talk, on CBD in the context of this summit. I’ve heard Gottfried in the past, she can buck some trends too and point out how not all women do well on paleo or whatever the latest diet fad is.

Attend the addiction summit for free

Update: The host got into CBD oil a little with Ty Bollinger, just a snippet here and a snippet in two other talks on the summit, he appears to be saving a discussion on that for his book due out in September 2018. Similarly many requests were made by attendees for more information on what to actually do with addicts in crisis, that did not appear to be covered other than ‘they need to see an addictionologist’. His focus was very much on strengthening the body and brain and emotions. Also it emerged he’s an integrative doc 10-15 years but not trained in functional medicine so hence the leanings on the guidance of others, eg much too heavy a leaning on keto diet due to his current influences.

If you have opinions on the speakers or their topics feel free to share them in the comments below.


Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit

Prevent, slow and reverse Alzheimer’s, this is what some people are doing and a wide selection of speakers have been assembled to give their take and their experience on this.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit July 23rd-29th

Experienced host specializing in Alzheimer’s niche Jonathan Landsman is hosting this summit again in 2018.

Brain disorders, including memory loss, are fast becoming the single biggest health problem in the world, and the statistics are incredibly grim…

  • In 2017 it was estimated around 50 million people had some form of dementia. 
  • In 2057 it’s estimated 150 million people will have dementia.

Let’s work together to prevent it from happening to you!

Yes it CAN be prevented and even reversed, but why let it get that far!

Register to attend this week long event for free, and receive the free gifts

Alzhemer’s & Dementia Summit

  • Every day on Irish TV we have an awful ad for ‘Alzheimer’s’, where the only solution offered is ‘getting involved in the local community ”if things might go a bit astray down the road you’ll have the support’, but nothing offered in terms of prevention or reversal

– yet we’ve already had the Smart Caregivers event this year which had a ton of excellent advice and seeing people reverse Alzheimer’s through a number of the early to mid stages. And no reason for people to progress to late stage when awareness is make a priority – so get informed.

  • I had to recover from serious brain issues including rapid cognitive decline after an adverse reaction to anaesthesia, there was no community interested in taking on a liability, no practical help or solutions offered by the docs.

– I did reverse it with some EPA, oxygen, herbs, but very nearly didn’t find the right advice. I’m here today with brain function, I was nearly left without it, like so many other people I’ve seen along the way, most don’t actually get to restore it, they are not told it can be done or how it may be done.

What about the Alzheimer’s charities?

The doctors and researchers are bought into a medical model of ‘a pill for an ill’, this time of year the Alzheimer’s ‘charities’ are fundraising for research into that ‘pill’, and are not interested in solutions that don’t cost billions of dollars, it will cost you but pay them. This time last year when Jonathan was airing the 2017 summit guess what – facebook pulled his ad campaign becaue the Alzheimer’s charities were advertising ‘there is no cure for Alzheimer’s’ – !!!? It’s not about healing Alzheimer’s and dementia out there folks, where’d be the money in that!!

I was a scholarship student suddenly left with a rapidly deteriorating brain and it was caused by doctors who not only could not fix it or even stop the decline but doctors who reacted very badly to the situation and ignored me too.

*Igennus EPA at a very high dose of 8 capsules a day about 4g pure EPA immediately halted the decline but it takes MUCH longer to repair, the brain can deteriorate rapidly but rebuilds very slowly – yet the doctors don’t admit to it rebuilding, certainly not outside a presription – yet we know nothing they offer stops the progression of Alzheimer’s. I alsoro took some Master Herbalist circulation tintures, which have been banned from over the counter sale by Europe in 2004, cannot be labelled as ‘good for circulation’ without a multimillion dollar drug trial.

You think the researcher wanted to know how I did it?

Oh, do you think they were interested when I restored brain function? I had attended a lecture by a researcher when I was first ill and still able to move, he was saying people with ME had the brain blood flow of a stroke victim but that they didn’t know how to repair it – well he was not interested either unless recovery comes from a pill they can market and profit from.

There are some excellent explanations within functional medicine for Alzheimer’s type illnesses, and Court Vreeland has given some excellent lectures at FMU on the subject.

I have not yet listened to the talks for this summit, but am looking forward to seeing what they offer this year, they always leave someone out though that I wish was in there 😉

**Please note, ME is not CFS or fibro, as David Brady claims. At least the researcher was correct about that!

Alzheimer's & Dementia Summit


FMU Summer Enrollment

The Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner course for licensed professionals is available entirely online. Do you want to pay $2000 or $16,000 for the same thing? Do you want to have to travel to the United States every time you do a module or do them from the comfort of your own home or office and not have to take time off work or flights, you name it, extra expenses. This enrollment open 4 times in the year, summer enrollment at FMU is from July 23rd for one week. Voucher available here July 23rd for 10% cash back*

Enrollment for the CFMP training happens only 4 times a year and summer enrollment is the week of Monday July 23rd.

Preceding enrollment week you will have access to some case studies and videos archived in the extra materials provided to students along with the core curriculum.

First free access video this week is a talk given by an extremely dynamic and knowledgeable speaker Robert Silverman DC, DACBN, DCBCN, MS, CCN, CNS, CSCS, CIISN, CKTP, CES, HKC, SASTM titled:

Toxic effect of leaky gut (LPS): Protocols and Assessments — Part 1 (Sample Presentation)

The presentation is approximately 60 minutes.

Click the following link to access the video but remember to come back to this site for your voucher to get $250 back on tuition fees, voucher will be live from Monday:


To renew the effect of lipopolysaccharides on the pathogens of various chronic, clinical conditions in the human body Expertly assess systemic lipopolysaccharides Learn the available treatment options for systemic lipopolysaccharides Understand the assessment of antigen intestinal permeability The human body is an incredibly complex system.
Since the days of Hippocrates man has struggled to work out what exactly his gut had to do with his health. Currently, the GI condition commonly known as Leaky Gut Syndrome- has been gaining a lot of attention of late. This spotlight is focused on the role of intestinal barrier function (LPS) in the pathogenesis, not just of GI diseases but of autoimmune, neuroautoimmune and neurodegenerative ones as well. Using predictive antibodies of LPS opens the possibility of prevention, amelioration of autoimmune disorders.

This is your chance to join Dr. Silverman as he takes you through a 2-part leading-edge presentation on assessing the toxic effect of leaky gut- (LPS) and protocols for resolution.

*Note: as a student of FMU myself and having taken other courses such as Master Herbalism, I know it is possible to take the explanations Dr. Silverman provides and apply other protocols, once we understand fully what is going on – the science – we can apply whatever our favorite modality is to the healing and reversal process.

Part 2 of this video will be available on July 16th

Dr. Silverman as well as being in high demand for Google Talks and American TV health shows, also is the author of the book Inside Out Health, and is on the board of advisors for FMU.

inside out health amazon best seller

Here is the $250 cashback voucher which is live from July 23rd, you must use this link to get cookied into this offer at FMU.

$250 off the training fees

Check out the payment plans.