Candida Summit

Candida is an opportunistic fungus which can get a foodhold in us due to modern diets and antibiotics, and spread systemically in the body. Nail fungus, for example, is rarely confined to the nail but symptomatic of a systemic infection. This summit aims to expose the causes and treatments and resolutions.


Candida Summit July 9th-15th

Candida was not taken seriously when I became ill in 2004, despite 4 courses of antibiotics without probiotics in a very short time frame all the predictable and well-known-in-the-naturopathic-world symptoms piled up in me. When I started doing coffee enemas I could see ‘candida creatures’ coimng out just lie I’d heard the ‘candida gone rogue’ described, the long extensions that cause leaky gut, looked like coral reef but not so pretty!

And the doctors in 2018 do not join the dots yet either, as I have a friend currently going through all this unnecessary debilitating fatigue in the UK after several knee jerk rounds of antibiotics for a wound that actually needed Zinc supplementation to heal as it was depleted by his other meds! Not that his conventional doctors will recommend or acknowledge zinc, even though we got immediate results with it.

And just as I was left to the consequences of 4 courses of antibiotics in a year way back in 2004, when now not only do I know I could have used garlic on those gum infections but no one told me about probiotics or candida or leaky gut associated with all that, and sensitivities etc etc to follow! Nor do they now…

– At least functional medicine is bringing the science back into the picture. ND’s had been aware of this a long time and old time naturopaths but their solutions without science and without generating profits for certain professions and companies meant not being taken seriously, until now. Let’s hope science / unbiased science/ and sanity prevail this time!

The host for the candida summit is Evan Brand, functional health coach and FDN.

In his health practice, ~95% of Evan Brand’s clients have some degree of candida overgrowth – time and time again, he has seen debilitating and mysterious symptoms disappear once it has been addressed.

Certain lifestyle choices and/or illness can deplete the “good” bacteria in your body to create room for candida growth:

  • Use of antibiotics
  • A high sugar diet
  • Allergies
  • Years of drinking alcohol
  • An immunosuppressive illness
  • Use of NSAIDs
  • Birth control

Evan Brand trained as an FDN practitioner, he cured himself of candida, parasites, bacterial overgrowth by becoming a health coach with a difference. If you are a non-licenced practitioner and you’d like to check out that training click here, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

If you like to attend the summit or register as an affilate for it then click here Candida Summit

Candida summit

Toxic Home Transformation Encore

Stand up to chemicals, stand up for fresh air and your immune system, be aware of how we are being bombarded with toxic chemicals in our home environments and come help change the tide and get tips and action steps on how to transform your home to a healthy home.

Attend the Encore free streaming of the event, all speakers unlocked!

All speakers’ talks unlocked for two days! Special summit price still in place, will go up after the event.

Last chance to tune into what has to be one of the most urgent topics and perhaps the one swept under the carpet the most as the fragrance and other chemical and emf industries rush to make their billions of dollars, like parasites feeding on our health and wellbeing…wakey wakey, this is big!

Note also that word ‘transformation’ in the title, action steps all the way!

I’ve personally bought the package because it is vital we get educated on this subject where we and our food, our clothes, our air, our water, ourhome, work, cars, you name it are now bathed in ever increasing toxic plumes as the race for profits and marketing of fragrances and chemicals is going further than anyone could have imagined.

I’ve attended a few talks so far and though I’m immersed in this stuff as a chemically sensitive person, there’s still some real nuggests to be picked up here. And the opportunity to chat with the host and speakers and be part of the conversation.

For example, one speaker giving us a tour of his home said that Ecover used to be a brand he trusted but had recently noticed a strong smell in some of the products which he says he didn’t know precisely what it was but he’d normally stay away from anything that smelled like that – I was able to confirm I’d already spoken to the Ecover company and they admitted they are now 50% synthetic fragrance, which is of course like being a little bit pregnant! Their label has the words ‘plant and mineral’ on there, and of course ‘mineral’ is also petrochemical, the basis of all synthetic fragrances and pharmaceuticals. The reason they gave was ‘to make it last longer’ – but at what cost, our health? All so that they could compete with the likes of Unstoppables…well this has to be stopped.

Toxic Home Transformation

Homes can be sick for lots of reasons, and make us sick too: chemicals in laundry, synthetic fragrances, cleaning chemicals, water, emf, mold, paints, furniture, clothes, the list goes on – exposure is one half of the solution, action steps to make your home a healthy place is the other and all at this summit.

A home can be sick and if it is sick it can also make you sick and keep you sick too. This summit offers a wide range of experience and expertise providing simple steps to take the toxicity out of our homes.

And in an age when the fragrance industry has infiltrated all aspects of life and laundry to bung up the air as soon as cigarettes had been cleared out of it, this summit is not a moment too soon! Even ‘eco giant’ Ecover who used to be synonymous with healthy living has now caved into adding 50% synthetic chemicals and fragrances to their products – how do I know – I had to ask them why the smell was so bad and had left me gasping and wouldn’t wear away!

And it’s not just the obvious things like synthetic chemical fragrances, and mold, and smart meters and dirty electricity, it is subtle hidden things you woudn’t even imagine they’d think of doing to your water, clothes, sheets, furnishings, paint…the list goes on!

And it’s not just the big obvious illnesses like cancer and asthma, the toxic soup can beat us up in all sorts of ways, from fatigue, to brain fog, to thyroid issues, to autoimmune sensitivty issues, and that list goes on!

A restorative, calming health haven = words you’d use or like to use to describe your home?

Well that’s the aim of the summit hosts and speakers, to help you have that. And they will provide all this information streaming for free for the first week, with the option to buy packages if you’d like to access the transcripts and view the talks later.

They will also be providing info on detox, and with Evan Brand as one of the speakers the FDN wing will be represented there, as will many Fmed doctors eg Jill Carnahan, and a lot of other people involved in the health world or health journey. While some of them look very good others to be honest are like the proverbial bad penny that always turn up to every event – and why is that, well likely they belong in the same marketing group!

Speaking of which here is your attendee link register here.

And if you’d like to become an affiliate for this summit sign up here.

*Encore all speakers replay July 7th-8th

toxic laundry chemicals

FMU Guest Lecture Series

The Thyroid-Adrenal Connection: Understanding Metabolism and Fatigue
Speaker: Debbie Rice ND MPH (Dutch Labs) Will cover testing, and protocols.

The Thyroid-Adrenal Connection: Understanding Metabolism and Fatigue

Speaker: Debbie Rice ND MPH (Dutch Labs)


  1. Understand what the Thyroid is and how it functions
  2. Understand what the Adrenal glands are and how they function
  3. Understand the relationship between thyroid and adrenal function and how this influences stress management, metabolism, mood, and fatigue.
  4. Discuss appropriate testing and evaluation for thyroid and adrenal function.
  5. Introduce other factors (nutrition, lifestyle, genetics) that influence thyroid and adrenal function

*Students have the opportunity to ask questions live after the lecture or afterwards in the forum. Lectures will be archived and available to students with transcripts and audio/video/slides.

Autoimmune Secrets

Autoimmune disease is the game changer on the world stage today as our bodies have succombed to decades of pesticides and herbicides, GMOs and an array of food industry tricks and additives, as well as pharmaceuticals. There is no hope offered by mainstream medicine, this summit showcases alternatives.

This series aired 3 months back and is on its first replay. Some excellent presentations and examples of ‘no hope’ autoimmune diseases being reversed and people getting their lives back. I personally don’t like the ‘community’ aspect of it when religion is involved. However as far as research goes, it’s always good to know what some docs are doing, the protocols they are using, the results people are getting. I always point to other sources of healing and information so no one group like this claims authority or exclusivity and have listed some in my review here.

If you’d like to register for the event do so here.

And if you’d like to register as an affiliate for the event do so here.

Click here for my review Autoimmune Secrets.


FMU Guest Lecture Series

Understanding the Complexity of Estrogen Detoxification: How Genetics, the Liver, and the Microbiome Come Together
Speaker: Carrie Jones, ND, MPH (Dutch Labs)

Understanding the Complexity of Estrogen Detoxification: How Genetics, the Liver, and the Microbiome Come Together

Speaker: Carrie Jones, ND, MPH (Dutch Labs)

Description: Estrogen goes through phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification known collectively as estrogen metabolism. A healthy metabolism shunts estrogen into 2-OH-E1 and then through methylation via COMT into 2-methoxy-E1 for proper disposal from the body. Unfortunately, if the pathway turns towards the unhealthy 4-OH-E1 or does not go through methylation, those estrogens go on to form a quinone that can result in DNA damage and increased cancer risk. Certain enzymes, such as Q uinone Reductase and Glutathione-S-Transferase, help prevent or reverse quinone formation and can be optimized with specific dietary changes and natural products. It is also important to evaluate the gut as the microbiome has a huge influence on b-glucuronidase and the resulting clearance or reactivation of estrogen into the system. The purpose of this lecture is to review estrogen metabolism,
including the genetics involved, the microbiome’s influence and discuss various treatment options to improve both phase 1 and phase 2 detox in order to help reduce cancer riskin both men and women. Cases will be included.


  1. Understand how estrogen (endogenous or exogenous) moves through phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification and the snps/enzymes involved in each process.
  2. Review the genetic snps and enzymes involved in each process.
  3. Discuss food sources that have been shown in the literature to improve estrogen metabolism outcomes.
  4. Discuss the microbiome and estrobolome and its influence on estrogen clearance
  5. Discuss natural therapies that have been shown in the literature to improve estrogen metabolism.


Keto Summit

If you are already on a ketogenic diet then you need to keep up with all the technicalities involved so you don’t fall into harm with it, it is not a natural way to run your body fuel and the devil is in the detail. There are alternatives to keto for every condition out there, be aware of that.

The tagline of this event is ‘our mission is to help the world heal’ however in mathematics sometimes there can be two solutions to a problem and yet both solutions are not equal, one will be easy and beautiful and the other ugly and convoluted, unnatural and not something you’d choose if you knew there was an option. Well such is keto, that second ugly solution, the one that has a natural alternative no matter what illness you like to talk about here, whether it is MS to ALS, keto is NEVER the only way.

However if you are already doing keto in your life then you’d better ensure you are doing it properly because it is trending and many people jumped on this latest fad diet and did it badly, those people could end up in trouble so best hang out with others doing it.

Encore w/e ran to May 21st and always check in for later replays, they are often extended. The host was David Jockers, and he invited other people already into Keto to speak, in other words you were not getting presented with alternative views at this summit.

There are a number of keto speakers represented at FMU eg Dr. Mercola has given a number of lectures on his Cronometer and eating habits, as well as Terry Wahls but also those who take the opposite stance on nutrition have been invited to speak and their lectures are archived too.

Personally I know the conditions they claim success for with Keto can always be dealt with successfully by other means too. My own case would have had Keto recommeded for it had I spoken to the wrong person, ‘wrong’ because it would have beean n unnecessary risk and hardship. I’m personally totally against any diet that forces you to be scared of food, even an apple. And that has you in a risky place where you need to monitor with keto sticks and buy ridiculously priced things not available locally. Even though I am 100% organic.

Celebrity doctors coming out against keto include:

  • Dr. Alan Christianson
  • And severe illnesses that have found protocols other than keto include MS, ME, CFS, ALS eg Deanna’s Protocol designed specifically because she tried keto and it did not suit her.

The Food Revolution

Herbicide use has increased by 527 million pounds since GMOs started! 18% of the entire US gross domestic product is spent on health care. Cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease all on the rise, 90% of Alzheimer’s cases can be prevented with simple changes to diet and lifestyle. Your health, happiness and the future of the earth are in your hands when you sit down to eat, and this summit will tell you what you should be aware of and get you thinking about what you can do about it. “If we don’t have safe food to eat, we don’t have our basic rights”, Vani Hari.

It’s the 7th Food Revolution Summit! John and Ocean Robbins’ annual event. While headlining Organic pesticide GMO-free foods and exposing the food industry, this event covers applications in the area of Cancer, Brain Health, and more.

However it  does everthing from a very strict vegan perspective so while the exposé on all things food industry is welcome, his interpretation of taking action on our health is narrow and limited if you are not a vegan vegetarian – which just does not suit much of the population.

And functional medicine testing shows again and again that it is not strictly necessary for the entire world to be vegan, as also has the entire history of the world shown that not all cultures were vegan vegetarian- however tell that to one of the speakers like Chris Wark and he’ll just fling back at you ‘oh hurry up and tell that to the gorillas’, ask me how I know 😉

So you will see on here some of Ocean’s favorite speakers on health, vegan health, that means only one cardiologist – one of the only ones out there who happens to be vegan, while there are many excellent functional medicine and holistic cardiologists out there such as Steven Masley, Stephen Gundry, Stephen Sinatra, and many others who aren’t named Steven 😀

When this summit gets talking about food safety and GMO’s then it comes into its own and it is worth listening to, quite eye opening and the sort of information we all need to be armed with when it comes to taking action in our environment wherever we are, and taking action with our shopping carts and forks.

The Food Revolution offers some free ebooks on GMOs and Food&Cancer and Food  & Alzheimer’s just for signing up.

Click here for the GMO Report

Click here for the Food & Cancer Report

Click here for the Food & Brain Health Report


Diabetes Summit 2018

Diabetes is one of the big illnesses out there managed, medicated and mishandled, considered incurable and many people losing limbs and life quality eventually life itself. But diabetes, pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome can be caught and reversed, and even prevented. This summit shares functional medicine and personalized, lifestyle-based approaches to help you regain control of blood sugar, heal complications and health problems, and reverse the course of diabetes

The Diabetes Summit 2018 hosted by Brian Mowll, who has been hosting these since 2015 so we have a very experienced diabetes expert here. Previous summits were excellent at redefining proper testing ranges and looking differently at how doctors are currently monitoring and treating diabetes. This group of doctors and practitioners employ functional medicine testing along with lifestyle changes and the list of topics as a result is holistic and diverse.

Topics at the Summit Include the Following:

  • Blood sugar: While this may seem like an obvious one you’d be surprised, I’ve recently seen my dad as a heart patient being told he was just outside being diabetic and as such offered jelly and ice cream at meals and biscuits in between meals while in hospital for coronary bypass surgery. Whereas past diabetes summits have shown there is no such thing as prediabetes and full blown diabetes may have been developing for 20-30  years already!
  • Inflammation and the gut: of course at the heart of all disease.
  • Ketogenic and non-ketogenic diets
  • Mold, EMFs
  • Gluten, for and against
  • Hormones
  • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
  • Mindset
  • Detox
  • Genes
  • Weight loss
  • Autoimmunity
  • Natural Medicine

Diabetes Summit Speakers

diabetes speakers 1diabetes summit speakers 2diabetes speakers 3diabetes speakers 4

Attend Event or Register as an Affiliate

Click here for Attendee Registration The summit airs for free with free gifts just for registering:

diabetes summit free gifts


Click here for Affiliate Registration: Remember if buying under your own link to clear your cache first. Health Talks Online is one of the few affiliate programs that allows people to buy with their own links.

FMU Guest Lecture Series 2018 #4

Important information regarding the integrity of the barrier system can be gleaned from a truly comprehensive stool analysis report. Indirect and direct assessment of the terrain and clinical intervention to support the barriers will be addressed.

Gastrointestinal Barriers and Permeability: Assessment and Intervention, April 17th, 8pm Eastern New York time.

Speaker: David Quig, PhD (Vice President of Scientific Support for Doctor’s Data)

The gastrointestinal (GI) ecosystem is much more complex than even intimated by the great advances towards unraveling the GI microbiome. This presentation will highlight the critical role of the too often overlooked GI barrier systems and the incredible symbiotic interactions between the microbes and their encompassing and supportive barrier terrain.  Students will have the opportunity to ask questions, either on the night live or through the FMU student forum.