News update: as the ‘industry’ was spiralling out of control with new-born celebrity speakers on summit circuits ponficating as experts on all subjects – if they belonged to right marketing group they got invited to speak hence the same faces – the science being thumped as any bible thumper thumps a bible – California Health School has wound down and no longer supports an CFMP cert so why FMU still associates their in house cert from a retired chiropractor with a university is a bit of a [marketing] mystery, you are not getting certified by a university and why FDN thinks their trainees with two months in total training [which can be stretched over a year and which you can add on add on and continue to pay for] but can charge$300o after two months training when as one professional put it, they just know just enough to be dangerous is another [marketing] mystery, or how the same boyo can charge $10,000 to certify you in long covid when they don’t know covid or long covid themselves LOL…on and on no matter where you look in functional medicine. COVID exposed the lack of true expertise in any of these training platforms also competition, ego and the systematic blocking of real experts, which I’d shown was happening already on gluten and other subjects creating fads. Same attitude of big pharma add in plagiarism, so I do not recommend any training platform at the momnet except to say earn a decent wage for a decent job and don’t milk patients!
Upcoming events:
Event of the Year: Dr Alessio Fasano of Harvard, the scientist most often quoted [and misquoted] on gluten, will be giving a ‘corrective’ talk on the real position on gluten after a complaint went in from myself at Functional Medicine Training .org to the director at FMU after he allowed second talk on gluten from Tom O’Bryan misquoting Fasano after Fasano had been shown his lecture and refuted it as extremism first time, taking him out of context.
Hi Mary;
This is not the first (and I am afraid not the last) time that I have been misquoted. I am afraid that this is becoming quite a frequent phenomenon when people have a strong and, in general, extreme agenda and, to support it, quote sources putting their statements or point of view out of context (see what is happening in political debates or ads nowadays). My vision on the gluten matter has not changed, namely that gluten may have biological effects (for example, increased intestinal permeability) in everybody but that these effects translate in clinical outcome only in a small subgroup of genetically predisposed individuals.
I made my point of view extremely clear in papers, interviews blogs, youtube videos, etc. If folks continue to misquote me, sometimes because genuinely convinced, others because of calculated plan, there is not much to do other than hoping that people like you would be a bit more inquisitive in accepting these statements.
Please watch the events page for upcoming talks from a number of quality platforms that I’m bringing to light over the coming year.
Previous Talks:
April 13th FMU Guest Speaker Series Dr Michael Jurgelewicz on Insulin Resistance a Functional Medicine Perspective, USA
April 19th-26th FMU Spring Enrollment CFMP, two free to view lectures during enrollment period see events page
April 22nd CNM open day online get your questions answered on Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Homeopathy Diplomas
April 29th CNM The Future of Integrative Medicine, UK
Manage Chronic Fatigue and ME Naturally with Lauren Windas
This is a CNM talk Wed April 7th 7-8.30UK time, ticket free with my code. Lauren recovered from fatigue and went on to train as a nutrition practioner from a natural and functional medicine perspective helping others in the same sort of situation she was in. *please note with Long Haul in addition to any mitochondria or other protocol the research is showing the need to consider persistent viral infection that must also be addressed.
March 24th, CNM, Izzy Kirby’s talk Hormone Balance & Fertility,
This event also ran last month, there are no replays it is streamed, free ticket with my code. Event details here.
*FMU students please note there is a natural approach to hormones in the FMU Guest Speaker archive which has modules on treating hormones both natural/herbal as well as bioidentical approaches free for students past and present of FMU which are downloadable.
March 22nd, FMU Guest Speaker Tom O’Bryan
CNM Workshops March 10th and 16th, 2021
- Endometriosis Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies
- The Natural Chef | Fermentation and Drying Workshop
FMU Guest Lectures February 2021
Heading Dementia Off At The Pass
The numbers of people being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia is steadily increasing. This webinar gives you insights into different tests to run to uncover underlying factors into brain dysfunction and being proactive about brain health rather than reactive.

Leaky Heart Syndrome
Jack Wolfson D.O., F.A.C.C. /Feb 2nd
1) Discover the endothelium that controls arterial function2) Learn about disease states linked to endothelial dysfunction3) Learn the causes of endothelial dysfunction4) Discover how to fix the endothelium to prevent, treat and reverse disease
Winter Enrollment Opens Today for One Week for the CFMP
*Update: the enrollment opened at 3pm Eastern Time US, if anyone used my link but instead got the pre-enrollment page with $150 booking instead of direct registration, please let me know so we can get you cookied in to the actual voucher, and remember to make sure is going to your inbox not spam folder
To avail of my exclusive $250 cash back voucher remember to use my link, if you have been directed to a ‘pre-enrollment book your place at $150’ page that is not the correct page and please let me know so we can fix this and get you the correct link for the voucher. You may have been early before the link was live, or perhaps need to clear your cache. There is no need to pre-enroll. Enrollment will last a week and there is a refund option with a 30 day trial without pre-enrollment.
*Also if you do not receive an email from me [Mary] and you think you have used my link to enroll then please email me.
**Those students ending their payment plans and due for their cashback please get in touch and everyone please make sure my email is not going to your spam folders.
Free to View Guest Lectures During Winter Enrollment Week
Overcoming Arthritis
The second of two free-to-view guest lectures in the run up to Winter Enrollment at FMU
This lecture will provide the listener a holistic view of what is causing the arthritis epidemic. Furthermore, it will provide a holistic treatment plan designed to treat the underlying cause(s) of arthritis.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why the underlying cause of many different arthritis diagnoses may be due to an infectious source.
- Learn which antibiotics and holistic treatment programs can help arthritic patients.
- Understand the adverse effects of conventional approaches to treating arthritic patients.
Catch Dr Brownstein’s Lecture here
Please note, as Dr Brownstein discusses his approaches to solving arthritis in his patients he mentions bioidentical hormones, while there are many lecturers into these, there are also some lecturers into other things [such as herbs to restore natural hormone production in the body] all options are presented at FMU, the different opinons are to be found across all the guest lectures in the student archives.
**Don’t forget to claim your $250 Cashback you must enroll with the exclusive link provided on available during enrollment week, Jan 18th-25th, there is no need to pre-register at FMU
***Remember guest lectures are in addition to the core CFMP education, they provide continuing education to students and graduates of FMU at no extra cost, and provide a variety of opinons on various topics.
Envirotoxins and Cardiovascular Disease
First of two free guest lectures during enrollment period is by cardiologist Dr Jack Wolfson on environmental toxins.
Join cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson as he discusses why cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer worldwide and how man-made chemicals impact heart health.
CFMP Winter Enrollment Week, January 18th-25th
Functional Medicine University Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner fully accredited certifcation opens January 18th-25th, 2021.
Up to 10% off tuition fees for the CFMP at FMU, $250 cashback voucher available for those who register through the exclusive link made available here during enrollment week.
*More info on fees and payment plans here
Meanwhle enjoy one of the guest lectures for free in the run up to enrollment week another will be posted soon.
Join cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson as he discusses why cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer worldwide and how man-made chemicals impact heart health.
- The scope of cardiovascular disease (CVD) issues
- Finding hidden causes of CVD
- The latest in diagnostic testing for envirotoxins
- Evidence-based supplements for optimal protection
Integrating Intermittent Fasting into Nutritional Protocols
In the context of a Functional approach to dementia, Dr Silverman will be showing practitioners how to implement intermittent fasting protocols into nutritional protocols, he’ll be bringing the latest science and functional protocols on fasting for those who want to implement it safely.
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 online Guest Lecture. For more information on this event read here.
Assessment & Clinical Management of IBS, guest lecture by Dr Jeffrey Moss
Despite the prevalence of IBS, there continues to exist much confusion and divergent opinions on underlying causes, patient assessment and clinical management. In this presentation attendees will learn the following:
- Research on the most common causes of the different forms of IBS.
- How to use history, breath testing, and stool analysis to determine which causes of IBS are present with any particular patient.
- A menu of lifestyle recommendations and supplemental protocols that can be used based on findings from the patient history and laboratory testing. Read more here
Functional Medicine University Guest Lecture Series | Pinworms Master Host Manipulators
Guest Speaker: Dr Matt Marturano
Tues Nov 10th, free to all current and past students.
More information on this event here
*I will never throw out papaya seeds again after hearing this lecture, and you may never look at house hygiene the same again either 😮
Functional Medicine University Guest Lecture Series | Lyme & Chronic Infectious Illnesses
Dr Strand from Bio-Botanicals Research [Biocidin]
Biocidin is part of current research in Lyme treatment and seeing good success.
*more details on this event here, note it is archived and available for download in multiple formats to students.
**It may be interesting to compare the book on Healing Lyme and the protocols by another herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner, having read his protocols for covid and SARS1 and influenza I’m looking forward to reading that too. Spoiler alert: Japanese Knotweed is a big feature of both protocols, though with covid he has a multipronged approach [I’ll upload his full covid protocol soon]
Functional Medicine University Fall Enrollment for the CFMP
Fully accredited externally, fully online, best price and best comprehensive education covering many viewpoints
Take advantage of lockdown to tuck this course under your belt and bring your practice to the next level.
Free to public viewing in the run up to enrollment is one of the recent lectures in the FMU Guest Lecture Series by Dr Michael Jurgelewicz, A Comprehensive Approach to Osteoporosis and Novel Therapeutics
In addition to osteoporosis, this lecture has many interesting insights on various aspects of bone health as well as insights on vitamin D supplementation and collagen.
There are other speakers in the FMU student archives also speaking on osteoporosis and bringing those experts experience together provides for a rich education at FMU not usually available anywhere else!
For more information on payment plans and a $250 cashback voucher read here
*A second free to view lecture during enrollment week is by Tom O’Bryan on Brain Inflammation however when he quoted Alessio Fasano on wheat and gluten I remembered Fasano having a very different view in an interview some years back so I contacted Dr Alessio Fasano and asked him had he radically changed his position from eating wheat with no worries himself – and as it turns out no, he has not:
Alessio Fasano: “My vision on the gluten matter has not changed, namely that gluten may have biological effects (for example, increased intestinal permeability) in everybody but that these effects translate in clinical outcome only in a small subgroup of genetically predisposed individuals.
I made my point of view extremely clear in papers, interviews blogs, youtube videos, etc. If folks continue to misquote me, sometimes because genuinely convinced…there is not much to do other than hoping that people like you would be a bit more inquisitive in accepting these statements.”
I will post fully on this later.
Immune System Balance in Lyme and Complex Infectious Illness
Supporting appropriate immune function. Dr Strand from BioBotanical Research [Biocidin] Oct 20th
Halting Our Brain’s Slow Deterioration
FMU Guest Lecture Series invites Dr Tom O’Bryan, Oct 6th
For more info see here
The Root Cause of Autoimmune Conditions: Trauma, Stress and ANS Dysregulation
Speaker: Michelle Corey F.M.P.
#This talk is being rescheduled to a later date to be announced.
- Autonomic Nervous System and Immune System Interactions
- Assessments and testing
- ANS regulation as a foundation to the functional approach
- Rewiring the brain for healing
- Functional protocols for common autoimmune triggers
- Total Recovery Case Studies
Date: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020
#update: Due to circumstances outside of control this speaker has postponed this lecture till a later date.
A Comprehensive Approach to Osteoporosis and Novel Therapeutics
Speaker: Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, CNS
Date: Tuesday, September 1st, 2020
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)
For more information on this event click here.
*Michael Jurgelewicz has given a number of excellent lectures in previous FMU guest lecture webinars. Also don’t forget to check out the FMU archive for additonal experts bringing their views and experience to this topic, including one speaker who reversed it in himself to take part in several Iron Mans!
*All 6 parts of the Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry are now aired and archived for students to access, replay and download. For futher information on this series see here.
Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry – part 3
– Reviewing white blood cells
– Patterns for viral and bacterial infections
– Blood sugar markers
Date: Tuesday, July 28th, 2020
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)
Click here for more information on the 6 part series
Congratulations to all those who enrolled on the CFMP training course during summer enrollment
Those who used my $250 cashback voucher have been contacted by me via email, please ensure is not going to your spam folder. Anyone who thought they used my voucher but who has not been contacted please email me using above email. Those finishing their payment cycles on the payment plans due their voucher please get in touch and check your spam folders.
MP Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner Summer Enrollment July 20th-27th
This is the CFMP fully online course for licensed professionals, acreditation is external by the Southern California University of Health Sciences. Check out the course here where you can also find information about payment plans and up to 10% cashback on tuition fees exclusive voucher.
If your current practitioner license does not allow you to order labs then there’s one online course which comes with a lab resource agreement in place for non-licensed professionals and includes training in functional diagnostic nutrition
Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry – Part 2
FMU Webinar Series free to all students past and present
Speaker: Ronda L Nelson, Tues July 14th
Session 2
– More iron markers
– Evaluating iron disorders
– Common anemia patterns
– B12, MMA and folate
– New values for vitamin D
Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry – Part 1 of a Six Part Series
FMU Webinar Series Part 1: Speaker Ronda L. Nelson, PHD, MH, CNC
Session 1
– Defining optimal lab ranges
– Reviewing common lab panels and markers
– Other markers to consider
– Red blood cell markers and interpretation
– Iron deficient anemia
Date: Tuesday, July 7th, 2020
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)
For more information on this six part series read here
Hiatal Hernia
Date: Monday, June 22nd, 2020
Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND, DHANP
A condition often missed and whose range of symptoms are underestimated, this lecture instructs on how to spot it as an underlying cause to other conditions beyond reflux, and also how to fix it.
Learning Objectives:
1) The participants will understand the common etiology, incidence and testing for hiatal hernia syndrome.
2) The participants will learn manual medicine protocols for gentle and effective hiatal hernia syndrome resolution.
3) The participants will appreciate the importance of muscular tone and breathing habits for the prevention of hiatal hernia syndrome..
For more information on this event read here
FMU Guest Lecture Series, Tues June 9th 2020
Speaker: Dr Jack Wolfson DO, FACC
Cardiologist Dr Jack Wolfson elaborates on the precise mechanisms of harm to the heart of pesticides, plastics, VOCs and other common environmental toxins, the importance of eating organic and how things like statins and aspirin pale in comparison and are often over rated when cause is ignored.
For more information on this event click here
Overcoming Arthritis
FMU Guest Lecture Series, Thursday, May 28th, 2020
Speaker: David Brownstein M.D.
- This lecture will provide the listener with a holistic view of what is causing the arthritis epidemic.
- Furthermore, it will provide a holistic treatment plan designed to treat the underlying cause(s) of arthritis.
For more information on this event see here
Functional Healing for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
FMU Guest Lecture Series, May 22nd, 2020 Speaker:
Dr Dian Ginsberg M.D.
Your opportunity to listen to Dr Dian Ginsberg and access her for questions via the FMU question forum. She is author of the PCOS Environmental Roadmap and of particular interest in our ‘wireless future’ and the rollout of 5G is she is covering EMF influence and support in this area:
External environment, EMFs and genetics are all new focuses on the development of PCOS syndrome, what are they and how can we use testing to support and treat?
Dr Ginsberg’s Book
Click here for more information on this upcoming lecture
FMU Guest Lecture Series, May 12th 2020
Speaker: Matt Marturano, ND
Dr Matt Marturano ND on multiparasitism, identification, solutions, pitfalls. Valuable insights in an area that is a veritable can of worms… 🙂
Lesson Objectives include:
- Basic classification of parasites.
- Don’t test. Guess. (Yes, you read that right!)
- A balanced diet by any other name… is a treatment plan.
- “Go-to” anti-parasite supplements
- What to avoid in treatment of multiparasitic infections
- and much more
For more information on this event click here
SIBO Breath Test Interpretation
FMU Guest Webinar Series, April 28th 2020
Speaker: Dr Alison Siebecker ND
Learning Objectives Include
- Perform diagnosis of SIBO based on analysis of lactulose breath tests.
- Describe the common patterns of initial and repeat lactulose breath tests.
- Tailor SIBO breath test interpretation using different interpretation guidelines.
- And much more
*Of particular note in light of the closure of BioHealth Labs this year and the difference that will make for many practitioners relying on their SIBO test
For more information on this event please read here
COVID-19 Pandemic Series – Part 2 of Health and Immunity is coming up Saturday 18th of April.
Dr Silverman is 3 miles from the COVID-19 epicenter in New York and brings relevant clarity and consideration to the situation from a functional medicine perspective
Topics to be covered:
– Influence of Microbiota on viral infections
– Discover the COVID-19 antibody testing and what it means for you
– The latest updates in natural approaches to boosting your immune system
– Explore the controversies of ACE2 receptors in viral replication
– The emerging role of IL-6 in the “cytokine storm”
– The connection of the gut-lung axis for immunity
– Appropriate lifestyle choices during a “health pandemic”
Free to view lectures during Spring Enrollment period at FMU
There are also 2 free to view lectures during Spring Enrollment, BioBotanicals Research on Botanicals for GI and Systemic Infections, and another on wheat an autoimmuntity by Dr Tom O’Bryan.
Identifying the ‘Fueling’ of Autoimmune and Muscular Pathology from Wheat
SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 |Health and Immunity: A Natural Perspective for a New Paradigm
Free Lecture Saturday April 4th 1pm EST Dr Robert Silverman
– How to improve your everyday immune resilience
– Identify comorbidities that can compromise your immune system
– Natural approaches to manage “cytokine storm”
– Explore the controversies in natural therapeutics of immune support
– The connection of the gut-lung axis for immunity
– Discover appropriate lifestyle choices during a “health pandemic”
Spring Enrollment for the CFMP at FMU April 20th-27th
*watch this space for some free to view lectures soon during enrollment period
Upcoming Talks at Health Talks Online Platform
*Note these are marketing events not the same quality as practitioner training, marketing circles – friends invite friends to speak.
April 6th-12th 2020, Brain Degeneration Summit free transcripts
April 13th-19th Superhuman Brain Masterclass free transcripts
April 20th-28th Digestion SOS Summit free transcripts
May 4th-10th Candida Summit, free transcripts
May 18th-24th Essential Oils Revolution register
Available for Purchase: Pandemic Recovery Summit [not HTO platform]
Don’t forget $250 registering using this link only!
Free Sample Presentation on Lyme Disease from FMU Guest Lecture Series
Integrative Approaches to Lyme Disease and Chronic Infections
The presentation is approximately 60 minutes and is available to the public till the end of the enrollment period. But for your exclusive $250 cash back voucher make sure to check back here for you voucher first. Next enrollment is January 20th, 2020
In this presentation we will cover Lyme and co-infections, as well as biofilms, dysbiosis and endotoxins that are present in many chronic conditions.
Using diet, nutritional medicine and botanical medicine we can help patients move toward recovery and reclaiming their lives.
Abstract: Lyme disease has reached epidemic proportions, and in a functional medicine we can use a variety of integrative approaches to address Lyme and other infections.
Learning Objectives for Participants:
- Review of clinical manifestations of Lyme disease and co-infections
- Review of laboratory testing options and integrative treatments in Lyme
- Understand the pleomorphic forms of lyme, and recent research on how botanicals are effective in different stages of Lyme
- Understand the role of diet and specific nutritional interventions
CBD Oil Summit Jan 13th-19th, 2020
Register for the CBD Oil Summit and receive the follovving free gifts. Summit talks air free for 24 hours and there vvill be a repeat / encore after the event.
*Note: the summits are marketing events, they are not a substitute for a full Functional Medicine Practitioner Education, they are dangerous for patients to heed vvithout further research as by their nature they are biased to the person paying to host the event and vvho invites fellovv marketers and people of the same opinion.
For a full education vvith all aspects and modalities and deeper science then I suggest enroll for the CFMP accredited training online at FMU, VVinter Enrollment opening Jan 20th.
Getting to the Root Cause of Hashimoto’s
An opportunity to view one of many guest lectures offered by
FMU: Dr. Izabella Wentz, Pharm.D., FASCP, Getting to the Root Cause of Hashimoto’s
The presentation is approximately 60 minutes. Click the following link to access the video [but remember to come back to this site to avail of the exclusive $250 cashback voucher before enrolling for the CRMP training!]. Students and past students of Functional Medicine University have access to video, MP3, transcript and pdf of slides for each lecture.
Getting to the Root Cause of Hashimoto’s, click here for video presentation
Learning Objectives:
1.Recognize the top cause of hypothyroidism
2.Recognize the impact of environmental triggers on autoimmune thyroid disease
3.Recognize the value of nutrition in Hashimoto’s
4.Recognize common nutrient deficiencies in Hashimoto’s
5.Recognize top functional medicine and complementary treatments for Hashimoto’s
Next enrollment is January 20th, 2020, exclusive $250 cashback voucher available here during enrollment,
Functional Medicine is rapidly growing in the US and abroad. Consider joining this exciting new wave in healthcare and be well positioned to handle the most challenging cases. Getting certified in functional medicine will set you apart from your competitors.
Improving Mitochondrial Function for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
FMU Guest Lecture Series: Tuesday January 14th 8pm EST
Improving Mitochondrial Function for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, Dr Jon Kaiser University of Southern California.
The two major goals of a mitochondrial support program are:
a) To decrease oxidative stress in the mitochondria, thereby preventing any further damage from occurring
b) To encourage the restoration of normal mitochondrial functioning.
Learning Objectives:
1. Why are pharmaceutical medications not entirely effective for treating fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome?
2. What are the specific functions of four key mitochondrial support micronutrients?
3. What are some of the factors that contribute to age-related mitochondrial dysfunction?
Date: Tuesday, January 14th, 2020
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)
FMU Guest Lecture Series optional and exclusive to all FMU students.
For more information on this lecture and Dr Kaiser read more about the event here
Winter Enrollment for the CFMP for Licensed Professionals at FMU
- Free sample lectures become available in the next week so check back here for links or get connected with the social media facebook page for alerts, or sign up to be informed directly
- Exclusive $250 cashback voucher available here on this website, which will go live during enrollment week leaving you with up to 10% off your tuition fees!
- Yes, the other piece of good news is that Dr Grisanti has deliberately kept tuition fees low and the entire accredited CFMP available online so that EVERYONE can avail of the education irrespective of location or financial circumstance, there are even payment plans – this IS the exact same accredited CFMP tuition that costs up to 10 times more in other institutes and is fully accredited [unlike other schools and institutes that tend to be ‘in-house’]
- And includes extra bonuses such as an archive of guest lectures containing many different opinions on all topics and treatments for a full education and toolbox of options and modalities.
Guest lectures during Fall term at FMU included:
- Dr. Chad Larson, Cyrex Labs: Wheat & Gluten Related Disorders [Excellent on testing]
- Dr. Strand from BioBotanicals on Biofilms [fantastic lecture]
- Dr Jack Wolfson: Mold, Testing & Detox
- Dr. Court Vreeland: Cholesterol is Not the Enemy
Fall Enrollment for the CFMP for Licensed Professionals at FMU
Opens October 21st for one week. Two free to view lectures available now – Nasha Winters on The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, as a cancer survivor herself. She also goes into some good detail on having to deal with recent environmental toxicity and how to get rid of roundup in the body.
Voucher will go live during enrollment week on this site to receive $250 cashback on your tuition fees, you must use the voucher to qualify. More info here.
Free lecture videos for Fall Enrollment week:
Metabolic Approach to Cancer pt1
Metabolic Approach to Cancer pt2, Nasha Winters
This voucher will be live fro Sunday/Monday through one week till end of enrollment so check back before registering to scoop up this unique up to 10% cashback on tuition fees.
FMU Guest Lecture Series
We had an amazing guest lecture series this past term – Chritina Bjorndal on Bulimia – how she defines ‘eating disorder’ is a wake up call to what is in vogue at the moment and the distinction between therapeutic and proper diets for long term.
Also Dr. Robert Silverman had a very interesting lecture on sports performance and the endocrine system that really crystallised a lot of stuff very well, including concussion.
Reviews later, busy with ‘stopping 5G’ and emf education at the moment, much more later 😉
Summer Enrollment for the CFMP at Functional Medicine University is Open July 22nd-29th
For more details on the CFMP Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner training for professionals and free sample guest lectures at Functional Medicine University, plus the exclusive $250 cashback on tuition fees available through this website read more here.
Upcoming Webinar at FMU July 23rd with Dr. Robert Silverman
21st Century Approach to Musculoskeletal Conditions | The Gut-Joint Connection Read More
Urgent 2019 – 5G the real EMF story
there is an urgent scientist appeal the top scientists from the top universities in the world to stop 5G, to stop Elon Musk launching the 20,000 satellites into our ionosphere for blanket coverage broadband over the earth mandatory exposure 24/7 at new higher levels. For the research on all this I currently run some science based FaceBook groups Smarter EMF and Stop 5G Science & Education
If you want original sources and science on EMF,,,,, and much more
Upcoming Summits
Metabolic Approach to Cancer pt2
Nasha Winters, June 18th, 8pm-9.30pm
PART II: 6-10 of the Terrain Ten:
- Inflammation, Angiogenesis/Circulation, Hormones,
Stress Response/Circadian Rhythm and Mental/Emotional (and pertinent tests to assess and address each) - Nutrient deficiencies and toxicities in the oncology patient
- Most vetted integrative oncology treatments and for what tissue types/patterns
ADHD Management Without Meds
Dr Court Vreeland, June 4th 2019
In this webinar, Dr. Vreeland will discuss natural treatment options for ADHD and show you that effective treatments are available without the use of medication. Event info here
Closing the Gates of Brain Deterioration
Tom O’Bryan, May 25th
This presentation will address:
- Laboratory testing identifying a Breach of the Blood Brain
Barrier (B4) - It’s contributing factors
- And protocols to address the ‘Leaky Brain’.
Metabolic Approach to Cancer pt 1
Nasha Winters, May 14th, 8pm-9.30pm:
- Updated cancer statistics and why on the rise
- Somatic Versus Metabolic Theory
- 1-5 of the Terrain Ten: Epigenetics, Glycemic Status, Toxicants, Microbiome, Immune System (and pertinent tests to assess and address each one)
Spring Enrollment for CFMP at FMU April 22nd-29th
April 22nd-29th quarterly enrollment for the CFMP certified functional medicine practitioner course at Functional Medicine University, the complete functional medicine training center and entirely online. Register through this website and qualify for a $250 cashback voucher on tuition fees. Details here.
Two guest lectures open to the public this week:
*Sample videos available to public during enrollment period only – new sample videos will be free to view in July
*Note in Kleber’s lecture he gives 14 steps in reducing macrophage activation and only one of those was ‘keto’ and it was entirely unnecessary. I’m disappointed that ‘converting metabolism to fat burning’ came up at all in what is an otherwise outstanding lecture well worth listening to. But keto is clearly an insiduous fad in the functional medicine world at the moment because of the million dollar investments and ‘peer pressure’? Thankfully we have other lecturers who do not do keto and in fact go beyond keto recognising it is not for everyone and quite unnecessary, even dangerous. However Kleber also runs the DABCI qualification course which is unfortunate that so many extra certification courses out there for practitioners right now are pushing keto.
**Note also that Izabella Wentz and Dr David Brownstein have very different views on iodine, both views and both lecturers are represented at FMU.
More information on these lectures and spring enrollment here.
Upcoming Summits & Surprising Marketing Allegiances
Thyroid Reset Summit
Enter with caution to any summit that is going to bomb you with 30 hours of information because no matter whether you disagree with it or not, that sort of overload will rub off and unfortunately they only invite friends of similar opinion most of the time to these eg David Brownstein usually doesn’t get invited to summits where another speaker has an opposing viw on iodine, which means after 30 hours and maybe a couple of hundred bucks you still don’t have the full story. Read my preview of the Thyroid Reset Summit here
Ocean Robbins exposes the truth about bone broth, keto AND TTAC!
There’s till some confusion and division out there in the health niche with the HTO platform pushing keto and extreme fasting on everyone and certain large marketing groups still pushing keto despite the many deaths and devastating results I’ve been reporting in stories I’ve heard from people across the globe last year. There is no doubt also certain practitioners are leaning on keto too heavily as a first treatment option with clients to the exclusion of better therapies.
And very recently the vegan Ocean Robbins revealed that keto & bone broth supplement company owner Josh Axe had been looking for investors to expand his business by $103 million dollars.
So does that explain the sudden appearance of ‘keto protocols’ in the ‘Truth About Cancer’ machine that is Ty Bollinger? Because I’ve done Gerson Therapy and that remains the core foundation of most alternative cancer therapies to this day, yet keto is the opposite…this raises many questions!
Is it unfair for brand TTAC to suddenly push keto and an altered metabolism – often called fads by many experts in the health niche – and especially onto vulnerable cancer patients? Rewriting cancer history because they are now heavy investors in a keto supplement company?
Ty had always used the tagline something along the lines of ‘support the mission, join the movement’ but I thought he wanted people to help him spread ‘the truth about cancer’ that conventional doctors and Big Pharma routinely hide from people.
- I did not expect to be supporting any movement that tells people to switch their body away from natural glucose metabolism eating protein, carbs, and fat to a dangerous ‘all fat / fat-adapted and afraid-to-eat carbs’ extremely high risk keto diet with no track record of healing over time for anyone, least of all cancer patients. That is not the sort of agenda I expected to come out of TTAC, and not what I’d knowingly support.
- If Ty had that much money to invest then to be honest and ethical it should have gone back into curing cancer and providing affordable and accessible resources and healing centers for that, that pay-it-forward sort of movement instead of pushing what many other speakers eg David Katz, Naveen Jain, and others have called fads, for a quick buck.
- But he was involved with an ‘advanced’ type of turmeric supplement before which Sayer-Ji had been calling out all along when actually the food turmeric works, and history has shown that.
As someone whose life depended on finding what works outside of routine conventional medicine after medical error, I object to being sold stuff just for the sake of it. Functional Medicine has the opportunity to make older founndation successful therapies like Gerson Therapy work better, that’s the direction I’d like to see.
*Note: all opinions are my own, and not FMU.
Charlotte Gerson dies almost 100 years of age | Living Proof
Charlotte who’d had TB as a child and with her sparkly blue eyes, no glasses, still giving lectures till quite recently, was an amazing testimony to the fact carrot juice is pretty amazing 😉
Charlotte Gerson died February 10th 2019, in memory of her dad’s therapy that she spent her life promoting, I will post an account of my own journey with Gerson Therapy soon. It did buy me time, prevented me from being bedridden, got me walking inside 4 months – I did add other things, but I was in the medical bin not a cancer patient.
What’s New at FMU?
Well this week’s Guest Lecture we were treated to Jill Carnahan MD:
A Functional Medicine Approach to Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
– Review the 5R Program for reversing gut illness
– Understand the triggers of Inflammatory bowel disease
– Discuss the role of dysfunctional immune response to microbiome in IBD
– Review functional medicine treatment options for IBD
I will post a review of this lecture very soon. It was fascinating to see what Jill brings to the table here in terms of integrative medicine and her own experience in curing her own Crohn’s over 16 years ago, to provide a full range of tools for your toolbox.
*FMU has a number of different herbalist guest lectures including Master Herbalist protocols for hormones – particularly important in light of the current and upcoming online health summits which push only one route with the bio-identicals, there is always more than one route and you get a full education on these at FMU.
Review Series Coming Up!
I will also be posting reviews on our other Guest Lectures this season:
- Biofilms with Rachel Fresco, where I want to interview a Master Herbalist for her take and compare both approaches
- The Truth About Cholesterol with Jack Wolfson – some really juicy points from our previous guest lecture with Jack Wolfson where I got to ask him some questions on taking greens and fish oil with the standard heart meds such as warfarin when people are already on them – yes we know it is possible to do food, nutrition and supplements and herbs instead of meds but most people wake up after a heart attack already on meds so I wanted to get specifics for adjunctive therapies here – he provided answers which coincided with what I knew but some people out there just need to hear it from a cardiologist, so now we got it
- We have an upcoming lecture March 12th on Colorectal Cancer with Lise Alschuler
Immune Defense Summit Feb 18th-24
Hosted by Jonathan Landsman, who quite unusually has invited a diversity of speakers not just friends and not just in the same marketing group. So we have a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly here. Fads like keto still being pushed around along with people who distort the research and the history eg David Jockers, Tom O’Bryan, Peter Osborne, who mercilessly twist the original research on gluten and tight junctions by Alessio Fassano of Harvard who actually said gluten is no more a stressor to the gut than anything else we have to deal with in our daily lives, we are built to withstand it and healthy people have no problem – however those with leaky gut do have an issue and must avoid it.
But then there are some good speakers like David Christopher from The School of Natural Healing founded by the legendary Master Herbalist and Vitalist Dr John R Christopher ND on whose protocols many doctorpreneurs are now basing their own courses and detoxes eg Jay Davidson, Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific, Elisa Song, etc.
Immune Defense Summit, enter with caution as you cannot be exposed to hours and hours of talks without it rubbing off even if you disagree with half the stuff it is influential, and more than half of it is seriously misguided and based on big industry now with keto supplement investors like Axe, Bollinger and other big players all coming together to protect their investments, as well as the gigantic affiliate commissions to the big emails lists of the speakers!
Winter Enrollment for the CFMP is now open Jan 21st-28th
Functional Medicine University quarterly enrollment opens its Winter Enrollment for the Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner training course today January 21st through the next week.
- Free sample guest lectures
- Exclusive $250 cashback voucher from this site
FMU is a complete training center for all things functional medicine including continuing education credits and diplomas, all certified by external state bodies national and international
Read More about Winter Enrollment 2019 here
Upcoming Summits | ‘Fasting’, ‘Mindful Parenting’, Toxic Mold
The year has actually opened with a split right down the health niche, those pro and against the ‘ketogenic diet’ and ‘fasting’. We’ve just had Chris Wark release his collection of research against keto, with Mark Hyman’s book top of the trash heap along with tubs of keto supplements. Prior to that we had docuseries like iThrive reversing diabetes with more of a Mediteranean type diet and many doctors speaking out against keto including Joel Fuhrman who has been reversing diabetes for decades without keto.
- I am not a vegan or vegetarian but I’m opposed to any form of keto promotion to the general public outside of working one to one with an experienced qualified practitioner.
- And I even dislike recommending keto to most people with illness because I know the alternatives, check out Dr Michael Jurgelewicz’s lecture on that at FMU.
- And keto and intermittent fasting are especially alarming now in the wake of so many deaths reported to me by people personally involved, called to try to revive a comatose patient, often unsuccessfully, as well as so many damaged and injured people including the testimony of Dr Michael Murray himself.
Dr. Michael Murray said he began to lose muscle, his biomarkers all went the wrong direction, he had to pull the plug on keto.
And having taken many training courses in natural medicine, reversed an incurable disease in myself and come up the natural healing route I know from the original sources that what is being presented as fasting here at these summits is not at all the way the ancients nor the old time naturopaths did it. I never encouragd keto, always knew it went against basic common sense as a human being to be so afraid of good natural foods and what our bodies were made to be able to metabolise and have seen opposing nutritional strategies aka real food and lots of it, work for every illness out there.
– I also have done PhD level research in ancient Hebrew including social anthropology as well as degrees including science, and nothing I’m seeing being said in the modern digital marketing craze on keto or fasting is adding up past or present, but the global results were predictable which include death, damage, fear of food…
Digital Marketing Groups | Not chosen for ‘expertise’
*Be aware that all summits and ‘health talks online’ and docuseries are digital marketing groups, not a full education because of the bias involved when friends invite friends. And not necessarily experts because a true expert not in the marketing mastermind group will often not get invited to speak on a subject even if he is the top expert in that field for decades!
Beyond Keto – Science and the History of Healing
I’d encourage you to go get a full education where experts from both sides of keto are represented, that way at least if you are going to do it you will do it ‘right’, but more importantly you will find other options both within the functional medicine model and the natural healing traditions on how to go ‘beyond keto’ with yourself and your clients:
- For example a recent lecture at Functional Medicine University by Michael Jurgelewicz from Designs for Health showed alternative ways within the functional medicine model for clinicians to get the same results without all the risks of the side effects of keto.
- And there are other modalities such as herbalism and other types of nutritional protocols like the Mediterranean dietthat are options too, and were getting positive results way before the latest fad on keto.
- Three books to read outside of the digital marketing ‘celebrity’ doctors are:
- Gerson Therapy, on Max Gerson’s cancer therapy which he put together almost 100 years ago now.
- Wheatgrass, by Ann Wigmore – the 1987 book which tells the story of how she overcame her gangarene – NOT the false bio currently in circulation claiming she cured advanced colon cancer. Her book Our Precious Pets interesting on that note.
- A Herbal Home Legacy, by Dr. John R Christopher – all the herbal protocols you’ll ever need and more, without complicated philosophies from eastern medicine about cold damp etc. This is western herbalism
Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up
As for the other summits, I will offer commentary, but the harm is beginning to outweigh the good at this point.
Harm to the general public: There’s an open letter to practitioners by Evan Alden on Elephant Journal…having been messed around by the summits and the doctorpreneurs. This is very reflective of the experience of the average attendee at the summits, they pay the speakers and don’t get the results, they hear conflicting advice that’s ungrounded in the history of healing, and they are told to do things no one with a solid basis in natural healing really would tell them to do.
Marketing Gone Mad – Tsunami Ahead
– That is not actually why any practitioner or doctor studies health, the lure of passive income online is not a good reason to go to medical school of any variety, not a good use of the education, and not a good reason to give up being a clinician.
– Marketing Brendon Burchard style ‘experts academy’ is potentially going to lash back like a tsunami unless the health niche gets less greedy, imo.
But harm also to the real deal people in natural medicine and functional medicine as positioning can give fads a dominant place without really having earned it.
As for the ‘patients’, the general public are targeted like cash cows, perhaps no different than Big Pharma had already been milking us, but people are very confused with the biased and conflicting information. And that includes practitioners not well versed in multiple modalities along with the history of healing.
2019 FMU Guest Lecture Series | Beyond the Microbiome
Exposure to pathogenic organisms and endotoxins originating from biofilms in the GI tract and oral cavity has been implicated in far-reaching health concerns.
Biofilms have been found to contribute directly to inflammatory disorders including autoimmune disorders, heart disease, chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia syndromes, diabetes, gum disease and more.
Biofilms have proven difficult to address with conventional pharmaceuticals alone, but recent research into plant- based approaches to disruption and dismantling of biofilms has demonstrated great success in this area.
– The goal of this presentation is to the expand participants’ understanding of the formation, composition and life cycle of biofilms, and the role that they play in perpetuating chronic disease states.
– The goal is also to provide simple and clear steps, using plant-based medicines, to eliminate biofilms and restore health.* Identify the stages of biofilm development
* Recognize the key organisms associated with biofilm formation
* Identify common biofilm-related infections
* Review the mechanisms and research on the use of specific botanicals in addressing biofilm-associated infections such as Autoimmune Diseases, Lyme disease, Periodontal disease,
GI Dysbiosis and other chronic infections.
Note: Once we understand the mechanism of how biofilm works and some of the strategies currently employed successfully to deal with it, then of course we can choose whatever herbs we like from our own knowledge base, teh Biocidin range being just one possibility. More details on the event here.
Date: Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019
*Open to all students and graduates of FMU: All lectures are archived with video, audio and transcripts for download.
**The Opioid Crisis lecture by Dr. Cindy Howard before xmas is available for download to all students and graduates, make sure to catch it!
**Functional Medicine University Winter Enrollment kicks off the week of Jan 21st** There will be a $250 cashback voucher available on this site from Jan 21st, use it to get your exclusive up to 10% cashback on course fees.
Check out the list of upcoming guest lectures here
NonSmoker Now! Program | Free Download
This will be helpful for many of your clients! Hypnotherapist Timothy Trujillo who has over 20 years clinical experience is offering this download for free in honor of a good friend killed by smoking, so that anyone who needs to give up smoking can do so without money being an obstacle. Also it is an excellent quality resource for anyone wishing to do so.
Download this 16 minute audio for free NonSmoker Now! Program
To get the best from it follow his instructions, listen to it at least once a day for 21 days and listen to it with your eyes closed, in a relaxed position so that you are listening with your subconscious mind, not washing the dishes listening to it with your conscious mind – that subtle distinction between listening with your subconscious and conscious mind makes all the difference 😉
GMOs Revealed Docuseries Dec 11th-20th
Bayer has bought Monsanto at a cost of over $60 billion dollars, Big Pharma owns food now. And what will they do to get those billions back with a profit on top – their track record with drug profiting has not been good. They were never careful with human life up till now, leopards spots and all that. Time you knew what is in your food.
Register now for GMOs Revealed free docuseries, airing one episode per night and an encore w/e
EMF Health Summit Dec 9th-15th
In an age when smart meters and 5G are being rolled out, on top of the already saturated EMF soup of wifi and housing that never really considered ‘clean wiring’ protocols, and where even your bed could be carrying a high voltage this is a must see summit. Register for free now and catch your free early reg gifts.
More details on the free gifts here
*Update: having attended the summit I was disappointed at who was not asked to speak, and some of the advice given in terms of ‘help’. Marketing model dependent and biased. For established experts in the EMF space I suggest Michael Neuert, Jeromy Johnson, Stephane Blainsky [Quebec], and Pawel Wypychowski [Poland].
FMU Guest Lecture Series, Tues Nov 27th Dr. Robert Silverman | Sleep Matters
Sleep Matters: The Missing Link in Functional Medicine
FMU students and graduates are invited to join Dr. Rob Silverman, a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, and functional medicine practitioner—as he shares sleep’s multi-faceted impact on health and why a truly holistic functional medicine approach must prescribe proper sleep.
Key Clinical Takeaways
1. Endotoxicity and oxidative stress effect on sleep.
2. Nutritional protocols for concussion, Alzheimer’s, and brain health.
3. The emerging area of innovative sleep tools.
4. Review the physiology and neuro-biology of sleep.
5. A functional approach to improved sleep.
6. The gut-brain axis effect on sleep.
Rising from the Depths of Diabetes & Obesity – without keto!
A 9 part series running from Nov 13th-22nd, with a replay day. The host started the series as an obese person with diabetes, he enlisted the help of Joel Fuhrman who is not a keto man, on the contrary he eats foods and lots of them and the results can be seen for themselves!
FMU Guest Lecture | Supporting the Brain from Cognitive Decline to Nootropics
Guest speaker Dr. Michael Jurgelewicz, 8-9pm Eastern time. This lecture is exclusive and optional to all FMU students.
- Traditional and functional laboratory assessments for Cognitive Decline and ADRD
- Risk factors and prevention strategies for neurological disease
- Develop nutrition interventions for Cognitive Decline and ADRD
- Nutritional therapeutics to enhance memory, mental function, and prevent age-related memory decline.
Autoimmune Revolution, Nov 5th-11th
Hosted by Peter Osborne, 30 speakers covering a wide range of topics related to autoimmune triggers and healing protocols. Free transcripts with 3 early talks for those who register before the summit ends: Jack Wolfson, Pedram Shojai, and Jonathan Landsman. Also two free registration gifts from the host, Peter Osborne’s Autoimmune Matrix and a gift from Ben Lynch.
Register here for the Autoimmune Revolution Summit 2018
See my preview here.
FMU Fall Enrollment Oct 22nd-28th
The CFMP Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner course is open from Oct 22nd-28th. There are two videos from the FMU Guest Lecture Series open right now for you to view during enrollment week. This certification is the exact same CFMP issued by the IFM but at a fraction of the price because it is entirely online and the goal is to make the education available to everyone, wherever they live and whatever their budget – there are also payment plans which work out at about $200 a month, and this site offers you a $250 cashback voucher on your fees after the 30 day trial period.
Open Lectures: during enrollment period
Dr. Robert Silverman – Reducing brain inflammation and all body system recovery after concussion
One is by Dr. Robert Silverman on recovering the brain after concussion and injury. It is one of the best lectures I’ve ever heard, not only does he list out all the food and lifestyle factors that reduce inflammation in the brain but he says precisely why turmeric works, precisely why any of the popular supplements work. He describes the cascade of events that occur after concussion and how they hit all body systems. And he reveals his protocols both nutritional and physical for recovery.
- He shows a long list of things that increase BDNF, the ketone BHB is just ONE of those, turmeric and exercise are two more – so the ketogenic diet is NEVER necessary!
Mary Kay Ross on the Bredesen Protocol
The second video open right now is by Mary Kay Ross on the Bredesen Protocol – they are claiming it is ‘the’ functional approach to reversing cognitive decline but I know there are other approaches more effective. Bredesen is a supplement heavy protocol involving the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting and they are promoting it as ‘the only’ way to reverse Alzheimer’s – however – if you’ve heard Patrick Holford on the Healing Power of Food summit you’ll hear there is more than one way to reverse Alzheimer’s, and keto is never necessary. I’ve halted and reversed rapid cognitive decline myself back in 2004/5 using high dose EPA and zero keto, instead real foods and lots of it on Gerson Therapy. Also there is an ALS group going against keto and using AAKG and real food, the Deanna Protocol. And we’re hearing from Patrick Holford about even more ways involving B vitamins.
In fact there’s a long list of voices now shouting out how dangerous keto is and how irresponsible it is to promote it. I know the supplements recommended by Ross here are sort of swept under the mat into her last 3 slides but I’ve heard her expound on them for an hour at the Awakening from Alzheimer’s summit and they are not the right or best things or supplements to be taking at all – some of them the wrong form, some of them the wrong dose, some things missing – so it’s a testament to the power of the body to heal when you give it a fraction of what it needs and clear out the junk. However I would not force people to take on a ridiculously expensive protocol and burdensome fad diet for the rest of their lives when there are better options.
This is an example of the mix of speakers you’ll get at FMU – all the latest, good and bad. You can decide who you want to follow. Here is a further list of sample speakers, there’s actually a large archive available to students, and all way more detail than the standards you hear at summits.
*This voucher is live now during enrollment week, Oct 21st-28th 11pm Eastern Time, to receive the cashback you must register through this link from this site
- Fully accredited Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner CFMP training for licensed professionals and accessible to all healthcare practitioners by a recognized leader in Functional Medicine.
- CEUs and certificates of completion are provided by the Southern California University of Health Sciences.
- CME category 1, BANT approval and ACBN diplomate hours free with the course
Read more about Fall Enrollment here
The Healing Power of Food | Michael Murray Oct 13th-21st
The Healing Power of Food hosted by Michael Murray, who boasts of having written the Encylcopedia of Natural Medicine. All the different diets and food paths have been invited to speak together at this summit, it’s a bit of an ecumenical gathering where each of them would normally individually claim to be ‘the only right way to eat’ are now all being hailed as ‘right’and being individualized…
hm…but some speakers like David Katz and Naveen Jain have come straight out and called keto a fad diet, that can even dissolve your endothelial lining because of the fasting leaving the microbiome to eat you if it has nothing else, and Michael Murray said he had to pull the plug on keto himself as he lost muscle and his markers all went the wrong direction, he had to go back to eating several small meals a day. And we’ve just had Elle Russ and David Jockers at the Female Hormones summit say how dangerous keto is ‘if done wrong’ or if you have a thyroid issue. And yet keto is still the most promoted diet at the moment!
As with vegan or paleo, and all the newer diets and diet fads, while there may be room for individualization with some of these diets, some are certainly a lot more ‘right’ than others and we had Patrick Holford who is a ‘smoked salmon vegan’ himself, tell stories of infant deaths to vegan mums who were ultimately undernourished for B12.
Many of these diets are at polar ends of the spectrum when it comes to hacking what a human body can be pushed to however many apps and sticks and measuring devices they use to monitor what they can eat in a day. David Katz is concerned about the ‘Truth about food’, yet I’d be concerned about his ‘council of 40 experts’ who get to decide!
However, this is your chance to listen in to the actual proponents of each diet ‘justify’ it for themselves, despite the odd philosophy behind the gathering.
Register now for your free spot during summit week where all talks will air for free for 24 hours.
The Truth About Cancer | A Global Quest, Oct 9th -18th with an encore w/e
One episode a night for 10 nights, this is a docuseries highlighting many different cancer therapies and adjunct protocols. Some amazing new things have been discovered, and then there are some older protocols still absolutely key and at the heart of many cancer treatments today, such as Gerson Therapy. I used that myself back in 2004 for a condition that was not cancer, it saved my life and it is the opposite of keto, I had to eat 3 large meals a day as well as 6 juices – THAT is a high mitochondria diet!
At all these events there will be some excellent information mixed with some speakers who are not bringing good information. I encourage you to research and double check anything before trying it out, always go to the source. I myself will be writing up a report. As you can see there are a large number of events!
Register for this free event now The Truth About Cancer | A Global Quest
*In Ireland, as in many other western countries, we are being told cancer treatmentand survival rate is improving but that is simply not true, more and more people dropping like flies, and they call ‘surviving’ 5 years a ‘success’ no matter if you die on the day after the 5 year limit or lived maimed in an horrific state. Medicine still doesn’t factor nutrition into health, time to wake up folks instead of looking for a pill for every ill while becoming more and more toxic.
FMU Guest Lecture Series | Dr. Kurt Woeller 
Topic: Chemical Toxins, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Microbiome Disruption – Key Factors That Every Health Practitioner Should Know
Description: Mitochondria are the energy producing factories of our cells. Unfortunately, they are susceptible to damage from various toxins such as organophosphates, herbicides and other environmental chemicals. The digestive system microbiome is vulnerable to chemicals too and various toxins produced from within the digestive system are known to adversely affect mitochondrial function.
- This presentation will explain all of this in detail and show the links to various chronic health issues.
Dr. Kurt Woeller’s Bio:
Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., has been an integrative medicine physician and biomedical autism specialist for over 20+ years. He is an author of several books on the subject, advisor at BioHealth labs, and co-founder of a number of integrative medicine training courses. More details on the event page
The Fix for Female Hormones Oct 1st-7th, with encore w/e
Hosted by Misty Williams who has been at this 15 years sorting out her own health issues, Misty brings her own unique perspective and raises questions like how to modify keto for women because women don’t do so well on it! You’ll also see she features CBD oil a lot for hormones, interesting popular new kid on the block. And unfortunately bioidentical hormones are taking center stage in an undisputed way – the alternatives to them not being discussed as it seems the speakers at this event and Misty herself are not aware of the Master Herbalist protocols for hormones, which FMU has shown in lab tests actually work as well if not better than bioidenticals.
Sarah Gottfried is well known in the female hormone arena but she’s a medical doctor, so when she uses herbs she uses them as a medical doctor and not as a herbalist – in her experience some women do well on herbs and at least she offers them, but she soon switches up to bioidenticals where a herbalist would know how to work better with the herbs. The upshot is we not only have a society that is overexposed to hormone creams and such unnecessarily, but we are all getting exposed ultimately and even though different doctors have different opinions on that, the lab tests can prove it.
Worst of all is when doctors tell you that unless you take a bioidentical hormone now you will end up with Alzheimer’s or Cancer – that is disgusting advice, but common. They will however claim that the bioidentical hormones are safer than HRT, and there’s a prescription worth challenging for sure. But neither route is necessary if people really were interested in restoring body function and production of these things naturally. I will write an article on how to do that with herbs before the end of this summit.
We had a Chinese herbalist say there is no herbal solution to endometriosis or PCOS on the Remedy docuseries, but he was making unfounded sweeping claims, the lab tests show otherwise, within the western Master Herbalist tradition.
*Update: After listening to several of the talks I actually heard an admission by Elle Russ that the ketogenic diet will harm the thyroid ‘if done wrong’ and by David Jockers that they get ‘a lot of people who’ve done it wrong’, join the dots here to what’s often said about thyroid conditions being undiagnosed in a huge percentage of the population out there and you’ll see the need to think twice about keto and see it for the fad it is.
Awakening from Alzheimer’s | Regain Your Brain Sept 21st-Oct 2nd, with encore w/e
This docuseries runs from September 21st with one interview each day for 12 days, there will be a replay at the end, Oct 5th-7th. Hosted by Peggy Sarlin and featuring some of the big names in brain health and functional medicine.
Unlike the other docuseries out there who present mini-movies with a bunch of edited interviews, this one gives an entire interview with each speaker, so you can get all the information presented by the speaker without having to buy the series – though each daily talk streams free for 24 hours and if you want access outside the free streaming then you’d have to buy the package.
Some of the speakers include Dr. May Kay Ross who is giving the guest lecture at FMU on Tues 25th, and Dale Bredesen, Daniel Amen, Michael Breus, among others.
I caught Michael Breus day 4 and it was his best interview yet, in my opinion, because he’s bringing out a new book The Power of When and his research on that is excellent, i.e. not only how to structure your day to be most productive in tune with your circadian rhythms, but how to do that at different ages!
*Update: I also caught Mary Kay Ross's interview and was disappointed in her 'supplement heavy protocol that could never be stopped or deviated from and included the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting' as I'm aware of better solutions and have reversed the same issues myself. Also not impressed with Dr. Perlmutter misquoting the research on BDNF, the recent guest lecture at FMU by Dr. Robert Silverman showed nearly 10 other things that increase BDNF outside of keto. Dr. Teitelbaum's talk is very interesting on solutions, though it's possible to go much further in terms of making his more natural, he dabbles in natural stuff but is too trigger happy with the hormones, there are lectures at FMU showing herbal routes to bypass using bioidentical hormones.
Register now to attend Awakening from Alzheimer’s, Regain Your Brain
Regain Your Brain is a brand-new video series for 2018. The September 21 broadcast is the World Premiere of this series.
The 2016/2017 Awakening from Alzheimer’s series is a totally different series focusing specifically on Alzheimer’s and dementia. Regain Your Brain features never-before-seen interviews with experts on all aspects of brain health, with an emphasis on protecting yourself from Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as regaining the brain you had when you were young – no matter what your age, genetics, or current condition. The most recent interview was shot just a few months ago, and we’ve been in production since early fall of 2017.
FMU Guest FMU Guest Lecture Series Sept 25th
A Functional Approach to Reverse Cognitive Decline
Speaker: Mary Kay Ross, MD, FACEP
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)
Description: Participants should be able to identify patients with cognitive decline and be able to determine where they are on the spectrum. They should be able to select initial and follow up studies to evaluate the disease.
Dr. Ross’s Bio: Dr. Mary Kay Ross is a featured speaker in the Awakening Alzheimer’s Regain Your Brain event this week.
”Mary Kay Ross, MD, FACEP is the founder and owner of The Institute for Personalized Medicine with offices in Savannah, GA and Santa Monica, CA. Dr. Ross has witnessed first-hand the overall declining health of Americans. Early on in her career while working in emergency and trauma centers across the country, she quickly realized that many chronic health problems could be prevented. She also understood that only by treating the underlying causes of chronic illnes s, could true healing be achieved. Frustrated with limited options for treating in the ER setting, Dr. Ross chose to become educated
in Functional Medicine.In 2012, Dr. Ross became a patient herself as the result of biotoxin illness resulting from mold exposure. Little did she know that this experience would change her practice. Dr. Ross immersed herself to learn from the brightest and the best to completely understand this often-misunderstood world.
In 2016, Dr. Ross partnered with Dr. Dale Bredesen to apply her knowledge and clinical expertise to patients suffering from cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. She proudly served as the Chief Medical Officer for MPI Cognition until August of 2018. Today, she is actively engaged on enhancing a multimodal approach protocol addressing all aspects of brain health. She firmly believes that this is an exciting time to be practicing medicine.
**Note: we have had a variety of different speakers present their views and approaches on this topic in the FMU guest lecture seires, including excellent lectures by Dr. Robert Silverman and Dr. Court Vreeland.
***These Functional Medicine University guest lectures go above and beyond the standards presented at summits.
Update: In this lecture Dr. Ross looked at the multimodal approach to health for the brain, the different classifications of dementia, she made a bold statement that her client was the first time you saw a survivor of Alzheimer's/ mold-related, which is entirely untrue as you have one writing this for you right now and not just mold related! And she made another worrying statement about a supplement heavy approach that could never be deviated from and included ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting - none of which is necessary. Thankfully there are other guest lecuters at FMU who are much more in line with what I experienced in terms of results, more EPA, no keto, etc.
Qi Gong Gobal Summit, starting Sept 18th
Qi Gong, Tai Chi, martial arts for health, it’s the gentle bodywork side of things, as health so often focuses on nutrition we need also to get the body moving and yet vigorous exercise isn’t possible for many people recovering from illness.
What is Qi Gong?
Here is some of the interesting stuff said about it:
”…A daily Qigong practice, available to everyone, can immediately lower stress, increase energy, prevent illness, and support you in rejuvenating your body, mind, and spirit.
With Qigong, you can learn to bring healing energy — known as “qi” or sometimes written ‘chi’— to particular parts of your body to transform anxiety, stress, and disease into self confidence, inner peace, and optimal health.
As your body responds by doing what it’s designed to do — heal and re-balance itself — blockages in your flow of qi disappear and your full life force energy moves smoothly, radiating out into all aspects of your daily life.”
And they have seven stated learning goals with this event:
How to tune in to your body’s subtle distress signals before your health is compromised & becomes a crisis
Simple health exercises from China and Tibet that protect, support and boost your health & immunity
Helpful breathing exercises to relieve PTSD & boost your health
The concepts of energy (qi) flow and how it plays a role in the physical, mental, & emotional systems in the human body
Ways to discover, experience, circulate & build your life force energy
That qigong can be used as a self-defense modality
Methods for accessing your fountain of “dynamic happiness” in the modern world<—with caution, I personally am promoting it as a form of exercise, not a new spiritual path though people are welcome choose whatever philosophy they like.
How Medical Qigong is defined
Medical Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese energetic medicine, and is one of the four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), along with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and medical massage.
Remedy | Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness, Sept 5th-13th
Check out the full speaker line-up in my preview here
Event Timetable: One episode every night with Episode 1 running all week:
This event purports to represent three main herbal traditions: Western, Chinese and Ayurvedic
One speaker not there who should have been is David Christopher, Master Herbalist and son of Dr. Christopher one of the greatest herbal legends and natural healers of all time:
Pregnancy & Motherhood Summit, Sept 10th-17th
Wide range of topics covered here at this and you can access three of the talks for free immediately on registration, on the older mother and immune health and strength training in pregnancy, plus a free Pelvic Floor Exercise guide.
Some familiar speakers:
- Ben Lynch ND: that folic acid vs folate question!!
- Donna Gates: microbiome and candida
- Wendy Myers FDN: detox questions during pregnancy
Some of the topics covered include:
*Common issues in each trimester / *Massage / *Prolapse / *Pelvic changes / *Diastasis recti / *Essential oils / *Gut & candida / *Hormones / *Sleep / *Returning to sex / *Returning to fitness / *Anxiety & Depression & Mental Health / *Mindset / *Inflammation / *Immune health / *Back pain / *Older mothers / *Nutrition, vitamins, supplements in pregnancy
FMU Guest Speaker Series: Corie Edwards ND, Kashi Health Laboratories, Tuesday Sept 11th
Choosing, Interpreting, and using Genetic Information to Improve Treatment
The goal of this presentation is to provide practitioners with a powerful tool to not only help them gain a greater understanding of what is going on inside their patients, but to give them the knowledge of how to craft a valuable treatment plan. Genetic testing may have been around for years but every day it grows in its application. Researchers are finding associations between new risk alleles and diseases by the hundreds of thousands every year. What I hear every day from health care providers is a desire to be able to easily understand and effectively use this type of testing to dramatically heal their patients.
- The first step in this process is choosing which genes to test for in the long list of options.
- Secondly practitioners desire to understand the big picture, how does the patient’s genotype fit together.
- And lastly the most important information that anyone wants to know is how is this to make them feel better.
Learning objectives
Review medical genetics and its recent advancements; helping practitioners to keep up with this advancing science.
Improve knowledge on what are the most medically relevant genes to test for.
Identify symptoms in patients that may indicate further need for genetic testing.
Describe some of the most extensively researched risk alleles and their associated diseases.
Review cases studies that deepen the practitioners understanding of when to order a genetic test and how to treat based on the result.
Increase the provider’s knowledge of powerful treatment options for patients with certain risk alleles.
Provide ideas for communicating with patients about the role genetic testing can play and the relationship with genetic variants and disease development.
Date: FMU Webinar, Tuesday, September 11th, 2018
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)
SIBO & IBS Summit, Sept 3rd-10th
Host Shivan Sarna, this is her second year running a SIBO summit and she kept a very active facebook SIBO group going all year where patients constantly shared what they were doing, asking each other questions, and occasionally practitioners and doctors jumped in to contribute too.
There are 3 early talks available just for registering for the summit for free including Alison Siebecker ND, who has taken part in a series of lectures on SIBO at FMU, and Partha Nandi MD on the gut.
As well as a cookbook and 4 ebooks from the speakers, one of which is a Differential Diagnosis ebook by Dr. Siebecker:
*Summit Survival Tip: remember ebooks are in exchange for your email address, if you find yourself inundated with emails from doctors all of a sudden then don’t forget to hit unsubscribe!
Click here to see my summit preview Event page for the full Speaker Schedule and the full list of the free registration gifts. The summit airs for free with 6 speakers every day, the daily talks stream for 24 hours and there will be an encore after the summit if you have missed any talks or want to replay them.
People who would like to own the talks and transcipts can purchase the packages, and there are purchase bonuses for anyone who buys the package – should you opt to purchase the summit, you get Michael Murray’s Digestive Summit free, along with 9 other gifts including Prescribing Probiotics eCourse.
The Addiction Summit, August 13th-19th with encore w/e from 25th
Host Dr. Paul Thomas MD, author of The Child Friendly Vaccine Schedule 2016 and The Addiction Spectrum, coming out in September 2018.
This summit focuses on solutions as Dr. Thomas has applied recovery to his own alcohol addiction and needed to seek out recovery for his wife after she became addicted to opiates after surgery. He also runs a clinic for heroin addiction recovery.
There’s a number of free gifts that come with just registering to attend the free airing of the summit next week: 3 different approaches to solutions in Deanna Minich Color Therapy and Visualisation, Julie Valenti Brain Rewiring, and Marvin Sappala 12 Steps Programs. If you are short on time I’d suggest downloading the free transcripts for these talks and taking a look at Valenti, and maybe the last half of the other two, to this list I’d have added Hypnotherapy and The Hypnosis Motivation Institute trains doctors in this too.
There’s also a 178 page ebook by Sayer-Ji on Depression, that will have a lot of nuggets I’m sure; a 7 day meal plan book that reminds people the healthy Japanese actually do eat grains; a book on sugar with a fantastic title that will break your addiction immediately 🙂 and some other stuff – take a closer look at the daily speaker schedule and the free gifts here.
Update: The summit is now into day 6 and if you are short on time then the talks to watch out for are actually Ben Lynch, Zen Honeycutt, and Joel Fuhrmann.
There has been too much of a bias towards the ketogenic diet, with some speakers quoting one ketone BHB betahydroxybutyrate as achieving a number of results, but I’ve pointed out in the comments and will do a report here later that for every one thing BHB does there can be at least 10 other ways to achieve that result without switching the body over to an unnatural state where it needs monitors and keto sticks and is afraid of food. You can also get a summary on our website facebook page.
FMU Summer Enrollment Week 2018, July 23rd-30th
This is your chance to enroll for the best priced best functional medicine course available. It is entirely online and there will be a voucher available to you exclusively on this site for $250 cash back on your tuition fees, which are already seriously low hitting around the $2k mark, compared to $16k elsewhere for the same thing – well, not quite the same as I’m enrolled in this training myself and I can tell you it is a read education presenting many conflicting view points and diets and protocols so you can have every option and every tool available to you, not just one way to do things here. And that includes things like hormones, where most fmed courses think they are progressive with ‘bioidentical hormones’ this training will not only show you those protocols but give you choices to use alternatives such as herbs. Most practitioners are not even aware more than one solution to an issue exists, but here you will hear them all.
Free sample lecture by Dr. Silverman available in the run up to enrollment, this is from an archived lecture he gave last year, it’s one of a two part series and the second lecture will be made available on July 16th.
Dr. Silverman, Leaky Gut Sample Presentation
Dr. Silverman, Leaky Gut Part 2
*Remember your $250 is only available here before you sign up for tuition, so return to this site before registering next week July 23rd-30th, if you are taking the course this semester. And note you can study it at your own pace over however long you like, and in fact it makes a good reference set of materials with or without the CFMP accreditation, so it’s open to any level practitioner as regards pure education even though the certification itself is usually for licensed practitioners because of previous course requirements, with exceptions in some countries like the UK and Ireland for certain nutritionists and health coaches.
**The guest lecture by Dr. Silverman this week on concussion and the gut to brain axis would be worth the tuition fees alone, and this as well as all guest lectures are archived for download by students.
Use the link in this voucher to register for Summer Enrollment at FMU and you’ll get $250 back on tuition fees
Check out Functional Medicine Training here
Upcoming Guest Lecture at FMU: Tues July 17th, 2018
The Impact of Concussion on the Gut- Brain Axis
Speaker: Robert G. Silverman, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, MS, CCN, CNS, CSCS, CIISN, CKTP, CES, HKC, SASTM
Concussions are one of the most hotly debated topics in functional medicine today. Research surrounding concussions has experienced significant growth recently in the areas of incidence, assessment and recovery. Protecting the brain is the blood-brain barrier, which is bi-directionally linked to the intestinal barrier. When the blood-brain-barrier is breached due to concussion it adversely affects the gut to brain axis. This presentation will highlight key enhancing dietary, exercise rehab and supplemental protocols for recovery from concussion.
Key takeaways:
- Learn about concussions impact on the gut to brain axis.
- Understand the effect nutrition plays in recovery after a concussion
- Utilize proper concussion rehabilitation methods.
- Implement nutritional protocols for concussions.
- Expertly assess intestinal and blood-brain barrier dysfunctions
Date: Tuesday, July 17th, 2018
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Eastern Time-New York Time)
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM (Central Time-Tennessee Time)
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (Mountain Time: Denver Time)
Time: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (Pacific Time- Los Angeles Time)
Time: 1:00 AM- 2:30 AM (London Time)– on July 18th
Robert Silverman is a regular at FMU and part of the advisory board, he is also one of the best speakers when it comes to explaining how things work. Always great to hear him talk. He is in big demand as a speaker.
Note: As part of the lead up to the FMU Summer Enrollment 2018, Dr. Silverman’s previously archived talk on the gut is available free to view, here is the link to the video on the FMU site but remember to come back to this site for your $250 cash back voucher on CFMP tuition fees should you enroll next week.
Toxic Effect of Leaky Gut LPS, Assessments and Protocols Pt 1 by Dr. Silverman, available free to the public for one week only
Alzheimer’s & Dementia July 23rd-29th
Host Jonathan Landsman, this is one of his annual summits, he also does an oral health summit – these are specialities of his. His focus is very much on reversing Alzheimer’s. We’ve had a couple of summits on this theme already this year, many of them focus on Ketogenic diet but that is NOT the only way people have been reversing Alzheimer’s and I personally know there are alternatives to it, let’s hope they come up at this summit! His focus is dynamic:
- How to prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia
- How to reverse it
I personally have experienced reversal of such conditions when an anaesthetic put me into something very similar to early stage Alzheimer’s, way worse than the degree of loss Terry Wahls states she experienced with her MS before she reversed it. I did not use keto, and I also am aware of an ALS group who do not use the ketogenic diet, knowing that it is not suitable or necessary for everyone.
Register for the Free Event Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit now! 🙂
Candida Summit July 9th-15th
This is an excellent topic for a summit! Because it is a lot more prevalent than people realize. The symptom range thrown up by candida is so varied and when people suddenly have fatigue issues or other strange hard to define health issues after a course or several courses of antibiotics, they don’t necessarily even think of candida, nor link their ‘new illness’ to the course of antibiotics which afterall was ‘prescribed by their doctor’ who as it turns out isn’t actually looking for it either!
Register for the event here, where you can also register as an affiliate.
Toxic Home Transformation June 25th -July 1st
Hosts Robyn Openshaw and Ryan Sternagel. This is one of the most important topics today and possibly one not spoken about enough – with a burgeoning fragrance industry that has sprung up to fill the void created after the smoking ban, now leeching into every aspect of life from the laundry to the loo, with toxic ‘Unstoppable’ chemicals not even designed to wear off inside 12 weeks on garments you wear next to your skin
– it is time to Stop the Unstoppables folks!
But if that were all we had to worry about!
- There’s EMFs
- Mold
- Formaldehyde, carpets, paints, furniture, building materials
- …it goes on and on!
However these people have a heavy focus on transforming solutions – they both have had to do so to address cancer in their own lives.
The speakers for this event include a wide array from Functional Diagnostic Nutrition to CFMP functional medicine practitioners and every shade in between:
- Some of which are FDN like Evan Brand, Wendy Myers
- Others CFMP MDs and NDs such as Jill Carnahan, Ben Lynch
- And then a bit of a free for all with everyone from Jonathan Landsman who is usually pretty high standard, to Chris Wark who is confusing in that he tends to advise people way beyond his training or experience, and having done Gerson therapy and master herbalism myself I shudder to see what he advises others on those too. Though he seems to think he’s been invited to talk about his Christ, rest assured other speakers like Pace redeem the summit with their eye opening facts on just how long house materials gas off and how the industry ‘green washes’ the ingredients to hide dangerous ones like formaldehyde, and what precisely its effects are.
Upcoming Guest Lecture at FMU, Tues 5th June 8pm EST
The Thyroid-Adrenal Connection: Understanding Metabolism and Fatigue
Speaker: Debbie Rice ND MPH (Dutch Labs)
- Understand what the Thyroid is and how it functions
- Understand what the Adrenal glands are and how they function
- Understand the relationship between thyroid and adrenal function and how this influences stress management, metabolism, mood, and fatigue.
- Discuss appropriate testing and evaluation for thyroid and adrenal function.
- Introduce other factors (nutrition, lifestyle, genetics) that influence thyroid and adrenal function
Autoimmune Secrets Docuseries May 29th-June 4th
This series is having its second launch starting May 29th:
Episode 1: Autoimmune Disease Exposed: Preventing & Beating on All of the 80+ Autoimmune Conditions – Available May 29, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 2: When Your Body Attacks: How to Win the War Against Lupus, Arthritis & Thyroid Disease – Available May 30, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 3: Missing Puzzle Pieces: Can your Mind be Restored? Exposing Alzheimer’s and dementia – Available May 31, 9 PM EST (For 48 hours)
Episode 4: The Truth About Lyme Disease, Toxins & Parasites – Available June 1, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 5: The Gut-Brain Connection – Available June 2, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 6: Autoimmune Connection with Obesity, Diabetes & Cancer – Available June 3, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 7: Essential Oils, Innovative Dietary & Lifestyle Approaches to Autoimmunity – Available June 4, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Read my review of Autoimmune Secrets here.
Upcoming Guest Lecture at FMU Tues May 22nd, by Carrie Jones
Understanding the Complexity of Estrogen Detoxification: How Genetics, the Liver, and the Microbiome Come Together
Speaker: Carrie Jones, ND, MPH (Dutch Labs)
Estrogen goes through phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification known collectively as estrogen metabolism. A healthy metabolism shunts estrogen into 2-OH-E1 and then through
methylation via COMT into 2-methoxy-E1 for proper disposal from the body. Unfortunately, if the pathway turns towards the unhealthy 4-OH-E1 or does not go through methylation,
those estrogens go on to form a quinone that can result in DNA damage and increased cancer risk. Certain enzymes, such as Q uinone Reductase and Glutathione-S-Transferase, help prevent or reverse quinone formation and can be optimized with specific dietary changes and natural products. It is also important to evaluate the gut as the microbiome has a huge influence on b-glucuronidase and the resulting clearance or reactivation of estrogen into the system. The purpose of this lecture is to review estrogen metabolism, including the genetics involved, the microbiome’s influence and discuss various treatment options to improve both phase 1 and phase 2 detox in order to help reduce cancer risk in both men and women. Cases will be included.
- Understand how estrogen (endogenous or exogenous) moves through phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification and the snps/enzymes involved in each process.
- Review the genetic snps and enzymes involved in each process.
- Discuss food sources that have been shown in the literature to improve estrogen metabolism outcomes.
- Discuss the microbiome and estrobolome and its influence on estrogen clearance
- Discuss natural therapies that have been shown in the literature to improve estrogen metabolism.
*There will be opportunities to submit questions to the speaker live or in the forum afterwards. This lecture will be available for replay afterwards for students, with transcripts.
**Note: FMU invites speakers from different backgrounds and views to discuss approaches to different conditions, there are other lectures archived that will approach this topic differently too.
Keto Edge Summit May 7-13th, Replay May 21st-22nd 2018
Hosted by David Jockers with the tagline ‘our mission is to heal’ the sad thing about this one is I know I’d have been sold the line that I needed to do a ketogenic diet with my illness if I were new to health but now I know that most of the illnesses keto claims success with are reversed by real food protocols too and that includes ALS eg Deanna’s Procotol as Deanna had tried keto and couldn’t make it work so found an alternative and I’m pretty sure there alternatives to her alternative too 😉 Other voices warning against keto are Alan Chrisitanson. At FMU multiple approaches to diet and nutritional healing are presented alongside each other for you to choose, unlike a summit like this that would have you all hyped up to do keto as some sort of superior way. However anyone already on keto must ensure they are doing it 100% properly, so this one is for you!
The 7th Annual Food Revolution with John & Ocean Robbins
It’s that time of year again, when the Food Revolution rolls into town. And with it comes the latest updates in the world of food safety, what is happening in terms of GMOs and pesticide / herbicide usage and who is doing what to help – also what you can do to help yourself and the planet. There are free guides for just signing up, take your pice whether you want to explore food and GMO’s, Cancer, or Brain health, it’s all here and the summit is very reasonably priced.
Diabetes Summit 2018, April 23rd-29th plus Encores
Host Brian Mowll has been running this summit a number of years and is very experienced. This year he has a wide variety of speakers and many of them holding opposing opinions on grains vs no grains etc but all of them getting results. You’ll hear the correct testing and referance ranges for detecting diabetes early on in time to prevent and reverse it as well as the latest scientific research vs current medical practice, and trends good and bad in the health niche at the moment. A glance at the speakers shows a wide variety right across the functional diagnostic medicine and functional diagnostic nutrition world, as well as those outside it.
FMU: Some speakers at the Diabetes Summit also guest speakers at FMU include: Mona Morstein, Jill Carnahan, Izabella Wentz, Michael Murray, Jack Wolfson, Ben Lynch, Tom O’Bryan, and Peter Osborne.
FDN: Diabetes Summit speakers associated with FDN include: Reed Davis, Evan Brand.
*Please note: lectures at FMU go beyond the material presented at the summits.
Attendee Registration: the summit airs for free this week, new speakers every day
Affiliate Registration: Affiliates may purchase under their own affiliate link, however make sure to clear your cache beforehand as you could be parented into someone else already.
Spring Enrollment 2018 is finally here! April 16th – 23rd
Not only is this your chance to sign up to the best most rounded functional medicine eduction, representing the largest set of healing modalities and treatment protocols and opinions, but courtesy of this website you can get $250 cash back if you use my voucher when signing up with FMU for the Certified Functional Medicine Practioner / CFMP training.
Click on the purple banner when you are ready to register.
Upcoming Guest Lecture @FMU by David Quig
Gastrointestinal Barriers and Permeability: Assessment and Intervention
April 17th, 8pm Eastern New York time.
Speaker: David Quig, PhD (Vice President of Scientific Support for Doctor’s Data)
“The gastrointestinal (GI) ecosystem is much more complex than even intimated by the great advances towards unraveling the GI microbiome. This presentation will highlight the critical role of the too often overlooked GI barrier systems and the incredible symbiotic interactions between the microbes and their encompassing and supportive barrier terrain. Important information regarding the integrity of the barrier system can be gleaned from a truly comprehensive stool analysis report. Indirect and direct assessment of the terrain and clinical intervention to support the barriers will be addressed.”
*Students will have the opportunity to ask questions, either on the night live or through the FMU student forum.
* All lectures archived and downloadle as video MP4, audio MP3, powerpoint slides and full transcripts afterwards
FMU Spring Enrollment April 16th-23rd 2018
Fully online functional medicine professional functional medicine certification CFMP for licensed professionals and interested parties may also enroll. Best price and most diverse range of speakers and modalities represented. Remember this website offers you $250 cashback on your tuition fees, check back from April 15th when registration goes live for your voucher or contact me via this website and leave your details.
Eat4Earth Summit hosted by Brendan Moorehead
This has a wide range of speakers from vegans such as Caldwell Esselstyn to key ketogenic players such as Joe Mercola and seeks to connect regenerative farming and how we grow our food with our health and the health of the planet including the warming of the oceans decrease our oxygen levels! He had a day devoted to cancer and another devoted to detox, as well as days geeking out on aspects of regenerative farming including CAFO cows and tree range chickens. The interview with David Wolfe was excellent, he is passionate about growing food and has some amazing tips and experience with increasing nutrition in plants.
From March 10th, replays still running beyond March 25th
Mar 6th FMU Guest Lecture: Jeffrey Moss
Dr. Moss lectured on Potassium and Sudden Cardia Death, he gave the example of his own dad whose blood chemistry panel had seemed ‘normal’ just days before he had a massive heart attack and traced out exactly where things were wrong on that. He also showed what lies behind sudden cardiac death in young athletes and so many undernourished elderly people too, for whom it is all written off as ‘just their time’ when really it was all easily preventable and gross neglect when you consider how easily it is prevented. He also gives the proper range for potassium to avoid this. All guest lectures are archived and available to FMU students to download in video, audio and transcript formats.
Mar 5th-11th Kick Sugar Summit
A different set of speakers this time, including Neil Barnard and Joel Furhman. Emphasis on the research studies into the real effects of sugar on the brain and behavior.
Mar 12th Holistic Oral Wellness Summit
Holistic biological dentists, problems with current dentistry practice exposed including the truth about ‘silver fillings’ and when or if to remove them. Connections between oral health and total health including how people restore chronic incurable illness by addressing tooth infections, root canals, cavitations, etc. Plus new developments in holistic oral care, eg probiotic toothpaste.
Feb 27th iThrive Diabetes & Obesity docuseries for 9 days
Feb 27th The Skinny on Fat
Tagline: The Truth About Weight loss.
I’ve caught the first episode, Day 1 was pro ketogenic diet. However there are a number of voices against the ketogenic diet emerging elsewhere:
- Dr. Christianson mailed his list today to say the ketogenic diet is unsafe for people with thyroid issues and other things.
- Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn has seemed against it in any previous interview I’ve heard him take part.
- There is another summit running all this week called ‘iThrive’ on Diabetes and Obesity and it is totally against both the keto and paleo diets.
All this highlights the need for proper training and a broad education in all aspects of treatment modalities, which is where FMU specializes compared to the others out there.
Feb 28th The Smart Caregivers Summit
Focuses on dementia and reversing Alzheimer’s in the Tuesday lineup, with Dr. Valdes who has a functional medicine practice.
*Dr. Valdes is pro ketogenic diet in his approach to dealing with dementia, it is not the only approach however for reversing this condition and I will be writing a review on this and other methods soon. However it highlights the need for a broad education. Dr. Valdes is studying with the Institute of Functional Medicine. I find Functional Medicine University includes guest lectures from both sides of this debate to show you all sides of the argument.
Feb 26th – Mar 5th Men’s Wellness Summit
Some really excellent talks at this event, in particular the talk by Stephen Sinatra, integrative cardiologist was outstanding. And Michael Murray was exceptional too. There were a number of topics covered as you can imagine, from heart to hormones with everything in between.
Two integrative cardiologists presented opposing views on testosterone vs ATP and heart issues in men and without doubt Stephen Sinatra wins over Decker Weiss choosing his awesome foursome as an approach to heart health instead of ‘outdated’ testosterone boosting with bioidenticals – and at Functional Medicine University training both sides of the testosterone debate are covered, leaving you with more options than presented at this summit. For example, as well as full training in the use of bioidentical hormones, there is also full training in herbal protocols that eliminate the need to use the bioidentical hormones. When cardiologist Decker Weiss says ‘his fifty something body cannot produce testosterone naturally’ what he really means and really should be saying is ‘I Decker Weiss don’t know how to get my body to produce testosterone naturally and I’m either not aware others are getting it to work with herbs or ‘… 😀
I’m currently doing a brief review on the talks by Sinatra, Weiss, Murray and Brock. Brock was functional neurology and TBIs. We have excellent lectures on this subject by court Vreeland here at FMU, in terms of explanations and mechanisms and the links between TBI and the gut.
And I always like different options when it comes to treatment. I’m aware mild Alzheimer’s and mild cognitive impairment can be reversed without the ketogenic diet, so we always need to expand our personal research and options on these things while recognizing some people out there are getting great results doing things their own way nonetheless. For example Valdes at the Smart Caregiver show was pure ketogenic across the board, but Brock here at this event doesn’t seem to be taking that approach.
Feb 20th 2018 Guest Lecture: Identifying the Fueling of Autoimmune and Muscular Pathology from Wheat, by Dr. Tom O’Bryan
We had a guest lecture this week at Functional Medicine University by Dr. Tom O’Bryan. Some takeaway points for me were:
- Doctors in the US announced in September 2017 that all children not responding to medications for epilepsy should be considered for gluten sensitivity. This accounts for half the children with epilepsy in the US, for whom medications are not working and symptoms include multiple daily seizures and developmental symptoms. However, Dr. O’Bryan also showed us another study from 1992 where scientists published that all epileptic children should be considered for gluten sensitivity even when it doesn’t show up on regular tests for celiac.
That’s 25 years of unnecessary epileptic seizures in 50% of the child epilepsy population and horrific loss of quality of life both for them and their families all because doctors are usually trailing 30 years after their own science!
2. Other points of interest were how mercury and silver go to the nucleus of the cell and set people up for autoimmune conditions. I hadn’t heard this about silver before and would like some clarification on what source of silver he was referring to here, we have the opportunity as students to ask questions in the forum at FMU which the guest speaker will answer so I’m hopping over there now to do that!
Autoimmune Secrets Docuseries Feb 20th – March 4th
A mix of functional medicine practitioners and doctors share their stories of reversing diseases that are supposed to be ‘incurable’ with conventional medicine. This series streams each episode for free for 24 hours, through 7 days, with opportunities to buy the packages if you’d like the transcripts and to be able to watch at your own pace. Register for free to view Autoimmune Secrets
Episode 1: Autoimmune Disease Exposed: Preventing & Beating on All of the 80+ Autoimmune Conditions – Available February 20, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 2: When Your Body Attacks: How to Win the War Against Lupus, Arthritis & Thyroid Disease – Available February 21, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 3: Missing Puzzle Pieces: Can your Mind be Restored? Exposing Alzheimer’s and dementia – Available February 22, 9 PM EST (For 48 hours)
Episode 4: The Truth About Lyme Disease, Toxins & Parasites – Available February 24, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)<—Excellent
Episode 5: The Gut-Brain Connection – Available February 25, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 6: Autoimmune Connection with Obesity, Diabetes & Cancer – Available February 26, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
Episode 7: Essential Oils, Innovative Dietary & Lifestyle Approaches to Autoimmunity – Available February 27, 9 PM EST (For 24 hours)
You can catch the event streaming free this week here.
Replays from Friday March 2nd to Sunday March 4th 2018.
*Please note the online summits have a mix of quality when it comes to speakers and you should always check out the origin of the sources quoted for yourself.
** Having watched the first four episodes this series definitely picks up momentum as it goes. I was a little worried at the producer Jonathan Otto who has literally written the book on ’emotional marketing’ and plays the emotional strings a bit, but by episode 4 certainly there was enough quality content to overlook the emotional stuff…
Disaster Recovery Summit – February 12th-19th
The speaker line-up for this event looks pretty familiar, you will see that happen quite a bit – it’s not that there’s a limited number of experts in the world but more a case of most of these people who get invited to the online summits belong to the same marketing mastermind group. Am I being harsh?
Well, I’m all about a good education, this event certainly is not to be missed, I’m listening in myself and there are some excellent talks. But I’d like to widen your horizons on that front.
One true expert in this field with over 20 years experience travelling to disaster hot spots globally to help people in such situations in Timothy Trujillo. He studied under Gil Boyne and does advanced courses for the American Hypnosis Association, where I’ve taken Master Hypnotist training myself.
- Timothy Trujillo’s courses for the AHA include advanced courses in Trauma Recovery Hypnosis and Emergency Medicine, available at
- And he also has some courses available on his own website for people interested in pursuing this area of mind-body medicine.
- He has a free ‘5 Minute Miracle’ audio download on his website to help disaster trauma victims snap out of fight and flight and back into the present moment.
- And he’s also written the book Tsunami Effect, about his work in this field.
Winter Enrollment Week 1 – Introducing a Turn Key Functional Medicine Practice
Week one of winter enrollment kicked off comfortably with FMU students being introduced to a systems approach:
A systems approach to the business of healing and medicine will allow you to work on your business rather than focusing all your energies working in your business.
This includes a suite of tools to support the practitioner in the flow of their office, including all the forms, questionnaires, and guidance on the booking and first patient visit all the way to order of treatment, tests, and follow up visits.
Our goal, as we mentioned, is to provide you with everything you need to basically have a turn key operation, a turnkey functional medicine practice. That is our mission and that is what we are striving to do over the next few months.
Feb 4th Encore Dirty Genes Summit
All 50 talks unlocked, if you missed a talk or three now is your chance to catch up! And if you want to purchase the summit package now is your chance while both are still available. He has an upgraded package for an extra $50 that includes some extras like a course, facebook group, Q&A. Obviously that one is time sensitive, however the entire 50 talks and their transcripts are available just themselves. Dirty Genes Summit
The Heavy Metals Summit Jan 29th – Feb 5th + encore days
The Heavy Metals Summit is still in full swing, with encore days ahead. It represents a variety of functional medicine trainings including some FDN, IFM, and some speakers who guest lecture at FMU. Day 5 is my favorite because I’ve heard Dr. Chris Shade lecture at FMU and he is just way above the rest when it comes to safe detox.
As you may know many people provoke metals by rushing into detox and make themselves more ill, critically so, including one of the hosts of this summit Jay Davidson. However for anyone who can’t afford Dr. Shade’s Quicksilver Scientific packages, bear in mind that the old naturopath and Master Herbalist Dr. John R. Christopher has an effective safe extended detox too, herbs and protocols to do the right things in the right order, available at The School of Natural Healing