Assessment and Clinical Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Despite the prevalence of IBS, there continues to exist much confusion and divergent opinions on underlying causes, patient assessment and clinical management. In this presentation attendees will learn the following:

Research on the most common causes of the different forms of IBS. How to use history, breath testing, and stool analysis to determine which causes of IBS are present with any particular patient. A menu of lifestyle recommendations and supplemental protocols that can be used based on findings from the patient history and laboratory testing.

Assessment and Clinical Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Speaker: Jeffrey Moss, DDS, CNS, DACBN


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which commonly presents as diarrhea predominant (IBS-D),
constipation predominant (IBS-C), or a combination of the two (mixed– IBS-M), is
one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders in the United States. Unfortunately, despite its prevalence, there continues to exist much confusion and divergent opinions on underlying causes, patient assessment and clinical management. In this presentation, the most current research on causation will be presented. Then, based on the most current understanding of causation, methods of assessment and treatment, with a focus on lifestyle changes and supplemental protocols that are practical, cost effective, and highly efficacious, will be discussed.

Learning Objectives: In this presentation attendees will learn the following:

Research on the most common causes of the different forms of IBS.

How to use history, breath testing, and stool analysis to determine which causes of IBS are present with any particular patient.

A menu of lifestyle recommendations and supplemental protocols that can be used based on findings from the patient history and laboratory testing.

 Date: Tuesday, December 8th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Dr. Moss’s Bio:

Dr. Moss graduated from the University of Michigan Dental School in 1974 and practiced dentistry in Grand Rapids, Michigan up to 1985. Having employed clinical nutrition in his practice for six years, he decided to use this experience and enter the professional supplement industry. For the last 23 years he has operated Moss Nutrition Products,
which serves health care professionals with nutritional supplements. Since 2000 he has served as adjunct faculty at the Nutrition Institute, starting with the Vitamins and Minerals class and, most recently, adding the Assessment in Nutrition class to his teaching responsibilities. Since 1987 he has written, for professionals, a newsletter of review and commentary on many of the most controversial and cutting-edge issues that face clinical nutrition practitioners today. He also co-authored the text, Textbook of Nutritional Medicine with Mel Werbach, M.D. Finally, Dr. Moss was president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN) from August, 2000 to June 2001.

Functional Medicine University Guest Lecture Series | Pinworms Master Host Manipulators

Treatment protocol for pinworms, and everything else you need to know but didn’t think to ask including why to expect more pinworms with covid!

Pinworms: Master Host Manipulators

Speaker: Matt Marturano N.D.


In this presentation we will review the coevolution of Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) and human beings since prehistory and explore some unsettling new insights proposed by recent studies into multiparasitology and host manipulation. Learn the top reason why conventional treatments are ineffective in the long term, and why you should
expect to see more cases of pinworm pop up during viral outbreaks, such as the novel Coronavirus.

Learning Objectives:

  • Pinworm paleoparasitology
  • Prevalence and risk factors
  • Epidemiology and covert infection
  • Clinical presentation and diagnosis of Enterobiasis
  • Conventional treatment and recurrence
  • Impact of infection and treatment on host microbiota and immune response
  • Psychiatric comorbidities with pinworm infection
  • Polyparasitism and pinworms
  • The Switcher Effect and pinworms
  • Natural treatments for pinworm infection
  • Environmental and behavior modifications for prevention
  • Case Study: 40 year old man with pruritus ani
  • Comprehensive 13-week integrative pinworm treatment protocol

Date: Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Dr Matt Marturano ND’s Bio:

Dr Matt Marturano ND, is a licensed naturopathic physician with a keen interest in the human gut microbiome and digestive system. Dr. Marturano’s educational background includes an undergraduate degree in biology and philosophy from the University of Michigan, and a doctorate of naturopathic medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Dr. Matt is the author of The COHERENT Method: An open-source functional medicine paradigm for management of functional digestive disorders. He currently conducts lectures, webinars, and trainings for practitioners worldwide, and serves as vice-president for Orchid Holistic Search, a boutique executive search firm focused in the natural products industry.matt marturano ND

Immune System Balance in Lyme and Complex Infectious Illness-supporting appropriate immune function

Immune System Balance in Lyme and Complex Infectious Illness Supporting appropriate immune function. Learning Objectives:

1. Understand a healthy immune response
2. Learn about the physiology of the immune system in the gut and its role in systemic immune responses
3. Leave grounded in therapeutics to support healthy immune function

Immune System Balance in Lyme and Complex Infectious Illness

Supporting appropriate immune function

Speaker: Dr. Jocelyn Strand N.D., Director of Clinical Education at BioBotanical Research [Biocidin]


One of the concerns that underlies chronic infectious illnesses is the immune system’s
confusion about how to respond. Join Dr. Strand for a discussion about the role of chronic inflammation, the microbiome, and immune function, as well as strategies for restoring balance.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand a healthy immune response
2. Learn about the physiology of the immune system in the gut and its role in systemic immune responses
3. Leave grounded in therapeutics to support healthy immune function

Date: Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Dr. Jocelyn Strand’s Bio:

Dr. Jocelyn Strand graduated from Bastyr University in 2005 with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.

Following her graduation, she established her practice in the Seattle area, working at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, as well as in a gastrointestinal specialty clinic.

She returned to Minnesota in 2008 with the vision of increasing the availability, affordability, and awareness of naturopathic medicine, and opened her private practice at Lake Superior Natural Medicine, where she specialized in GI system disorders, Lyme disease, and auto-immune conditions as a Primary Care Provider through the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice.

In 2019, Dr. Strand became the Director of Clinical Education for Bio-Botanical Research, Inc., and continues to inspire others through research and lecturing around the world.

Functional Medicine University Guest Lecture | Lyme / Immune Function

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand a healthy immune response
2. Learn about the physiology of the immune system in the gut and its role in systemic immune responses
3. Leave grounded in therapeutics to support healthy immune function

Speaker: Dr. Jocelyn Strand N.D.


One of the concerns that underlies chronic infectious illnesses is the immune system’s confusion about how to respond. Join Dr. Strand for a discussion about the role of chronic inflammation, the microbiome, and immune function, as well as strategies for restoring balance.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand a healthy immune response
2. Learn about the physiology of the immune system in the gut and its role in systemic immune responses
3. Leave grounded in therapeutics to support healthy immune function

Date: Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Dr. Jocelyn Strand’s Bio:

Dr. Jocelyn Strand graduated from Bastyr University in 2005 with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. Following her graduation, she established her practice in the Seattle area, working at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, as well as in a  gastrointestinal specialty clinic. She returned to Minnesota in 2008 with the vision of increasing the availability, affordability, and awareness of naturopathic medicine, and opened her private practice at Lake Superior Natural Medicine, where she specialized in GI system disorders, Lyme
disease, and auto-immune conditions as a Primary Care Provider through the Minnesota  Board of Medical Practice. In 2019, Dr. Strand became the Director of Clinical Education for Bio-Botanical Research, Inc., and continues to inspire others through research and lecturing around the world.

FMU Fall Enrollment for the CFMP Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Why enroll at Functional Medicine University for the CFMP? Fully accredited externally, fully online, best price and best comprehensive education covering many viewpoints.
Take advantage of lockdown to tuck this course under your belt and bring your practice to the next level. Fall Enrollment Oct 19th-26th

FMU Fall Enrollment for the CFMP Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Fully accredited externally, fully online, best price and best comprehensive education covering many viewpoints

Take advantage of lockdown to tuck this course under your belt and bring your practice to the next level.

*Free to public viewing in the run up to enrollment is one of the recent lectures in the FMU Guest Lecture Series by Dr Michael Jurgelewicz, A Comprehensive Approach to Osteoporosis and Novel Therapeutics

In addition to osteoporosis, this lecture has many interesting insights on various aspects of bone health as well as insights on vitamin D supplementation and collagen.

There are other speakers in the FMU student archives also speaking on osteoporosis and bringing those experts experience together provides for a rich education at FMU not usually available anywhere else!

For more information on payment plans and a $250 cashback voucher read here

Fall enrollment oct 19th-26th 2020 functional medicine university certified functional medicine practitioner

Halting Our Brain’s Slow Deterioration

The triggers and mechanisms of action creating the autoimmune cascade that eventually manifests as an autoimmune disease.
• Identifying if a patient’s brain is under attack
• Simple tests that will tell us where we stand
• Essential components of treatment protocols

Halting Our Brain’s Slow Deterioration

FMU Guest Lecture Series for Current and Past Students

Speaker: Thomas O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN


In Clinical Practice, patients suffering with fears of brain dysfunction present daily.

No one is getting answers to “what do I do”. Autoimmunology is an emerging specialty within the discipline of Immunology. Its study invites a paradigm shift (thinking completely differently) as to why our immune system begins attacking our own tissue. The original theories of the 20th century about how and why our immune system does what it does were developed at a time when the human body was believed to be largely sterile. We now know that is not true. It is more likely that the autoantibodies detected in patients with brain dysfunction are generated in response to perceived pathogens (bacteria, molds, toxic chemicals, foods,…) rather than to ‘self’-your brain is trying to protect you from something.

The million-dollar question is ‘what is it trying to protect you from’? Besides the traditional pathogens of our ancestors (bacteria, parasites, viruses, molds and fungi), numerous studies associate environmental toxins in today’s world as potential initiators of the autoimmune cascade. We will explore the mechanisms of why the immune system, trying to protect the brain, becomes activated and ends up attacking brain tissue.

Whether it manifests as Alzheimer’s Disease, or headaches, Multiple Sclerosis or Brain Fatigue, Brain Fog or Anxiety, the mechanisms that initiate and ‘fuel’ these conditions is often predictable and identifiable. In recent years, several studies have revealed the importance of early detection of autoantibodies as predictors for brain disease Predictive Autoimmunity now gives us the tools to identify the underlying mechanisms years before brain damage is ex tensive enough to produce substantial symptomatology and a diagnosed brain disease.

This Presentation will give an in-depth understanding of:

– What genetics have to do with brain deterioration
– The triggers and mechanisms of action creating the autoimmune cascade that eventually manifests as an autoimmune disease.
– Identifying if a patient’s brain is under attack
–  Simple tests that will tell us where we stand
– Essential components of treatment protocols

Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

The Root Cause of Autoimmune Conditions: Trauma, Stress and ANS Dysregulation 

Key points: Autonomic Nervous System and Immune System Interactions; Assessments and testing; ANS regulation as a foundation to the functional approach; Rewiring the brain for healing ; Functional protocols for common autoimmune triggers; Total Recovery Case Studies  

The Root Cause of Autoimmune Conditions: Trauma, Stress and ANS Dysregulation  *Rescheduled Oct 3rd

*This event had to be rescheduled from Sept 22nd

Speaker: Michelle Corey F.M.P.

Key points:
  • Autonomic Nervous System and Immune System Interactions
  • Assessments and testing
  • ANS regulation as a foundation to the functional approach
  • Rewiring the brain for healing
  • Functional protocols for common autoimmune triggers
  • Total Recovery Case Studies  

Date: Tuesday, September 22nd, Oct 3rd 2020

Time: 2PM-3:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Michelle Corey’s Bio:

Michelle Corey, C.N.W.C. is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, health care advocate, researcher and author. Michelle studied holistic nutrition at Clayton College of Natural Health, and functional medical protocols at the Academy of Functional Medicine and Genomics. After completely reversing her autoimmune condition Michelle went on to help over 600 people to do the same. In 2007, Michelle founded Vibrant Way Inc., a nutritional supplement manufactu ring company. Michelle’s first book is The Thyroid Cure, The Functional Mind-Body Approach to Reversing Your Autoimmune Condition and Reclaiming Your Health

Michelle is currently an advisor to the Academy of Functional Medicine and Genomics. She offers healing retreats in beautiful Taos, New Mexico.


A Comprehensive Approach to Osteoporosis and Novel Therapeutics

A Comprehensive Approach to Osteoporosis and Novel Therapeutics
Traditional and functional laboratory assessments for osteoporosis
Risk factors and prevention strategies for osteoporosis
Develop nutritional interventions for osteoporosis
Nutritional therapeutics to increase bone mineral density

A Comprehensive Approach to Osteoporosis and Novel Therapeutics

Speaker: Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, CNS

Date: Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Course Description:

Osteoporosis is a silent disease that begins long before much of the damage
has occurred just like many other conditions. This course combines the risk factors, patient evaluation, laboratory assessment, prevention strategies, dietary recommendations and nutraceuticals to support optimal bone health.

Learning Objectives:

  • Traditional and functional laboratory assessments for osteoporosis
  • Risk factors and prevention strategies for osteoporosis
  • Develop nutritional interventions for osteoporosis
  • Nutritional therapeutics to increase bone mineral density

 Dr. Jurgelewicz’s Bio:

Dr. Michael Jurgelewicz has a in Health & Wellness, a B.S. degree in Anatomy, and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He is board certified in nutrition by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, and a Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition. He is also a member of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition’s Examination Committee.

Dr. Jurgelewicz is the Director of Product and Clinical Support at Designs for Health as well as a Professor at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut.

He also maintains a private practice specializing in functional medicine and is the author and contributor to several professional publications.

His academic training and clinical experience in functional medicine over the past 16 years position him as an authority in the management of a variety of chronic health conditions.

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry | Part 6

Objectives Session 6

– Bilirubin and bile
– CRP, Homocysteine and Fibrinogen
– Understanding lipid markers
– TSH and the thyroid

For more information on the entire 6 part series see here

*If you are a student at FMU and have missed any of these lectures remember they are in the student area along with transcripts uploaded after the event. Just log into with your username and p/w.

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry Part 5

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry- Part 5

Speaker: Ronda Nelson

Date: Tuesday, Aug 11th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Objectives Session 5 
– Essential electrolyte markers
– Investigating pH imbalances
– Evaluating renal function
– AST, ALT, and GGT distinctions

For more information on the complete 6 part series see here

*If you are a student at FMU and have missed any of these lectures remember they are in the student area along with transcripts uploaded after each session. Just log into with your username and p/w.