Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry part 4

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry – Part 4

Speaker: Ronda Nelson

Objectives/outcomes Session 4

– Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus
– Evaluating protein status
– Assessing zinc status and alkaline phosphatase

Webinar Description

Knowing how to accurately interpret blood labs is a skill that takes time to master. In this comprehensive 6-part series, Ronda Nelson explores over 70 of the most common blood markers, providing a comprehensive overview in a simple and easy to understand way. In addition to the more common panels such as the Lipid Panel, CBC and Metabolic Panel, she guides you through a framework for extracting the most important information, allowing you to address key imbalances quickly and easily.
If you want to learn more about functional blood chemistry or are looking for a refresher course, this is six webinars you won’t want to miss.

For more details on this 6 part series see here

Date: Tuesday, August 4th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

3 previous lectures in this series are now available in the student archive, just log into the student area with your username and password at FMU.

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry Part 3

Understanding Functional Blood Chemistry part 3, with Ronda Nelson: Session3 – Reviewing white blood cells – Patterns for viral and bacterial infections – Blood sugar markers. If you want to learn more about functional blood chemistry or are looking for a refresher course, this 6 part series is for you.

Understanding Functional Blood Chemistry Part 3

Speaker: Ronda Nelson

Webinar Description

Knowing how to accurately interpret blood labs is a skill that takes time to master. In this comprehensive 6-part series, Dr. Ronda Nelson explores over 70 of the most common blood markers, providing a comprehensive overview in a simple and easy to understand way. In addition to the more common panels such as the Lipid Panel, CBC and Metabolic Panel, you are guided through a framework for extracting the most important information, allowing you to address key imbalances quickly and easily.
If you want to learn more about functional blood chemistry or are looking for a refresher course, this is six webinars you won’t want to miss.


– Reviewing white blood cells
– Patterns for viral and bacterial infections
– Blood sugar markers

 Date: Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Click here for more information on the 6 part series

Functional Medicine University CFMP Summer Enrollment 2020

Now is your chance to bag the best training at the best price and fully online, enrollment is 4 times a year and Summer enrollment is the week July 20th-27th

FMU Summer Enrollment Week for the CFMP Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, July 20th-27th 2020

Externally accredited by the University of Health Sciences California
Available to licensed professionals as a postgrad certification the full Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP accreditation.

For more information on the course read here

This is already the best course and at the best price by far as it is Dr Grisanti’s mission to ensure finances are not a stumbling block to education and to get this training out to doctors.

Payment plans are available and don’t forget to collect your $250 cashback voucher from this website before registering

*certain nutrition colleges, for example in the UK qualify, check with FMU support desk if unsure.

But if you do not have access to lab testing with your current accreditation then the CFMP will not go beyond the scope of your current license to access labs for clients. However, for non-licensed professionals not having access to labs and who require them then there is the FDN ‘health coach’ course which has a lab agreement.


Natural Approaches to Boosting Health & Immunity During COVID19 Lockdown

Boosting our innate immunity is exceptionally important during a viral pandemic and this lecture is heavily referenced from the research on COVID19 as well as pearls from an experienced clinician.


An opportunity to view one of the many guest lectures offered by FMU. This is part 1 of a series done during covid19 lockdown, it is a free lecture releasee in April with a followup lecture one month later as awareness of covid increased.

Presented by: Robert G. Silverman, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, MS, CCN, CNS, CSCS, CIISN, CKTP, CES, HKC, SASTM

COVID-19: Health and Immunity: A Natural Perspective for a New Paradigm (Part 1)

The presentation is approximately 90 minutes.

Click the following link to access the video [but don’t forget to return here for your $250 cashback voucher in you intend to enroll!]:


…he discusses how to navigate through this health pandemic.

If you are confused, concerned, or overwhelmed with the information that has emerged in the recent weeks, join us and watch this presentation.

Dr. Silverman will share a leading-edge natural approach to improving our, and our patients’ health through enhanced immune boosting strategies.

Topics to be covered:
– How to improve your everyday immune resilience
– Identify comorbidities that can compromise your immune system
– Natural approaches to manage “cytokine storm”
– Explore the controversies in natural therapeutics of immune support
– The connection of the gut-lung axis for immunity
– Discover appropriate lifestyle choices during a “health pandemic”

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry | 6 Part Series

First of a six part series in Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry with Ronda Nelson, free lecture for all FMU students past and present

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry- Part 1

Speaker: Ronda L. Nelson, PHD, MH, CNC

Webinar Description

Knowing how to accurately interpret blood labs is a skill that takes time to master. In this comprehensive 6-part series, Dr. Ronda Nelson explores over 70 of the most common blood markers, providing a comprehensive overview in a simple and easy to understand way. In addition to the more common panels such as the Lipid Panel, CBC and Metabolic Panel, Dr. Nelson guides you through a framework for extracting the most important information, allowing you to address key imbalances quickly and easily.

If you want to learn more about functional blood chemistry or are looking for a refresher course, this is six webinars you won’t want to miss.

Dr. Ronda Nelson is a master at simplifying complex subjects, making them easy to understand and implement in clinical practice.


Session 1
– Defining optimal lab ranges
– Reviewing common lab panels and markers
– Other markers to consider
– Red blood cell markers and interpretation
– Iron deficient anemia

Date: Tuesday, July 7th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Further sessions will include:

 Session 2  <—July 14th
– More iron markers
– Evaluating iron disorders
– Common anemia patterns
– B12, MMA and folate
– New values for vitamin D

Session3 <—July 28th
– Reviewing white blood cells
– Patterns for viral and bacterial infections
– Blood sugar markers

Session 4 <—August 4th
– Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus
– Evaluating protein status
– Assessing zinc status and alkaline phosphatase

Session 5 <—August 11th
– Essential electrolyte markers
– Investigating pH imbalances
– Evaluating renal function
– AST, ALT, and GGT distinctions

Session 6 <—August 18th
– Bilirubin and bile
– CRP, Homocysteine and Fibrinogen
– Understanding lipid markers
– TSH and the thyroid

*If you are a student at FMU and have missed any of these lectures remember they are in the student area along with transcripts uploaded after the event. Just log into with your username and p/w.

Hiatal Hernia Syndrome | Dr Steven Sandberg Lewis

Hiatal Hernia and Hiatal Hernia Syndrome cause multiple symptoms, some of these include anxiety, nausea, epigastric distress, poor appetite, reflux and even cardiac arrhythmias. Dr Sandberg-Lewis shows a simple technique for assessing and resolving such.

Hiatal Hernia Syndrome

Speaker: Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND, DHANP

Sliding hiatal hernia is found in up to 40% of Americans (all ages) and even higher in those over age 70. This ability of the gastric cardia to ascend several centimeters into the mediastinum contributes to or triggers multiple symptoms. Some of these include anxiety, nausea, epigastric distress, poor appetite, reflux and even cardiac arrhythmias.

Reflex points and applied kinesiology can be used to test for the hiatal hernia syndrome in office. Manual medicine is often highly effective for rapidly reducing or eliminating the symptoms. After exercises and healthy breathing habits can prevent recurrence.

This webinar will show the diagnostic imaging and in-office testing that will allow you to successfully resolve this extremely common condition.

Learning Objectives:

1) The participants will understand the common etiology, incidence and testing for hiatal hernia syndrome.

2) The participants will learn manual medicine protocols for gentle and effective hiatal hernia syndrome resolution.

3) The participants will appreciate the importance of muscular tone and breathing habits for the prevention of hiatal hernia syndrome..

Date: Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time

*this was an excellent and very practical lecture involving a simple correction that can have profound life changing impact for some people.

Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND, DHANP’s Bio:

Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis has been a practicing naturopathic physician for over forty years. He has a private practice in Portland, Oregon and is a professor at the National University of Natural Medicine. His area of specialty is Naturopathic gastroenterology. Conditions of special interest include inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, hiatal hernia, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, gastroesophageal and bile reflux, biliary dyskinesia, and chronic nausea/vomiting.

Some special techniques used include clearing of unresolved emotional states– emotional freedom technique and eye movement clearing – as well as musculoskeletal assessment and soft tissue techniques – applied kinesiology, structural integration and visceral manipulation.

SS-L lectures extensively on digestive health and disease, writes a monthly functional gastroenterology column for the Townsend Letter, is the author of a second edition of Functional Gastroenterology: Assessing and Addressing the Causes of Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases(available at and is featured in numerous podcasts, digestive interview series and webinars.

Dr. Sandberg-Lewis lives in Portland with his spouse of forty years, Kayle. His interests include mandolin, guitar and voice; walking and biking; writing and lecturing.

Envirotoxins and Cardiovascular Disease | Dr Jack Wolfson FACC

Cardiologist Dr Jack Wolfson elaborates on the precise mechanisms of harm to the heart of pesticides, plastics, VOCs and other common environmental toxins, the importance of eating organic and how things like statins and aspirin pale in comparison and are often over rated when cause is ignored.

Envirotoxins and Cardiovascular Disease

Speaker: Jack Wolfson D.O., F.A.C.C.

Join cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson as he discusses why cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer worldwide and how man-made chemicals impact heart health.

Learning Objectives:

1) The scope of cardiovascular disease (CVD) issues
2) Finding hidden causes of CVD
3) The latest in diagnostic testing for envirotoxins
4) Evidence-based supplements for optimal protection

Date: Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

*This lecture is an excellent wake up call and reminder of the hidden and taken for granted toxins in our daily lives that are having huge impact on health and what we can do about them.

 Jack Wolfson D.O., F.A.C.C. Bio:

Jack Wolfson D.O., F.A.C.C. is a board certified cardiologist with more than 12 years as a successful physician in Illinois and Arizona. After numerous years of treating patients, dispensing pharmaceuticals, performing medical procedures, implanting pacemakers and conducting nuclear stress tests, Dr. Wolfson became increasingly frustrated that as a medical doctor, he was not preventing disease but rather only treating symptoms.

His new book, The Paleo Cardiologist, contains critical information on the natural way to a healthy heart by cutting out grain, toxins, sugars, and stress, while increasing healthy fats, organic vegetables, physical activity, and evidence-based supplements. The Paleo Cardiologist is no ordinary diet book. It is the comprehensive guide to ultimate health – not only heart health – but also total body health.

Born 1970 in Cleveland, his father was the first osteopathic resident at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Wolfson received his D.O. degree at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. He went on to a three year internal medicine residency and then a three year cardiology fellowship at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL, serving as Chief Fellow in his final year. From 2002 to 2012, he was with a large multi-specialty cardiovascular group. Dr. Wolfson served as the Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Paradise Valley Hospital and also as the Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation.

While Dr. Wolfson’s practice continued to grow and expand, he become frustrated that despite all the pharmaceuticals and procedures, many patients were feeling worse. “Patients were discharged from the hospital only to shortly return to the ER because doctors are not healing anyone,” says Dr. Wolfson. “The realization hit me that medical doctors were not preventing disease but only attempting to treat symptoms.”

In 2004, Dr. Wolfson met Heather (now his wife), a chiropractor with a heavy focus on nutrition and healthy, chemical free living. Since then he changed his medical practice style, switching from the sickness paradigm to one of health and wellness.

After extensive research and discussion with chiropractors, homeopaths, naturopaths and other healers, Dr. Wolfson immersed himself in the natural lifestyle and reaped the rewards of great health. Now in his Wolfson Integrative Cardiology practice in Phoenix, AZ, Jack’s motto with every patient he sees is: “The CAUSE is the CURE.” But the best part has been that Dr. Wolfson is seeing a huge improvement in medical conditions by nutritional therapy and informed knowledge.

Overcoming Arthritis

This lecture will provide the listener with a holistic view of what is causing the arthritis epidemic.
Furthermore, it will provide a holistic treatment plan designed to treat the underlying cause(s) of arthritis.

Overcoming Arthritis

FMU Guest Lecture Series, Thursday, May 28th, 2020

Speaker: David Brownstein M.D.

  1. This lecture will provide the listener with a holistic view of what is causing the arthritis epidemic.
  2. Furthermore, it will provide a holistic treatment plan designed to treat the underlying cause(s) of arthritis.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand why the underlying cause of many different arthritis diagnoses may be due to an infectious source.
  • Learn which antibiotics and holistic treatment programs can help arthritic patients.
  • Understand the adverse effects of conventional approaches to treating arthritic patients.

Date: Thursday, May 28th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Time: 1:00 AM- 2:00 AM (London Time)– on May 29th, 2020

Dr David Brownstein’s latest book: Heal Your Leaky Gut, The Hidden Cause of Many Chronic Diseases

Some of Dr. David Brownstein’s Publications:

Author: The Miracle of Natural Hormones, 1998. 152pp.

Medical Alternatives Press.Author: The Miracle of Natural Hormones 2nd Edition, 1999. 204pp. Medical Alternatives Press.

Author, The Physician’s Page Newsletter for the Road Back Foundation, Vol. 4, No. 3, Hormones and Chronic Disease, August, 1999

Principal Investigator in Research study: The Effect of a Gamma Oryzanol Formulation on insulin-like Growth Factor-1 in Volunteers, by David Brownstein et al. To be published.

Principal Investigator in Research study: The Effects of Flax Seed Oil and Glucobalance on Lowering Triglyceride Levels, by David Brownstein et al. To be published.

Principal Investigator in research study: NAET, A Novel Treatment for Allergies, By David Brownstein, et al. Submitted for publication.

Author: Overcoming Arthritis, 2000. 252 pp. Medical Alternatives Press.

Author: Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, 2002. 276pp. Medical Alternatives Press.

Author: The Miracle of Natural Hormones 3rd Edtiion, 2003. 282 pp. Medical Alternatives Press

Article for Thyroid News, December, 2003.

Author: Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It. 2004. Medical Alternatives Press.

Author: Salt Your Way To Health. 2005. Medical Alternatives Press.

Article: Smart Life Forum Newsletter. November, 2005.

Article: Salt: Dietary Villain or Foundation of Health?

Author: The Saliva/Serum Iodide Ratio as an Index of Sodium Iodide Symporter Efficiency. The Original Internist. Vol. 12., No. 4. Winter 2005.

Author: Validation of the Orthoiodosupplementation Program: A Rebuttal of Dr. Gaby’s Editorial on Iodine. The Original Internist. Vol. 12., No. 4. Winter 2005.

Quoted in article “Sorting Out Salt”. Better Nutrition. June 2007.

Author: Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 2nd Edition. 2006. Medical Alternatives Press.

Author: Guide to Healthy Eating. Medical Alternatives Press. 2006.

Author: The Saliva/serum iodide ratio as an index of sodium iodide symporter efficiency. The Original Internist. Vol. 12, No. 4 . Winter, 2005.

Author: Celtic Sea Salt: Shattering the Myths of One of Nature’s Most Helpful Nutrients. VRP Newsletter. Feb, 2006. Vol. 20, No. 2.

Author: Iodine; The Final Story. VRP News. Vol. 20, No.4. April, 2006.

Interviewed for Newsletter article in Health Letter, Japan. May 2006.

Interviewed for article “Shake It Up” in Alternative Medicine. September. 2006.

Author: Health Letter, Japan. October, 2006

Author: Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do. Medical Alternatives Press. 2007

Author: Refined vs. Unrefined Salt. Well Being Journal. Vol. 16, No. 3. May/June 2007

Author: Iodine Why You Need It Why You Can’t Live Without It, 3rd Edition. Medical Alternatives Press. 2007

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, 3rd Edition. Medical Alt. Press. 2008 Editor: Dr. Brownstein’s Natural Way to Health Newsletter. First Edition May, 2008

Interviewed for Crusader Magazine Issue 45 Nov/Dec 2008. Iodine Article
Interview for Crusader Magazine Issue 46 Jan/Feb 2009 Salt Article
Author: Iodine Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 4th Edition, 2009
Author: Iodine Deficiency. VRP News. March, 2009.
Author: Whole Blood Concentrations of Elemental Silver. The Original Internist. Vol. 16,No.1. March 2009.
Co-Author, Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal, “The Truth about Hormone Therapy”. 3.16.09
Author: The Guide to a Dairy-Free Diet. Medical Alternatives Press. 2009
Author: Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do, 2nd Edition. Medical Alternatives Press. 2009.
Article for Newsmax Magazine, March 2010. “No To Low-Salt Diets.”

Author of Monthly Newsletter, Dr. Brownstein’s Natural Way to Health. 2008-present
Author: Are you salt deficient? Caduceus. Issue 79. 2010
Author: The Soy Deception, 2011
Author: Vitamin B12 for Health, 2012

Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, Wayne State University School of
Medicine, 1999-2004

Dr Brownstein’s full bio is available at FMU

Functional Healing for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS

“How to approach patients with PCOS with a true healing focus as opposed to just using BCP” Dr Dian Ginsberg brings her approach to the subject of polycystic ovary syndrome. Of particular interest she includes external factors like EMFs and how to test and support for that influence on this health area.

Functional Healing for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Speaker: Dian Ginsberg M.D.

The following points are reviewed in this presentation:

  • How to approach patients with PCOS with a true healing focus as opposed to just using BCP
  • Develop an understanding of what really changes in the endocrine system to cause PCOS Syndrome
  • Understand PCOS Syndrome from a Paleolithic/survival angle and using correction of nutrient deficiencies to help patients recover
  • Learn how the dysfunction of the microbiome is intimately related to the development of PCOS and the syndrome’s reversal
    •External environment, EMFs and genetics are all new focuses on the development of the PCOS sy ndrome. What are they and how can we use testing to support and treat?

 Optional lecture to current and past students of FMU

Date: Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Time: 1:00 AM- 2:00 AM (London Time)– on May 27th, 2020

Dr. Dian Ginsberg’s Bio:

Dr. Ginsberg completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Bowman-Gray
School of Medicine in North Carolina before Houston’s sunny climate brought her to Texas. Dr. Ginsberg has years of experience providing comprehensive obstetrics and gynecology treatment, which is the basis of her special interest in weight management, optimal prenatal and postpartum care, menopause management, and healthy aging.

Being a black belt in Tae Kwan Do and an accomplished marathon runner has led her to explore the latest medical advances in wellness for athletes along with anti-aging therapies for both men and women. Dr. Ginsberg is motivated to continue her research in nutritional
therapies for many reasons, most significantly for the benefits it has brought to her sons with specific learning needs.

She is Board Certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Ginsberg is a member of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American Academy
of Anti-Aging Medicine, the Harris County Medical Society and the Texas Medical Association. She is on staff at Memorial Hermann Hospital and Park Plaza Hospital in Houston.

Dr Dian Ginsberg’s Book

The PCOS Environmental Roadmap

What a great opportunity to hear the author speak and be able to ask questions of her through the Functional Medicine University student forum!