Multiparasitism | Giardia, Dientamoeba, and Blastocystis

Dr Matt Marturano ND on multiparasitism, identification, solutions, pitfalls. Valuable insights in an area that is a veritable can of worms… 🙂

Multiparasitism: Giardia, Dientamoeba, and Blastocystis

Speaker: Matt Marturano N.D

Learning Objectives:

  • Basic classification of parasites.
  •  Conventional signs and symptoms of parasite infections.
  • Do parasites really cause diarrhea?
  • Could a parasite actually benefit the host?
  • What is multiparasitism?
  • A “quantum leap” from “me” to “we”.
  • An ecological perspective of multiparasitism
  • Host manipulation: The Rabbit Hole
  • The Switcher-Paradigm
  • A path to autonomous self-governance
  • Ecological resource management
  • Don’t test. Guess. (Yes, you read that right!)
  • A balanced diet by any other name… is a treatment plan.
  • “Go-to” anti-parasite supplements
  • What to avoid in treatment of multiparasitic infections

Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

                             Dr. Matt Marturano’s Bio:

Dr. Matt Marturano is a licensed naturopathic physician. His educational background includes a dual Bachelor of Science in Biology and Philosophy from the University of Michigan (1998) and a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (2004). The naturopathic medicine program he attended is a four-year nationally-accredited program with supervised clinical training.

Dr. Matt owns and operates Natural Solutions for Digestive Health in Rochester Hills, Michigan. His naturopathic practice offers a holistic apdeproach to digestive health symptoms. In addition, Dr. Marturano currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Michigan Association of Naturopathic Physicians and is the Director of Sourcing and Strategic Development for Orchid Holistic Search, a permanent placement recruitment firm dedicated to the natural products industry.

SIBO Breath Test Interpretation

FMU guest lecture series invites back Dr Alison Siebecker: Dr. Siebecker is passionate about education- she is Instructor of Advanced Gastroenterology at NCNM, Coordinator of the 2014 and 2015 SIBO Symposiums, teaches continuing education classe s for physicians and is the author of the free educational website

SIBO Breath Test Interpretation

Speaker: Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc

This webinar is exclusive and optional for all FMU Students

Description:Discussion will include SIBO breath test and retest interpretation, including patterns to recognize, how to assess a good response, hydrogen sulfide diagnosis, how to identify hidden gases and lots of examples.

Learning Objectives:

  • Perform diagnosis of SIBO based on analysis of lactulose breath tests.
  • Describe the common patterns of initial and repeat lactulose breath tests.
  • Tailor SIBO breath test interpretation using different interpretation guidelines.
  • Perform diagnosis of SIBO based on analysis of lactulose breath tests.
  • Describe the common patterns of initial and repeat lactulose breath tests.
  • Tailor SIBO breath test interpretation using different interpretation guidelines.

 Date: Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Central Time-Tennessee Time)

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Mountain Time: Denver Time)

Time: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Pacific Time- Los Angeles Time)

Time: 1:00 AM- 2:00 AM (London Time)– on April 29th, 2020

Dr. Siebecker’s Bio:

Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc, has worked in the nutritional field since 1988 and is a 2005 graduate of The National College of Natural Medicine, where she is the Medical
Director and Co-Founder of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health and specializes in the treatment of SIBO. Dr. Siebecker is passionate about education- she is Instructor of Advanced Gastroenterology at NCNM, Coordinator of the 2014 and 2015 SIBO Symposiums, teaches continuing education classe s for physicians and is the author of the free educational website She received the Best in Naturopathy award from the Townsend Letter for her articles: “Traditional Bone Broth in Modern Health and Disease”(2005), “Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: Often Overlooked Cause of IBS” (2013) and “SIBO: Dysbiosis Has A New Name” (2015) and is a frequent guest on health podcasts and summits.

SIBO Breath Test Interpretation

SIBO Breath Test Interpretation

Speaker: Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc


Discussion will include SIBO breath test and retest interpretation, including patterns to recognize, how to assess a good response, hydrogen sulfide diagnosis, how to identify hidden gases and lots of examples.

Learning Objectives:

  • Perform diagnosis of SIBO based on analysis of lactulose breath tests.
  • Describe the common patterns of initial and repeat lactulose breath tests.
  • Tailor SIBO breath test interpretation using different interpretation guidelines.

 Date: Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Dr. Siebecker’s Bio:

Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc, has worked in the nutritional field since 1988 and is a 2005 graduate of The National College of Natural Medicine, where she is the Medical Director and Co-Founder of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health and specializes in the treatment of SIBO. Dr. Siebecker is passionate about education- she is Instructor of Advanced Gastroenterology at NCNM, Coordinator of the 2014 and 2015 SIBO
Symposiums, teaches continuing education classe s for physicians and is the author of the free educational website She received the Best in Naturopathy award from the Townsend Letter for her articles: “Traditional Bone Broth in Modern Health and Disease”(2005), “Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: Often Overlooked Cause of IBS” (2013) and “SIBO: Dysbiosis Has A New Name” (2015).


CFMP Spring Enrollment at FMU

Functional Medicine Spring Enrollment for the Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP, Fully Online, Externally Accredited, Best Price, Best Education for covering all views and approaches April 20-27th

Functional Medicine Spring Enrollment for the Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP

  • Fully Online
  • Externally Accredited
  • Best Price
  • Best Education for covering all views and approaches

Spring Enrollment Dates 2020: April 20-27th, Online

Payment plans available

Up to 10% $250 cashback voucher availabe when you use the exclusive link from this website.

$250 cashback

Sample Guest Lectures – Free to View During Enrollment Week

*These are from the guest lecture archive, guest lectures are a regular feature in addition to the core Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner training. There’s guest speakers from all backgrounds and views invited providing a huge collection of tools and approaches accessible to FMU students. These lectures are optional and free and transcripts, video, audio and slides are available to download for all FMU students past and present.

**These lectures are free to public viewing during enrollment week, if you intend to enroll remember to come back to this site to use the exclusive $250 cashback voucher before registering.

Identifying the ‘Fueling’ of Autoimmune and Muscular Pathology from Wheat

Botanical Protocols for GI and Systemic Infections

Free Building Health & Immuntiy Series during COVID-19 available to all free of charge

*part1 and 2 are available if you register your email at

(Part 2)-Health and Immunity: A Natural Perspective for a New Paradigm

(Part 2)-Health and Immunity: A Natural Perspective for a New Paradigm

SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 health during a pandemic: Join FMU for an insightful 60 min. webinar with industry expert, Dr. Robert Silverman, as he discusses how to navigate through this health pandemic and beyond.

(Part 2)-Health and Immunity: A Natural Perspective for a New Paradigm

Speaker: Robert G. Silverman, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, MS, CCN, CNS, CSCS, CIISN, CKTP, CES, HKC, SASTM

With the advent of new research and protocols surrounding the viral pandemic, many practitioners are struggling to understand the etiology and best direction to take with
their patients.

Join FMU for an insightful 60 min.webinar with industry expert, Dr. Robert Silverman, as he discusses how to navigate through this health pandemic and beyond.

If you are confused, concerned, or overwhelmed with the information that has emerged in recent weeks, join us on Saturday, April 18th, 2020, at 2:00 pm EST for this webinar.

Dr. Silverman, in this newly updated presentation, will share a leading-edge natural approach to improving our,and our patients’ healththrough enhanced immune-boosting
strategies, and more.

Topics to be covered:
– Influence of Microbiota on viral infections
– Discover the COVID-19 antibody testing and what it means for you
– The latest updates in natural approaches to boosting your immune system
– Explore the controversies of ACE2 receptors in viral replication
– The emerging role of IL-6 in the “cytokine storm”
– The connection of th e gut-lung axis for immunity
– Appropriate lifestyle choices during a “health pandemic”

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Webinar ID: 392-547-603

Date: Saturday, April 18th, 2020

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Time: 1:00PM – 2:00 PM (Central Time-Tennessee Time)

Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM (Mountain Time: Denver Time)

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon (Pacific Time- Los Angeles Time)

Time: 7:00 PM- 8:00 PM (London Time)– on April 18th, 2020

* After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information
about joining the Webinar.

Dr. Silverman’s Bio:

Dr. Robert Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, national/international speaker, author of Amazon’s #1 bestseller “Inside-Out Health”,founder and CEO of Westchester Integrative Health Ctr. The ACA Sports Council named Dr. Silverman “Sports Chiropractor of the Year” in 2015.His extensive list of educational accomplishments
includes six different degrees in clinical nutrition.

Dr. Silverman is on the advisory board for the Functional Medicine University and is a seasoned health and wellness expert on both the speaking circuits and within the media,
as well as a frequent health expert contributor on national blogs such as Consumer Health Digest. He has appeared on FOX News Channel, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Wall
Street Journal, NewsMax.He was invited as a guest speaker on “Talks at Google” to discuss his current book. A frequ ent published author in peer-reviewed journals and other mainstream publications, Dr. Silverman is a thought leader in his field and practice.

Dr. Silverman was the principle investigator on a Level 1 laser FDA study.

His new book, Superhighway to Health is expected to be published in August 2020


BDNF as a New Target in Depression: Using Botanicals To Nudge the CNS

BDNF as a New Target in Depression: Using Botanicals To Nudge the CNS . Of note also, the majority of people tend to get caught up on keto as ‘the’ way to increase it when things like exercise and other foods and supplements equally do so without keto so here is another approach – herbs

BDNF as a New Target in Depression: Using Botanicals To Nudge the CNS

FMU Guest Lecture Series: Speaker Kevin Spelman PhD, MCPP

**Exclusive guest lecture for FMU students Tues April 14th, transcripts, audio and video available for download shortly afterwards**

“Most depression research has focused on hippocampal and frontal cortical regions for their roles in depression and antidepressant action and on the monoamine hypothesis. However, there is compelling evidence that other brain regions are also involved and that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a key role in depression and mediates the action of antidepressants”.

“In this presentation Dr Kevin Spelman will focus on the novel perspective of BDNF in depression and the plants which can increase BDNF and how to use this plants in the clinic”.

*What is particularly interesting here is though there is a long list of things that increase BDNF, the majority of people tend to get caught up on keto as ‘the’ way to increase it when things like exercise and other foods and supplements equally do so without keto so here is another approach – herbs

Botanical Protocols for GI and Systemic Infections

Rachel Fresco Biobotanicals Research, making waves with Biocidin in the treatment of many conditions from GI to systemic infections, currently the subject of research within Lyme disease protocols and also a new range in oral infections Dentalicidin very successful

During the Spring Enrollment there’s an opportunity to view one of the many lectures offered by FMU. This is a wonderful presentation by Dr. Rachel Fresco, L.Ac., Ph.D. titled:

Botanical Protocols for GI and Systemic Infections

The presentation is approximately 60 minutes.

If you are a prospective student going to enroll during Spring Enrollment April 20th – 27th, remember to come back here to avail of the exclusive voucher to get up to 10% cashback on your tuition fees at FMU

Exclusive $250 voucher, payment plans also available, this is the fully accredited CFMP

$250 cashback

*Prospective CFMP Students: register for the course using this voucher in order to avail of the $250 cashback on tuition fees

The Botanical Protocols for GI and systemic infections lecture is free to the publiv to view during enrollment period April 13th-27th only. It is archived for all FMU students and available to download in mulitple formats.


From Lyme to SIBO, botanicals are an important part of a successful treatment program.In this webinar we will discuss challenging clinical presentations such as Mold and Mycotoxins,
recurrent Biofilm related conditions such as sinus infections and UTI, as well as GI Dysbiosis and SIBO. As more cases of Lyme are being diagnosed, it is important to address Lyme disease and co-infections. Recent research on these topics sheds light on the effectiveness of broad-sp ectrum botanicals, and how we might use them for our patients benefit.

Functional Medicine is rapidly growing in the US and abroad.

Consider joining this exciting new wave in healthcare and be well positioned to handle the most challenging cases.

Getting certified in functional medicine will set you apart from your competitors.

*Note the CFMP at Functional Medicine University is for licensed professionals, though anyone is welcome to take it to further their research it is actually a postgraduate course.


Identifying the ‘Fueling’ of Autoimmune and Muscular Pathology from Wheat

Wheat is not good is you are struggling with an illness already, that usually means you are compromised and open to food sensitivities you may never have had before, leading to inflammation and autommunity as opposed to healing. Tom O’Bryan has done a u turn on about 4 different things this past year, imho and wheat is no longer ‘the devil’ but the devil is in the detail

Identifying the ‘Fueling’ of Autoimmune and Muscular Pathology from Wheat

by Thomas O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

Click here to view the presentation which is free to the public during Spring Enrollment 2020, and the webinar is approximately 60 minutes long.

Prospective students remember to come back here and use the link that will become live during enrollment week to get an exclusive $250 casback on your tuition fees, read more here on the cashback voucher, fees and payment plans.


Special Bonus: You can now obtain your Diplomate in Nutrition with the American Clinical Board of Nutrition with FMU. We offer the additional 100 hours FREE.

So you can complete our 200 Hours to get certified in functional medicine and take the additional 100 hours at no additional cost! This will give you the total 300 hours required to sit the Nutritional Diplomate exam.

The ACBN is one of only a very few certifying agencies in nutrition to offer Diplomate status to all professionals holding a doctorate in the health care field, in the United States and Internationally. Certificants of the ACBN hold the distinction of Diplomate, American Clinical Board of Nutrition (DACBN)

The Brain Degeneration Summit

“here to discuss the latest in healing and support, because finding treatments and cures for neurodegenerative diseases is a goal of increasing urgency.”

The Brain Degeneration Summit

Some free transcripts available before and during the summit.

Meet your host Greg Eckel, ND, LAc
In practice since 2001, Dr. Gregory Eckel co-founded Nature Cures Clinic in Portland, Oregon, where he shares what he calls “Sarieah’s gifts” with the world. As a loving husband and clinician, he took a deep dive into medical research looking for cures to his wife’s Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare, chronic neurodegenerative condition with no known cure. While he didn’t find a solution for Sarieah, the information he discovered and now uses in his clinic is showing promise for thousands of people. As author of Shake it Off: An Integrated Approach to Parkinson’s Solutions, Dr. Eckel aims to help as many people as he can achieve optimal wellness through an integrative, functional and naturopathic model of care.
Summit Goals

Today, an estimated 50 million people worldwide are affected by dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease, 10 million people suffer from Parkinson’s disease, 2.5 million from Multiple Sclerosis, the incidence of Lou Gehrig’s (ALS) is 1 in 50,000 and of Huntington’s disease it’s 5-10 in 100,000.

We’re here to discuss the latest in healing and support, because finding treatments and cures for neurodegenerative diseases is a goal of increasing urgency.

*There are a number of free gifts for joining the summit including 3 transcripts and the host’s tips for supplements and elmination diets. You can find out more by registering for free here.

*There have been a number of brain health webinars free this last semester and coming semester with Functional Medicine University so don’t forget all you FMU students to look up the archives as they are available to download in multiple formats video, audio, transcripts. There’s a number of expert speakers going into more practitioner detail than you’ll find at the summits, and other speakers usually not found at summits.

SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 Health and Immunity: A Natural Perspective for a New Paradigm

How to improve your everyday immune resilience. Identify comorbidities that can compromise your immune system. Natural approaches to manage “cytokine storm”
Explore the controversies in natural therapeutics of immune support. The connection of the gut-lung axis for immunity. Discover appropriate lifestyle choices during a “health pandemic”

Health and Immunity: A Natural Perspective for a New Paradigm

Speaker: Robert G. Silverman, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, MS, CCN, CNS, CSCS, CIISN, CKTP, CES, HKC, SASTM

Join us for an incisive 60 min. webinar with industry expert,Dr. Robert Silverman, as he discusses how to navigate through this health pandemic.

If you are confused, concerned, or overwhelmed with the information that has emerged in the recent weeks, join us on Saturday, April 4th, 2020 at 1:00 pm EST for this webinar.

Dr. Silverman will share a leading-edge natural approach to improving our, and our patients’ health through enhanced immune boosting strategies.

Topics to be covered:
– How to improve your everyday immune resilience
– Identify comorbidities that can compromise your immune system
– Natural approaches to manage “cytokine storm”
– Explore the controversies in natural therapeutics of immune support
– The connection of the gut-lung axis for immunity
– Discover appropriate lifestyle choices during a “health pandemic”

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:…/2919625990056745995

Webinar ID: 431-509-995

Date: Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)

Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM (Central Time-Tennessee Time)

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon (Mountain Time: Denver Time)

Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (Pacific Time- Los Angeles Time)

Time: 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM (London Time)– on April 4th, 2020

* After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information
about joining the Webinar.

Dr. Silverman’s Bio:

Dr. Robert Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, national/international speaker, author of Amazon’s #1 bestseller “Inside-Out Health”,founder and CEO of Westchester Integrative Health Ctr. The ACA Sports Council named Dr. Silverman “Sports Chiropractor of the Year” in 2015.His extensive list of educational accomplishments
includes six different degrees in clinical nutrition.

Dr. Silverman is on the advisory board for the Functional Medicine University and is a seasoned health and wellness expert on both the speaking circuits and within the media,
as well as a frequent health expert contributor on national blogs such as Consumer Health Digest. He has appeared on FOX News Channel, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Wall
Street Journal, NewsMax.He was invited as a guest speaker on “Talks at Google” to discuss his current book. A frequent published author in peer-reviewed journals and other mainstream publications, Dr. Silverman is a thought leader in his field and practice.

Dr. Silverman was the principle investigator on a Level 1 laser FDA study.

His new book, Superhighway to Health is expected to be published in August 2020

*Having caught Dr Silverman’s recent lecture on Epigenetics at FMU and having studied a number of experts on the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19, I can tell Dr Silverman has a lot to bring to the table on this.
